
Very often, when the eye surface is not sufficiently lubricated, dry keratoconjunctivitis develops( "dry eye syndrome").

Moisturizes the eye mucosa with a special film on the surface, which forms a tear fluid on the mucous membrane.

If the film is thinned or its composition is disturbed, irritating manifestations appear, overdrying.

Eyes become susceptible to external factors such as dust, smoke, air from air conditioning, exhaust fumes, strong wind and bright sun.

Contents [Hide]
    • 1. When assigning a Cationorm?
    • 2. Composition and Form of Release
    • 3. Interaction with Other Drugs
    • 4. Side Effects of
    • 5. Price of
    • 6. Analogues of
    • 7. Reviews of

This condition is accompanied by visual fatigue, pain in the eyes and other discomfort.

Restore the natural state of the eye surface and eliminate irritation and allow special eye drops, for example, Cationorm. At the end of the article, patients' feedback is provided.

When is the Cationorm appointed?

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Kathionorm drops are used to relieve a person with dry eye syndrome.

Very often, the syndrome is accompanied by itching and irritation, tingling and sensation, as if something had got into the eye.

These symptoms can develop with a heavy eye strain, for example, when working with a computer. Or arise as a result of the influence of such irritating factors as strong wind, exhaust gases, dust, air from the air conditioner, other pollution.

How to use

The cation monitor acts on the eyes moisturizing, protecting the mucosa of various external stimuli. It is used for dry keratoconjunctivitis.

Method of application

The daily dosage of the drug is 1 drop to 4 times.

Cation mount installation is carried out in this way:

  • thoroughly wash hands;
  • tear off the protective ring with a protruding valve on the bubble cap;
  • open the vial and take the vial with two fingers;
  • deflect back head;
  • pulling the lower eyelid and looking up, drip 1 drop into the left and right eyes;
  • should be blinked for uniform distribution of the drug over the eye surface;
  • close the drug cap.

When using the drug, avoid contacting the vial with the eye mucosa to maintain sterility. The bottle of Cationorm should be hidden in a cardboard box. The drug should not be used after 3 months after the start of use.

Composition and Form of Release

The Cation Thorm Medicine contains the following ingredients:

  • oils with minerals;
  • purified water;
  • glycerol;
  • tyloxapol;
  • 188 poloxamer;
  • trishydrochloride and tromethamine;
  • tsetalkoniyaSl.

Caprionomorm is a beige color solution that does not contain preservatives. The emulsion contains the formula pH 5-7.5.Each flacon contains 10 ml of emulsion sterile liquid. The vial is stored in a cardboard package together with an emulsion.

The preparation Cationorm contains in its composition positively charged particles with an oil core. They are attracted statically to the "-" charged eye surface.

Notice - the price of eye drops Hilabak. Price overview in CIS pharmacies.

In the news( here) instructions for use on Polynadim.

Garazon Analogues!http: // kapli-dlya-glaz / garazon-pokazaniya-protivopokazaniya-pobochnye-dejstviya.html

The drug quickly spreads through the eye mucosa after instillation, having a beneficial effect on all layers of the tear film. Cationorm is well hydrated, protecting and lubricating the mucous eye, thereby quickly and for a long time alleviating the symptoms of dry keratoconjunctivitis.

In Cationorm there are no preservatives, which significantly reduces the risk of eye irritation. And also it is quite compatible with simultaneous use of contact lenses.

Eye drops Cationorms are available in a bottle with a special dispenser( dropper).It does not have preservatives in its composition and can be combined with various kinds of contact lenses.

Interaction with other drugs

No data on the interaction of Cationorm with other medications.

Side effects of

After the drops of Cationorm have been dripped, slight discomfort can be felt in the eye.


The only contraindication in applying Cationorm is excessive sensitivity to the constituent components of Cationorm. Do not use a medicine if the patient has allergic manifestations to the components.

The drug is not used in the therapy of other eye diseases. Before applying it, consultation of an ophthalmologist is mandatory.

In case of additional instillation of other eye drops, between the installations should be a break of at least 5 minutes. Cationorm can not affect the use of contact lenses and elimination for the period of installation does not require.

In pregnancy,

The use of Kathionorm drops during pregnancy is possible if the risk to the mother is higher than for the child.

Conditions and storage times

Store eye drops Cation should be kept at a temperature of no more than 30 ° C, in a place hidden from children.

Shelf life Capriornorm not more than 3 years.

After the first time the vial was opened, it can be used for 3 months.


Average price in Russia

The average price for eye drops Cationorm in Russian pharmacies is 560 rubles.

Average price in Ukraine

The average price for eye drops Cationorm in Ukraine is 190 UAH.


  1. Artelak;
  2. Defisle;
  3. Oxial;
  4. Hilo-chest of drawers.



After my long work at the computer, discomfort appeared in my eyes. The doctor said that it was a "dry eye syndrome" and attributed to Cationorm in the eye.

Kapala in both eyes 2-3 times a day, and then even rarer. Relief came in a day or two after the application. I am very pleased with their use, I recommend to everyone, since the drug without preservatives and generally well tolerated.


I have to work all the time at the computer, and in addition in the summer - air conditioning and in winter - central heating. Eyes after that became red and discomfort appeared. I turned to the doctor and he advised me to drip Cationorm. The first effect appeared after 2-3 days, the eyes really began to experience less discomfort.

I began to use fewer additional moisturizers. I drip Cationorm only 1 time in the morning and 1 time in the evening in each eye, and since the drug is compatible with other drugs, I additionally drip an artificial tear. Just want to warn you that you can not use the medicine more than 4 times a day.

Svetlana Petrovna

I work as a literature teacher in the school, and even in the evenings I like to watch TV.Therefore, discomfort appeared in the eyes. The doctor said that it was dry keratoconjunctivitis and prescribed to drip into the eyes of Cationorm. Dripped the drug in both eyes 3 times a day, and then 2, when it became easier.

Became much better the day after application. I am very pleased with their use, I recommend to all those who experience discomfort in the eyes. The drug without preservatives and perfectly tolerated. All my friends use and are very happy with them.

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