How to get rich?

I want to share with you the golden rules that you have to adhere to constantly, and about the question: " How to get rich ?"

You can forget and never ask it again, as wealth itself will find you!

So, let's get started!

How to Get Rich: Top 10 Tips!

RULE # 1: Train yourself to save!

After receiving the salary, you do not need to run headlong into the store and buy some kind of unnecessary thing-hook!

Slightly quench your impulses and desires!

It is better to put the same "unnecessary amount" in a piggy bank, and then again postpone the next salary, and then it will be possible to put these accumulated funds safely into the bank to deposit and live on interest.

Do not be a spender, think with your head!

RULE โ„– 2: Reasonably invest your money!

Some people invest their savings in jewelry( gold, diamonds), others - in real estate, land.


These options for the contribution will always be relevant, and in the price they will never fall!

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You can also come up with your own way of investing, but it should be relevant and in demand!

RULE # 3: How to get rich ?That even on your creative!

"The recipe for wealth: Learn while the rest are asleep;work while the others hang around;get ready while the others are playing;and dream, while others just wish. "

For example, try something interesting to invent, or invent!

Straighten your brains! For the original human ideas - many companies do not spare money, they immediately have this idea and buy it!

Or try to do something creative with your own hands.

For each product - there is a buyer!

RULE # 4: Try to open your personal bank account!

For example, you open a personal account in a bank and take for a habit, after each of your wages, a piece of cash to put on your account.

Or if you are a big spender, then you can write an application to the bank so that from your salary the bank deducts a small amount of your money to your personal account!

After a year of this accumulation - you will be delighted.

RULE # 5: Believe in your luck, with all your heart and soul!

Many psychologists, very simply answer the question of people " How to get rich ?", They advise them to believe in luck! And this is really a valid method!

Understand that all our thoughts are material, everything that you think and imagine after some time is realized.

Try not to think about your poor situation, try to imagine each time before going to sleep, HOW YOU BECOME A STATE HUMAN!

Begin to represent your BEAUTIFUL future life: your cozy house with a fruit garden, your favorite work, your beautiful car, your vacation 4 times a year in the heavenly places of the world - try to feel your state from the inside, believe in it!

It would also be nice if you make your personal collage of your dreams, and that on each picture you are!

Never allow yourself to say the phrase: "Eh, in order to buy one, you must first go broke!"

NEVER SAY IT, do you hear?

To ensure that luck is present on your side, you need to say this phrase: "When I'm rich, I'll definitely buy this thing!"

In order to get rich - you must first of all, a huge desire!

RULE โ„– 6: You can put the accumulated funds into stocks!

You know this saying: "Who does not take risks, he does not drink champagne!"

That's it. ..

If you have accumulated funds that you do not know where to invest - you can risk?

For example, money can be invested in stocks.

It is clear that this case is not very reliable, and risky, but only for those who know absolutely nothing about this!

If you have thinking, logic, intuition, and you have well learned a particular case, and ur own the necessary information - then go ahead!

You can break a large enough bucket!

RULE โ„– 7: Advice for lazy people - buy a lottery ticket!

This is also a kind of good chance, albeit small, but a chance!

The main belief in luck and hope!

Many people, too, at one time just bought a ticket with the words "And suddenly lucky!", And that in the end - lucky! Millionaire now.๐Ÿ˜‰

RULE No. 8: Find a job in a prospective firm!

Also, as an option for those who constantly ask the question: " How to get rich ?"

If you own specific skills and skills - then everything is in your hands!

Try to seriously approach this issue.

First of all, you need to find such a job that it would give you real pleasure, so that you do not feel yourself in the work process, but think that you just do your favorite hobby!

Secondly, you need to shovel a lot of firms on their prospects, on their terms!

Internet and people's feedback will help you in this!

And immediately think ahead, what prospect and what career advancement can you get at this firm?

Remember, no matter how good money you get in this or that job, if it does not go to your pleasure - you will constantly be annoyed, angry at all and all, and not far off and nervous overexertion!


"Being poor is bad!"But the poor have an advantage that the rich do not have. The poor have plenty of time. If time could be sold, the poor would very quickly become rich. And they spend it for nothing. ยป

RULE โ„– 9: Buy yourself a money tree!

Many of course can laugh at this point, well, laugh, but I would listen!

I explain, if you ever held a book on Feng Shui, then you will understand what is at stake.

There it is written in black and white that it is the money tree that gives your home the atmosphere and spirit of that very wealth, for this the tree is placed in the southeast corner of your house!

But in general, the main thing is the belief in that very miracle, in the fact that the tree really has a favorable effect and brings good energy - and your happiness is just around the corner!

RULE 10: Finally, make money on the Internet!

I know, I know that you will say: "It's so difficult!"

Negative thoughts - away!

And forget about such a word as "Impossible!" Everything in this life is possible!

Your skills, knowledge, ingenuity will come to your aid!

First you can start with something small and see - go or not go, and then already build grandiose plans!

Or, try a completely new and effective technique from a simple woman at retirement age: Marina Marchenko: "Swallow", or as a beginner from scratch, start earning from 7,000 rubles a day! "

Many people already earn using the developed system from Marina Anatolyevnaon the Internet, as evidenced by the large number of reviews, video messages and screenshots of electronic wallets.

If you have any questions, you can directly ask their author for email: [email protected]

So why do not you start earning money?

Maybe it's time to take a small step towards a good financial future?

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