Eye drops Optic - a substitute for natural tears

Dry eye syndrome is a fairly common problem that arises from a number of reasons.

This may be the effects of various eye diseases, negative natural conditions.

Very often it develops in people using contact lenses.

There are many effective remedies that successfully fill the lack of one's own tear fluid, and one of them is the Oppos.

This combined agent for use in ophthalmology is an artificial analogue of human tears without natural components. It has no limitations in the amount of application and duration of treatment. Patients' opinions are given at the end of the article.

    • 1. Instructions for use
    • 2. Side effects and contraindications, features of
    • 3. Conditions and periods of storage
    • 4. Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies
    • 5. Prices
    • 6. Analogues
    • 7. Reviews
    • 8.Results

Instruction for use

Form release, composition

Drips are produced in plastic bottles of 3, 10 or 15 ml, closed with protective caps. The bottle is placed in a cardboard box and is equipped with instructions.

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In the composition of 1 ml.

Essential substances:

  • Carmellose sodium 7H3SXF 10-15 type - 1.75 mg.
  • Carmellose sodium 7M8SFPH type - 3.25 mg.
  • Glycerol 9 mg.


  • Oxychloro complex stabilized( chlorine dioxide, chlorate and sodium chlorite).
  • Levocarnitine.
  • Sodium borate.
  • Erythropol.
  • Sodium Citrate.
  • Boric acid.
  • Potassium, magnesium, calcium chloride.
  • Purified water.

Pharmacological action

Opposite is a local ophthalmic preparation, its components do not have a pharmacological effect. The effect of this drug is based on the physical properties that make up its composition of substances.

Carmelose sodium of these types moisturizes the area of ​​the outer shell of the eye, improves the stability of the tear film.

Glycerol, entering into interaction with a tear fluid, promotes a more prolonged moistening of the cornea.

After instillation of the agent into the eye, the discomfort caused by the dryness of the cornea is eliminated, it is instantly moistened, and protection against drying occurs.

Assimilation, distribution and elimination

Not described.

Study of the drug in animals has not confirmed a mutagenic or carcinogenic effect, has established its lack of influence on the ability to become pregnant.

Indications for use

Used in the presence of dryness of the cornea. The so-called dry eye syndrome, which develops with eye diseases, common diseases, long-term medication, stay in dry and polluted air, wearing lenses.

How to use

Instill in a conjunctival bag from a vial of 1-2 drops, unless the doctor has given other recommendations.

Frequency of application is unlimited.

Special instructions

  • Verify the integrity of the vial and the transparency of the droplets in it, if these parameters are not used, use opaque drops.
  • Avoid touching the edge of the drip bottle to anything. After use, immediately close the vial with a lid.
  • To clarify the compatibility of lenses with droplets Opposite the specialist.

Drug Interactions

Optics do not affect the effects of systemic drugs.

Topical preparations should be used in the manner prescribed by the physician with observance of the duration of intervals between their use.

Side effects and contraindications, features of

  • Redness of eyelids and conjunctiva.
  • A few second light impairment.
  • Dryness, itching, irritation of the outer side of the eyeball.
  • Pain in the eyes.
  • Sensation of a foreign body after the century.
  • Mucous discharge from the eye. Edema of eyelids and crusts on them.
  • Lachrymation.
  • Photophobia.

For any of the manifestations, the use of the Opto should be discontinued! If symptoms increase after withdrawal, consult your doctor.


  1. Intolerance to substances in the composition of drops.
  2. Child's age( under 18 years).


In case of local target use, the overdose does not develop.

Pregnancy use

If indications are available, the optician may be assigned to a pregnant woman taking into account the possible risks of developing side effects.

For use during feeding, there are also no contraindications, because the components of the drops are not absorbed from the surface of the mucous membranes, do not penetrate into the composition of breast milk.

Effect on the ability to control the mechanisms of

The drug does not turn out to be, but if vision is clouded after application, the steering wheel of the car should be seated only after its full stabilization.

Shelf life and conditions

Shelf life is 1,5 years. The closed bottle is stored out of children's access and special temperature conditions. The open vial is stored with similar requirements no longer than 28 days.

Terms of dispensing from pharmacies

Without a prescription.


Average price in Russia - 400 руб .

Average price in Ukraine - 180 UAH .


Visimitin or "Drops of Skulachev" is a keratoprotector that cures age-related changes in the lacrimal gland, drying out the cornea of ​​the eye in "computer syndrome".Due to its antioxidant activity, the function of tear-producing cells is normalized, inflammation is eliminated, the composition of the tear film is restored.

Blue drops for eyes Inox - local remedy for moisturizing the cornea, reducing fatigue and eye irritation. The solution contains extracts of medicinal plants and hypoallergenic.

Eye drops "Oxyal" is a moisturizing drug with hyaluronic acid. The viscosity and concentration of substances in the Oxial are close to a natural tear, therefore the drops do not irritate the mucous eyes, restore the corneal cells, eliminate the symptoms of dryness and irritation.

is a drug that has a protective effect on the cornea with reduced discharge of tear fluid and at a high rate of evaporation of the tear film. Polyvinyl alcohol and povidone, included in its composition, have the properties of a lubricant, they moisturize and soften the surface of the eye, prevent rupture of tear film.

Lycontin Comfort - eliminates discomfort when wearing contact lenses of all types( toric, hard, soft), does not break their transparency, stabilizes tear film.

Vidisik is a drug with a high molecular weight hydrophilic polymer, having acidity and osmolarity similar to natural tear film. The drug moisturizes the eye surface, covering it with a protective film. The drug is indicated with a decrease in the secretion of tear fluid.

Hilo-Chest of drawers - a substitute for natural tears. Contains hyaluronic acid, similar to mucin( one of the components of tears).It moisturizes the eye surface without reducing or clouding the eyesight, increases the volume released by the tear fluid, prevents its rapid evaporation from the surface of the eyes. The risk of side effects is minimal.


About Opposite drops are negative. Patients who used them, noted the high cost and frequent strong manifestation of side effects in the form of redness, itching, burning of the mucous membranes, discharge from the tear duct of a mucoid-like fluid.

People who are faced with such problems prefer to replace the Opposite with Taufon, Deflylos, Oksial. To eliminate the allergy drip Opatanol and Lecrolin, inside take Tavegil.

For those who use the drug irregularly, its short shelf life( 28 days in open form) is very unprofitable, it becomes preferable to replace the drugs with the Komod system( Hilo-, Hilozar-Komod).

There are feedback on the relief of the eye after installation in the humidifier room.

Those who bought it abroad( in France, Romania) respond positively to the drug. They say that they use it for a long time without observing any complications and deterioration of the condition.

Results of

  • The drug is an analogue of human tears and can replace them, giving the eyes the necessary moisturizing. The use of it is local, the drops are buried in the eyes. The action on the body is not fully understood.
  • Has few contraindications, namely - children's age under 18 and individual intolerance. Before use, it is advisable to consult a specialist for advice.
  • Overdose of the drug is almost impossible. There may be side effects, such as redness and irritation of the eyes and eyelids, pain in the eyeball, tearing and itching. In rare cases, the sharpness of the vision may fall. When any negative symptoms appear, treatment with this drug is stopped.
  • Has a number of analogs, which differ markedly in composition and price, but they are no less effective. The Opposite itself is quite an expensive tool, and because of this, it is often necessary to replace it with cheaper ones.
  • Reviews about this drug are different, you can meet both positive and negative in approximately equal amounts. These eye drops are sold in any pharmacy without a prescription from a doctor.
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