The possibilities of using the popular clonidine preparation

Clopheline was invented directly for the treatment of hypertension.

That is, the drug is taken in the case of a fairly persistent increase in blood pressure.

Also included in this list is the so-called hypertensive crisis, which represents a rather rapid, and most importantly painful, course of the above mentioned disease.

With regard to the help of clonidine in case of eye problems, in ophthalmology it is used in the primary stages of glaucoma and increased intraocular pressure.

    • 1. Characteristics of
    • 2. Side effects on the human body
    • 3. Storage of
    • 4. Price in Ukraine and Russia
    • 5. Analogues of
    • 6. Patient's comments
    • 7. Conclusion

Characteristic of

Form of formulation, composition

The drug has several forms of release:

  • Tablets for oral administration. In one package there is one jar of dark glass or plastic with 10 or 50 tablets.
  • A solution intended for intramuscular injection or intravenous administration, if diluted with saline. The solution is in glass ampoules with a capacity of 1 ml, 10 ampoules per package.
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  • Eye drops in bottles with a special dropper, volume of 1.3 ml. It is this form of release used in ophthalmic practice.

The preparation contains the active component clonidine , tablets also contain auxiliary substances: magnesium stearate, potato starch, lactose.

Indications for use

Clopheline is a broad spectrum agent, it is prescribed for various diseases, namely in the following cases:

  • increase in blood pressure regardless of the cause of it, hypertension, acute myocardial infarction;
  • treatment of alcohol and drug addiction, some types of depression, a sense of fear and anxiety;
  • headaches associated with the vascular system;
  • is also widely used in ophthalmology.

Especially often Clopheline is prescribed for people suffering from open-angle glaucoma. We apply not only as a single drug, but also in combination with other drugs designed to reduce intraocular pressure.

How to use

Tablets are taken at meals or after it 2 or 4 times a day. You should drink plenty of water. Dosage and time of treatment is chosen by a specialist individually, depending on the disease and the body's response to therapy.

The solution is intravenously injected gradually with the aid of a dropper, the average rate of administration is up to 20 drops per minute. It is necessary to dilute 4 ml of the solution in 500 ml of physical solution. You can also inject intravenously up to 1.5 ml with the help of an injection. Intramuscular injection of 0.5 or 1.5 milliliters to 4 times a day.

Dosage may vary according to the indications of a specialist, especially for people who should use the drug with caution.

Glaucoma often uses eye drops. Begin the course with a small dosage of 0.25% solution, it should be instilled 2 to 4 times a day. In those cases when this does not lead to a positive effect, the dosage is increased and the instillation is carried out with a 0.5% clonidine solution.

If improvements were not seen in the first days of use, then either the drops should be discarded and replaced with one of the analogs. In special cases, 0.125% solution of the drug is used to avoid the occurrence of side effects. The duration of the course of treatment can be from one month to one year at the discretion of a specialist.

Special instructions

After instillation of drops, it is necessary to press the corners of the eyes with fingers. Clopheline can affect the quality of vision, so immediately after the procedure it is not recommended to perform work that requires eye strain, and drive transport.

Caution should be given to treatment in elderly people and those suffering from impaired liver and kidney function.

If the desired effect is not achieved within 2 days, the drops are discarded. Do not change the dosage yourself. Do not drink alcohol throughout the treatment with eye drops.

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In the article( here) eye drops from conjunctivitis.

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Ability to use with other drugs

In case the disease itself is too heavy, it is recommended that a combination of clonidine solution with some other means be recommended.

Such drugs can be dichlorothiazide, octadine, phentolamine, methyldofoy, anaprilin. But it is worth remembering that such a combination can be used only in the severe form of the course of the disease.

The use of clonidine significantly increases the effect of anaprilin and other similar agents on it. Also, the use of clonidine with many agents that are diuretic, greatly potentiates a certain effect on the body.

It is highly undesirable to use clonidine solution with a tool such as reserpine .Due to the fact that it significantly pushes the human body to a rather large sleepiness, and sometimes depression.

Side effects on the human body

After instillation of eye drops, problems such as burning and itching in the eyes, discomfort, lacrimation or dryness, lowering blood pressure, disturbing the heart rhythm may occur. In some cases, drowsiness and fatigue occur.

In case of severe side effects, it is necessary to cancel the drug and consult a specialist for a safer analog.


The drug is not prescribed when:

  • is an individual intolerance to the active substance;
  • atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels and increased arterial pressure;
  • under the age of 15 years.

It is also forbidden to drink alcohol during the course of treatment.

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In the news( link) description solkoseryla gel eye.

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Usage during pregnancy

In the period of gestation and breastfeeding, clonidine is not recommended, in very rare cases can be administered in minimal doses in combination with other drugs according to an individually selected treatment technique.

At reception it is necessary to be observed at the doctor and periodically to hand over analyzes.


Store clonidine, experts in this area are advised exclusively in a room that is protected from light. The temperature should be within no higher than 15 degrees Celsius.

And store such a drug in a place inaccessible to children. Shelf life of this drug is a time not more than 2 years. In a pharmacy, such a drug is sold only after the presentation of the prescription.

Price in Ukraine and Russia

As for the prices for these products, they are quite affordable. In Ukraine, such drops are difficult to find, approximately they cost up to 80 hryvnia .

In Russia, the price for such a drug is about 170 rubles .


Clopheline can be replaced by a large number of analogues with other active components, but with the same spectrum of action.

The price for them can vary from 50 rubles and above. Some of the most common substitutes are:

Bioptik The active ingredient is betoksolol. Sold in vials of capsules. Has more auxiliary components. Not applicable to persons under the age of 18 years. Has a more extensive range of contraindications
Betofan The active substance is the same as that of Bioptics. It is also not prescribed until age 18 and during pregnancy. Effective in the treatment of increased intraocular pressure.
Fotil Eye drops intended for the treatment of glaucoma. The active ingredient is pilocapine. Well tolerated by patients, side effects are extremely rare
Asopt Another drop used in ophthalmology. The active ingredient is brinzolamide. Has a wide range of side effects. Treatment is carried out under the supervision of a doctor.

Reviews of patients

Basically reviews about the drug are positive due to the rather high efficiency and low price. If the drug is approached, improvements occur almost immediately.

Conveniently, the fact that clonidine has several forms of release, and with each specific disease, you can choose the most suitable.

Its drawbacks include a long course of treatment, in many cases it is necessary to choose another more rapid-acting remedy.

Specialists generally speak well of clonidine, but some consider it a little outdated. Nevertheless, it continues to be actively prescribed for the treatment of eye diseases and certain other diseases.

In general, despite its notoriety, clonidine is one of the relatively safe drugs for reducing intraocular pressure. Side effects it is much less than most of the means against glaucoma, and low price provides high availability.


  1. Clopheline is available in several forms. In ophthalmology it is used in the form of eye drops.
  2. The main purpose of the drug is the reduction of intraocular pressure and the treatment of glaucoma.
  3. If Clofelin does not work within 2 days, it is stopped.
  4. The drug can not be used with a remedy like reserpine in view of the appearance of undesirable side effects.
  5. Persons under 15 years of age are prohibited from using Clophelin.
  6. Pregnant is not recommended to use this medication, and in case of emergency - it is absolutely necessary to consult a doctor.
  7. Patients emphasize high efficiency and cheap cost of the drug in comparison with analogues.
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