Chilozar-Chest of drawers - an agent for the eyes in the original container

A well-known preparation for moisturizing and protecting the surface of the eyes from dryness and irritation is the Chilozar-Chest.

In addition, it positively affects the processes of corneal regeneration.

The lack of preservatives in the composition of the drug makes it quite popular among people.

In this article, we will tell you in detail about Chilozar-Chest, when it is prescribed, what indications and contraindications to use, what value and reviews.

    • 1. Instructions for use
    • 2. Contraindications and side effects of
    • 3. Drug prices
    • 4. Analogues of drops
    • 5. Reviews
    • 6. Conclusion
    • 7. Video

Instruction for use


The maincomponents in the composition of the drug Hilozar-Komod are:

  • sodium hyaluronate in the content of 1 mg / 1 ml,
  • dexpanthenol( vitamin B provitamin) in a content of 20 mg / 1 ml.

Auxiliary substances of the Chilozar-Chemod solution are:

  • sodium dihydrogen phosphate dihydrate,
  • instagram viewer
  • sodium hydrogen phosphate dihydrate,
  • water for injection,
  • sorbitol.

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Pharmacological action of

The effect of the drug is due to its components.

Hyaluronic acid in the composition of the drug Hilozar-Komod is presented in the form of sodium salt. It is a natural substance contained in the fluids and tissues of the human body, including in the tissues and liquids of the eye. Its main property, necessary to protect the surface of the eyes, is the ability to bind water molecules.

The aqueous solution of sodium hyaluronate has the necessary viscosity and adhesive properties to the surface of the eye( i.e., adheres to the surface), whereby a pre-groove tear film is formed on the surface of the eye, which does not reduce visual acuity and is not washed off by blinking.

Dextpanthenol in the composition of the drug Chilozar-Chest enhances the moisturizing properties of hyaluronic acid,also has the ability to bind water molecules.

Chilozar-Chest is used for protection, additional moisturizing and lubrication of the cornea and conjunctiva of the eye, eliminates the feeling of discomfort, dryness, foreign body sensation, burning and eye irritation caused by many external factors:

  • environment: cold, wind, ultraviolet, cigarette smoke, contaminated air, air conditioning in cars, offices, airplanes, etc.,
  • with intensive eye strain arising from working on a computer, a camera,eperedach, driving in the dark time of the day,
  • with long-term contact lens wear.

Also, the Chilozar-Chesto drug can be used to quickly heal the front of the eye in case of trauma or minor damage to the cornea, as well as after eye surgery or laser surgery.

Form release and storage

The preparation of Hilozar-Chest is available as an ophthalmic solution.10 ml of the solution is placed in a plastic container of the Chest system, which, together with the instruction for use, is placed in a cardboard package.

Thanks to a special container device, the presence of a system of valves and tanks provides 100% leak-tightness: air from the outside does not penetrate into the container, and only one drop is squeezed out at the same speed after pressing the bottom of the container.

Those parts of the vial that are in contact with the solution are covered with a layer of silver, and this together with the hermeticity of the system ensures the sterility of the solution even in the absence of preservatives. The absence of preservatives, in turn, implies good tolerability of this product even with prolonged use.

Store the solution of Chilozar-Chest in places out of the reach of children, at temperatures up to 25 ° C.

Shelf life of Hilozar-Cheomod preparation in closed form is 2 years. After applying the product, it can be used for 12 weeks.

Use of the drug

The drug is recommended to instill in the conjunctival sac 1 drop 1-3 times during the day. Perhaps more frequent instillation of the product after consultation with the doctor, but do not use the drug more than 10 times a day. If such a need really arises, it is worthwhile once again to see a doctor.

For the correct use of the drug, taking into account its special packaging, it is worth to read the instructions for its use:

  • Before using, you must remove the cap from the vial.
  • At the beginning of the use of the product( before the first application), turn the vial and press on its bottom several times until the first drop of the agent is squeezed out. After this, the preparation is ready for normal use. For the following instillations, simply press the base of the vial once to trigger the dropper mechanism.
  • For correct application of the drug, it is necessary to throw the head slightly back, pull down the lower eyelid and squeeze one drop of the drug into the conjunctival sac.
  • After this, you need to close your eyes, so that the product is distributed evenly over the surface of the eye.
  • Then necessarily it is necessary to seal a vial tightly.

When using the Hilozar-Cheomod product, observe the hygiene rules: do not touch the dropper with various surfaces, including the eye surface, to avoid infection of the eyes in the future.

When using other eye care products, you should observe an interval of about half an hour to instill the next remedy. When ophthalmic ointments are used together with the Hilozar-Komod preparation, ointments are used only after drops. If you wear lenses, the drug can be instilled without removing them.

To make it easy to remember the date of first use, there is a graph on the container label where it can be written. If after that part of the drug remains, it should be disposed of together with the container, which assumes a one-time use.

Contraindications and side effects of

It is not necessary to use the solution of Chilozar-Cheomod in case of individual intolerance of some component of the drug. Side effects when using the drug in adequate amounts do not arise.

If, during the use of the Chilozar-Comod solution, the symptoms do not go away or even intensify, stop this medication and consult a doctor to determine the cause and selection of another drug.

Drug prices

Prices for the drug Khilozar-Komod in Russian pharmacies are 430-560 rubles, depending on the specific pharmacy and the region of sales. In online pharmacies, the drug is often cheaper.

In Ukraine, the average price for a drug is about 115 hryvnia. And there, and there from pharmacies this drug is released without a prescription.

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Analogues of drops

There are no analogues in composition and action in the preparation of Hilozar-Chest, but often as analogs are considered other preparations of artificial tears:

  • Inox,
  • Ottolik,
  • Oxial,
  • Vidisik,
  • Lycontin,
  • Natural tear,
  • Systein,
  • Vision pure tear,
  • Visomithin, etc.


In reviews about the Chilozar-Chest, the following qualities are usually noted:

  • rapidity of action, prolonged moisturizing of the cornea;
  • convenient dosing, the possibility of instillation of the drug in any situation( sitting, standing, with insufficient lighting, etc.);
  • is a pleasant gel structure that promotes uniform distribution of the drop over the entire surface of the eye;
  • no sensation of film and blurring of vision after instillation;
  • "compatibility" with all kinds of contact lenses( hard / soft, one-day / prolonged wearing).

Approximately 10% of female users indicate an additional method of application - to moisturize the skin under the eyes: droplets contain hyaluronic acid in active form and contribute to the reduction of superficial wrinkles. Are applied by easy "driving" movements.

Of the disadvantages noted, in general, a high price and inability to use the entire contents of the bottle before the expiration date. Occasionally, there are complaints of severe burning when instilled in an irritated eye with a lot of bursted blood vessels. Some users are unhappy with the conditions of storage and transportation of the drug( at a temperature of not less than + 5 ° C): such requirements exclude the possibility of carrying the drops with you in the winter cold.

Reviews of the drug can be seen at the bottom of the page.


The opinions of medical specialists and patients agree that Chilozar-Cheomod is the drug of choice for those who work at the monitor or continuously monitors the readings of the instruments. In addition, the drops:

  1. Promote the regeneration of the cornea and have a slight analgesic effect, so shown to the appointment in the postoperative period.
  2. Can be used by both people with 100% vision, and those who wear glasses or contact lenses.
  3. Are placed in a hygienic container-dispenser. Thanks to the complete sealing of the bottle, no preservatives are included.
  4. Not addictive, can be used continuously throughout life.
  5. Effective for long-term or occasional use to relieve eye fatigue and moisturize the cornea.


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