Drops of Ophthalmic - protection and moisturizing of the cornea

One of the most popular means for protecting and moisturizing the cornea of ​​the eye are Eye Drops of Ophthalmic.

If the activity of the lacrimal gland is impaired or the eyes dry out under the influence of environmental factors, the cornea may become irritated or damaged.

In this case, Ophtholik helps to increase the amount of liquid that moistens the mucous membrane, and also stabilizes the tear film on the surface of the eyes and softens the cornea.

Drops of Otopol are a solution of clear or yellowish color. Produced drug Oftolik in vials-droppers for 5 or 10 ml. Each bottle is packed in a cardboard box along with the instruction.

    • 1. Composition of the preparation
    • 2. Pharmacological action of the preparation
    • 3. Application of the preparation
    • 4. Contraindications to the use and side effects of the preparation
    • 5. Prices for the preparation
    • 6. Analogues of the preparation
    • 7. Reviews

The drug Oftolikrequires storage in a place inaccessible to children. Eye drops are stored in a protected from light and dry place at a temperature not exceeding 25 ° C.

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The shelf life of Ophthalox is 2 years. After the beginning of the application, the Ophthalic remedy is usable for a month. After this time, you should get rid of possible remnants of the product.

Drops of Ophthalmic are dispensed from pharmacies only on prescription. Before prescribing drops, discuss with the doctor the possible consequences and features of using this drug.

Composition of the preparation

As a part of Othtolik, the main components are

  • povidone in a content of 6 mg / 1 ml,
  • polyvinyl alcohol in a content of 14 mg / 1 ml.

Detailed description of the facility - Okuvait Lutein forte. Reviews of ophthalmologists, patients. Price in Russia and the CIS.

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Excipients in the preparation are

  • benzalkonium chloride,
  • edetate disodium,
  • sodium chloride,
  • water for injection.

Components in the Ophtholik formulation determine its therapeutic effect on the cornea of ​​the eye.

Pharmacological action of the drug

The agent Otorolik is keratoprotector in its action, i.e. Has a moisturizing and protective effect on the cornea. It is used when the secretion of the lacrimal gland decreases or when the tear film evaporates. The content of the preparation of polyvinyl alcohol and povidone, which possess the property of lubricant, allows to reduce reddening and irritation of the eyes.

When Ophthalmic drops come to the surface of the eye, they reduce the stress of the eye surface and reduce the risk of rupture in the tear film. The properties of polyvinyl alcohol are similar to those of real mucin, which is produced by conjunctival glands. This is why it softens and moistens the surface of the eye, and also improves the stability of the tear film.

Penetration or absorption of the drug into the deep structures of the eye, i.e. Absorption, minimum: 4 hours after instillation of 2 drops of Ophthalmic drug into each eye, the concentration of drug substances in the plasma remains below the amount that can be quantified( less than 10 ng / ml).

The drug is prescribed in the following cases:

  • , a burning sensation, discomfort and irritation caused by dry eyes,
  • with reduced lacrimal fluid as an artificial tear,
  • with dry eye syndrome,
  • in other conditions, which require moistening of the cornea.

Also, the remedy can be used during rehabilitation after laser and surgical operations on the eyes.

Application of the preparation

Ophthalmic drug may be prescribed only by an ophthalmologist. Self-medication, as with any other diseases, during eye diseases can not be dealt with.

Always wash hands before using the product. The vial with the preparation should be shaken and removed before use. Do not touch the tip of the dropper with any surfaces, including the surface of the eye, to reduce the risk of infection of the eye.

For proper expenditure of funds, you need to throw your head back, pull down the lower eyelid and drip the right amount of the remedy into the conjunctival sac. After application, the vial with the product should be tightly closed.

Drops of Ophthalmic are applied 3-4 times a day, by instilling in each eye 2 drops of the drug. The course of treatment usually lasts about 3 weeks. As treatment is also necessary to observe the specialist, to assess the onset of a possible improvement or its absence.

People who wear contact lenses should take them out when using the product and do not wear it for 20 minutes after instillation.in the preparation Oftolik contains benzalkonium chloride.

Caution is advised when using other eye preparations.its components interact in a special way with other drugs. Polyvinyl alcohol in weak acids and alkalis softens or dissolves, and in strong acids - completely destroyed.

A precipitate may form when reacting with phosphates. When interacting with borax, the solution can be converted into a gel. Povidone can also react in a special way when interacting with other substances, for example, the effectiveness of certain preservatives can be reduced when interacting with it.

Contraindications to the use and side effects of the drug

The main contraindication to the use of drops Ophthalmic is the intolerance of individual components in the formulation.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding, it is possible to use the drug if the benefit to the mother is much higher than the possible risk to the unborn child. But there are no separate data on the effect of the drug on pregnant women.

The use of this drug may be overshadowed by the occurrence of allergic reactions. In case of pain, visual impairment, eye redness after using the drug, stop using Ophtholik and consult a doctor.

If the color of the solution has suddenly changed or it is cloudy, you need to stop using Ophthalmic drops to avoid infection in the eye.

Prices for the drug

Prices for 10 ml eye drops Ophthalmic in Russian pharmacies fluctuate from 200 to 280 rubles.

In pharmacies in Ukraine, the drug can be purchased for 35-40 hryvnia.

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Analogues of the drug

Analogues of the drug are often considered other means for moistening the eye membrane, i.e.preparations of artificial tears.

Among them:

  • Ottagel,
  • Hilo-Komod,
  • Vidisik,
  • Vizin Pure tear,
  • Oxide,
  • Artificial tear,
  • Natural tear,
  • Systein et al.


There are various reviews of Otholik, which is compared with otherdrugs that help moisturize the cornea.

Some people, asking for help with dryness and irritation of the eyes, when choosing a doctor's means of choice, give preference to Drops Oftholik.

Those who use the product on a regular basis say that it helps to cope with the eye problems that occur when you work at a computer for a long time.

There are several popular means for eliminating such problems, but doctors constantly say only one thing: for healthy eyes, drying is not typical.

Therefore, if you constantly experience a burning sensation, dryness, irritation of the eyes, you should consult your doctor to determine the specific cause of these symptoms. Probably, it will allow to establish the diagnosis and in time to begin treatment of disease.

You can read the product reviews at the bottom of the page.

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