Combined drops for eyes Maxitrol against inflammation

Maxitrol is a combined ophthalmic drug that has antibacterial, anti-allergic and anti-inflammatory effects. A wide spectrum of bactericidal action is provided by the glucocorticosteroid and two antibiotics that are part of the drug.

Useful properties

Eye drops Maxitrol is a combination drug containing antibiotics neomycin and polymyxin B, as well as glucocorticosteroid dexamethasone.

Thanks to the combination of active ingredients, antibacterial, antiexudative, anti-allergic and anti-inflammatory effects of the drug are provided.

    • 1. Useful properties of
    • 2. Indications for use
    • 3. Instruction for use
    • 4. Contraindications
    • 5. Specific instructions and safety precautions
    • 6. Price
    • 7. Analogs
    • 8. Reviews

The bactericidal actionMaxitrol extends to streptococcus, Staphylococcus aureus, conjunctivitis pathogens, diphtheria, klebsialy, Escherichia coli, hemophilic rod, Proteus, Enterobacterium, Pseudomonas aeruginosa.

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Dexamethasone shows anti-edematous and desensitizing action, actively suppresses inflammation.

With topical application, the product is almost not absorbed and does not enter significant amounts in the systemic bloodstream.

Indications for use

The agent is used to treat inflammation of the anterior parts of the eyes and its appendages - keratitis, conjunctivitis, keratoconjunctivitis, blepharitis, blepharoconjunctivitis, iridocyclitis caused by microorganisms that are sensitive to the action of Maxitrol.

The drug is also prescribed for the prevention of infectious complications in surgical procedures or injuries of the eyeball.

Pay attention - the price of Cyclomed. Reviews and analogues.

The article( here) reviews about eye drops Midratsil.

Analogues of Irifrin!http: // kapli-dlya-glaz / irifrin-opisanie.html

Instruction for use

Before assigning a remedy to the patient, it is necessary to determine the sensitivity of the microflora to it, which caused the disease in the patient. Usually prescribed 1-2 drops of funds in the conjunctival sac of the affected eye.

In severe cases, drops can be used every hour, reducing the number of doses as the symptoms decrease. For mild forms of infection, drops are used 4 to 6 times a day.


Contraindications to the use of Maxitrol are:

  • viral and fungal infections;
  • tuberculosis;
  • varicella;
  • smallpox;
  • purulent blepharitis;
  • purulent inflammation of the conjunctiva;
  • hypersensitivity or intolerance to any component of the drug.

Treating patients with cataract or glaucoma with this drug requires caution.

Maxitrol is not recommended for use in the treatment of women during pregnancy and lactation, as well as for the treatment of children.

Side effects of

Local side effects. Allergic reaction, accompanied by conjunctival hyperemia, swelling of the eyelids and itching. Side effects of caused by the steroid component: posterior subcapsular cataract, increased intraocular pressure, delayed wound healing.

Topical use of steroids with thinning of the sclera or cornea can cause their perforation.

Secondary infection can develop as a result of the use of combined medicines containing antibiotics and glucocorticosteroids.

Prolonged use of steroids can trigger the occurrence of fungal diseases of the cornea, which is evidenced by the appearance on it of non-healing ulcers. Secondary bacterial infection usually develops due to the suppression of the protective reaction of the body.

Drug Interaction

Interactions with other medicines are not described. If there is a need for simultaneous application of drops for Maxitrol's eyes with other agents for topical use in ophthalmology, a pause of at least 10 minutes should be maintained between their use.

Special instructions and safety precautions

It is recommended that the vial be shaken every time before use. After opening the bottle the drug can be used for one month.

Patients using contact lenses should be removed and installed before using the drug for at least 20 minutes, as the components of the drug are capable of interfering with the transparency of the lenses.


In Russian pharmacies eye drops Maxitrol can be bought on average for 440 rubles. In pharmacies in Ukraine, the average cost of this drug is 130 hryvnia.


Tebrix, Dexona, Teorazon, Betagenot, Sofrax, DexaTobroth, Garazon.



This remedy was prescribed to me by an ophthalmologist, who discovered my conjunctivitis. I did not want to go to the doctor for a long time, but circumstances eventually forced me. It all began almost imperceptibly - a slight itch and burning, reddening of the proteins.

At first I thought it was because of the computer, but when the whites were completely red, and my eyes did not stop watering, there was nowhere to go.

I bought eye drops in the pharmacy Maxitrol - 5 milliliters for 280 rubles. It was easy to use the remedy, it was facilitated by a rather convenient bottle. To get the result, I needed to drip one drop into each eye every two hours for two weeks.

I noticed a positive effect immediately after instillation, but it did not last long - only about one hour. Drops removed the main symptoms - the sensation of sand in the eyes and burning, reddening of the proteins.

As a result of using the drug for a week the condition of the eyes improved, I buried them less often, because I simply forgot about my problem. At the end of the course of treatment, everything disappeared and still nothing hurts.

Because the drug ran out very quickly, I had to buy two bottles for two weeks. The medicine is expensive, but effective.


Not so long ago I had to stand for a while in a draft. A sad result did not make you wait and was manifested in the form of two barley on the lower and upper eyelids. I think that many will agree with me - this is a very unpleasant phenomenon.

Naturally, I went to the hospital, where the doctor appointed me to use eye drops Maxitrol one drop three times a day for a week. This drug is combined and has an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect.

Please note - instructions for use of Opatanol. Reviews and analogues.

In the news( link), the price of eye drops Sulfacil Sodium.

Instruction for droplets Systein Ultra!http: // kapli-dlya-glaz / sistejn-ultra.html

It's clear that these two barley brought me huge inconveniences, and I bought the drops with the hope that they would help get rid of this problem. To dribble their beginnings immediately upon arrival home.

After about two hours, my eyes reddened even more, and even started to itch. Feelings are still, if all this added to the already existing problem - the eye itches, and it hurt to scratch. So I went to the ophthalmologist again. He told me: "What did you want? An allergy can be on any drug, "and prescribed another treatment.

When the same drops were prescribed to my daughter, I did not risk it, and, explaining the situation, I asked to prescribe another medicine.

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