Quinax is a drug of the metabolic group

Instruction for the use of the drug Kvinaks

Quinax is a drug that is used in the treatment of cataracts. Cataract - a disease in which the lens becomes cloudy, resulting in visual acuity decreases.

Unfortunately, cataracts are one of the most common processes that accompany the biological aging of the body.

The quality of life of people suffering from cataracts deteriorates noticeably as vision falls.

    • 1. Instructions for the use of the drug Kvinaks
    • 2. Average cost of eye drops
    • 3. Analogues of ophthalmic solution
    • 4. Testimonials of patients who tried the preparation

The use of this ophthalmic solution can promote the effective resorption of protein opaque crystalline compounds thatprovoke a decrease in visual acuity.

This process is due to proteolytic enzymes( enzymes).Quinax activates enzymes that are contained in the moisture of the anterior chamber of the eye.

Eye drops are an antioxidant. Ophthalmic solution protects the lens from the negative effects of free radicals.

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What is the price of the Oxial in Russia and CIS countries? A detailed description of these eye drops.

In the news( here) about vitamins for the eyes Okuvait Lutein.

Instruction for Vidisik!http: //moezrenie.com/lechenie/ kapli-dlya-glaz / vidisik-kapli.html

Ophthalmic solution contains:

  1. Dihydroazapentacen sodium polysulfonate.
  2. Boric acid.
  3. Sodium borate.
  4. Sodium hydroxide.
  5. Methylparaben.
  6. Propylparaben.
  7. Thiomersal.
  8. Hydrochloric acid.

Quinax is produced in bottles with a Drop-Teiner dispenser with a capacity of five, ten and fifteen ml.

Quinaks used from three to five times a day, instill in the affected eye for 1-2 drops of solution. The drug is instilled in the conjunctival sac.

Quinax is excellent for long-term use. It should be noted that short-term or interrupted drug treatment results can not give.

The use of Quinax may have a rapid effect, however, upon improvement, drug interruption is not recommended.

Quinax eye drops should be stored in a dark place, at a temperature not exceeding 25 ° C.Like any medicine, the drug should be kept in a place that is not accessible to children.

Shelf life of the unopened vial of the drug is 2 years. An open drug can be kept and applied for a month.

Eye drops Quinax is a solution of a purple-red color.

During instillation, care should be taken to prevent the pipette from touching any surfaces, to prevent germs from entering the dispenser.

Quinax is an effective remedy in the fight against cataracts. The opinions of users who have ever tried this drug can be read at the end of the article.

Useful properties

The drug Kvinax refers to the metabolic group of drugs.

Ophthalmic solution:

  • Regulates the processes of metabolism in the tissues of the lens, the anterior chamber of the eye.
  • Activates proteolytic enzymes that are contained in the moisture of the anterior chamber of the eye.
  • Stimulates the resorption of protein complexes, inhibiting the formation of quinoid compounds.
  • Increases the clarity of the lens, improving vision.
  • Has antioxidant effects and protects the sulfhydryl groups of the lens.

The drug can be used if there are signs of any of the cataracts:

  • Congenital .
  • ( signs of senile cataract appear with age. The initial signs are formed after reaching a man of 50 years, whereas the majority of people in old age have an unfortunate fact - loss of visual acuity
  • Traumatic .
  • Secondary .

Quinaks can be administered to children, however, it should be remembered that adequate and controlled studies on the safety of the drug for children have not yet been carried out.

In addition, it is possible to prescribe a drug onlywhen there is confidence that the therapeutic effect achieved will outweigh all possible unaccounted risks when taking the medication

Contraindications to the use of the drug Quinaks

No long-term adverse effects have been observed with the use of Quinax

The drug is not recommended for use in hypersensitive patients or if availableallergic reactions to the components that make up the eye drops.

Quinaks are not recommended for pregnant and lactating mothers, as there is no data on the safety of the drug and its effect on this category of patients.

Interactions of eye drops with other medications have also not been identified.

It should be remembered that when using Quinax eye drops, it is not recommended to wear contact lenses. Contact lenses for the time of instillation of drops should be removed. They can be worn only after half an hour after the treatment.

After instillation of Quinaks, temporary visual impairment may occur - in this case, the patient should not engage in activities that require a certain visual acuity.

Read more - informative instructions for Vizin pure tear! All information about this drug, what are its useful properties and contraindications? What does the patient say about him?

In the article( link) about what Systemin Ultra is. Ointment or drops and why they are prescribed.

Average cost of eye drops

The average price of eye drops Quinaks in Russia is currently about 370 rubles. In drugstores of Ukraine the drug costs from 120 to 160 hryvnia.

Eye drops in pharmacies are only available on prescription, so you should first consult an ophthalmologist.

Analogues of ophthalmic solution

Analogues of eye drops Quinaks are eye drops:

  1. Taufon. Eye drops of a broader spectrum of action, advantageously different from other preparations of this type, low price.
  2. Emoxipine. Antioxidant. Use with other eye drops is not recommended.
  3. Catalin. A drug that is used in the treatment of diabetic or senile cataracts.
  4. Oftan Katachrom.
  5. Vita-Yodourol.
  6. Crystalline.
  7. Ujjala. A tonic for the eyes, which is used for cataracts.

Reviews of patients who tried the drug

People, satisfied with the drug and its action, argue that the eye drops of Quinaks not only improve and sharpen the vision, but also contribute to stress relief, which arose due to a long work in the office and at the computer.

Quinax is often used alternately with other drugs.

Users note that it is combinations of drugs that give good results.

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