Cipromed - eye drops instant action

There are millions of microbes and bacteria around us all the time.

Some of them are of benefit to us, other harm, causing illnesses and ailments.

Eyes can also be exposed to the negative effects of microscopic organisms that can completely ruin our vision.

Cipromed is an antimicrobial agent used for topical application in ophthalmology.

These eye drops have shown good results in the treatment of bacterial eye damage, and the low price makes them widely available.

    • 1. Instructions for use
    • 2. Contraindications
    • 3. About analogs and price
    • 4. Review of reviews
    • 5. Conclusion
    • 6. Video

Instruction for use

Form release

Eye drops 0.3%Cipromed is produced by 5 ml in bottles of dark glass or in plastic sterile bottles-droppers.

Inside is a sterile, clear solution, colorless or with a yellowish tinge. According to the instruction, the active substance is ciprofloxacin hydrochloride.

Composition of

One milliliter of eye drops of Cypromed contains such substances:

instagram viewer
  • 3 milligrams of ciprofloxacin hydrochloride;
  • sodium edetate;
  • sodium hydroxide;
  • benzalkonium chloride;
  • sodium chloride;
  • lactic acid;
  • purified water.

Indications for use

  • Infectious inflammatory processes in the eye and its appendages,
  • acute and subacute conjunctivitis,
  • dacryocystitis,
  • anterior uveitis,
  • keratitis,
  • blepharitis and other eyelid diseases,
  • treatment and prevention of infection after surgery on the eyeball.

Read further - instruction for Systemin Ultra. Description and reviews about this drug.

In the news( info here) about analogues of Vizin Clean Tears.

Price for eye drops.http: // kapli-dlya-glaz / sredstvo-oftolik.html

With what bacteria is fighting?

This is an antibacterial preparation with a broad bactericidal effect. Its activity extends to:

  • Staphylococci,
  • Escherichia coli,
  • gonorrhea,
  • streptococci,
  • diphtheria bacteria,
  • bacteroides,
  • legionella,
  • gardnerella,
  • strains showing resistance to other antibiotics.

Cipromed has an effect on microorganisms not only in the stage of reproduction, but also at rest.

With local use, it shows low toxicity. The remedy comes into effect after 10 minutes. The time of its antibacterial effect is from 4 to 6 hours.

How to use

The purpose of Zipromed is exclusively for local use. Adult patients and children, after the age of one year, are instilled into the eye conjunctival sac approximately once every 4 hours, one or two drops. The frequency of use may vary, depending on the nature and severity of the inflammation:

  1. In the state of bacterial conjunctivitis , as well as ulcerative, scaly and simple blepharitis, drops are prescribed 4 to 8 times a day. The therapy lasts 5-14 days.
  2. Treatment of keratitis requires the use of drops at least 6 times a day. The timing of procedures is determined by the degree of eye damage. On average, it is 2-4 weeks.
  3. In case of lesions caused by Pseudomonas aeruginosa , the agent is prescribed 8-12 times a day. The usual duration of treatment is 2-3 days.
  4. The anterior uveitis are treated by instillation drop by drop 8-12 times a day.
  5. Therapy for acute dacryocystitis and canaliculitis consists in the administration of drops 6-12 times a day. In the chronic stage - from 4 to 8 times.
  6. In order to prevent secondary infection after damage to the eye the agent is prescribed up to 8 times a day by drop. Duration of use is 1-2 weeks.
  7. After the operation of eye injury , for the purpose of prevention, Assigned by drop 4-6 times a day. Use of the drug is calculated for the entire rehabilitation period from 5 days to a month.

In the case of , the bacterial corneal ulcer is followed by a strict treatment regimen:

  • First day. Within 6 hours of 1 drop every 15 minutes, then every half hour for 1 drop( during wakefulness).
  • The second day. During the waking hours every 1 drop.
  • From the third to the fourteenth days - every 4 hours for 1 drop( when awake).

If after two weeks of treatment epithelization has not occurred, therapy should be continued.

The drug is stored at room temperature for 2 years. The depressurization of the factory packaging reduces the storage period to not more than 1 month.

Interestingly: correctly open the bottle

Do not cut anything. The bottle should not be turned in the direction of opening, but in the opposite direction. The cap has a sharp tip that pierces the hole. It's very convenient to use.


The drug is contraindicated:

  • for children under the age of one,
  • for pregnant and lactating women,
  • for individuals with intolerance to fluoroquinolones.

Side effects of

As a result of the use of Cipromed, undesirable effects are possible:

  • short-term burning,
  • soreness,
  • pruritus,
  • allergy,
  • eyelid edema,
  • lacrimation, etc.

According to some reviews( which are listed at the end of the article) immediately after instillation of Cipromed inthe mouth may taste bad. According to other information, the drug sometimes slows down the psychomotor reactions.

This property should be taken into account by persons engaged in activities requiring concentration of attention.

In the appointment of Cypromed, the use of soft contact lenses in which the components of the preparation are deposited should be ruled out, which is dangerous for the eyes.

The drug is not compatible with drugs having an acidity level of pH 3-4.It also can not be combined with chemically and physically unstable substances. When using other means of ophthalmology in parallel, the pause between them should be at least 5 minutes.

About analogues and price

In Russia, Cipromed can be purchased at an average price of 155 rubles.and below, in Ukraine it costs 30 UAH.

What is the price for eye drops Quinaks in Russia and Ukraine? What useful properties and contraindications do these drops have?

The article( link) describes the instructions for using Oftan Kathahroma. Why is this drug prescribed? Drugs with a similar effect are:

  • Levomycetin,
  • Normax,
  • Toborex,
  • Floxal,
  • Oftakwix,
  • Sulfacil Sodium,
  • Albucid.

Overview of reviews

Most reviews about eye drops are positive. Patients note the convenience of using this drug, the almost complete absence of discomfort during its use, as well as high efficiency. According to them, the symptoms of diseases disappear on the second day of treatment. Another advantage of these eye drops patients call their affordable cost.

However, some patients note such unpleasant side effects from the use of Cipromed, like severe throat swelling and allergic manifestations. That's why before using the drug, you need to consult a doctor, since this medicine has certain contraindications. During the use of Cipromed, patients should strictly adhere to the treatment regimen prescribed by the doctor.

Examples of

Tamara .Barley was brewing. In the morning my eyes itched and swelled. At us in a first-aid set there was Tsipromed. I immediately dripped, and by evening everything was normal. Excellent drops, act simply instantly.

A bottle in 5 ml is sparingly consumed. And the price is acceptable( bought for 110 rubles.).

Vera .From the mascara for eyelashes, I developed a severe allergy, and then blepharitis. Vessels burst, eyelids swelled and reddened. The ophthalmologist prescribed the drops of Tsipromed and prescribed the instillation five times a day. Immediately I ran into a small problem.

In a hermetically sealed bottle, you need to cut off the tip. It is round, and it is inconvenient to cut. Somehow I managed it. And it's not very convenient to drip - you press on the bottle, and more than one or two drops pour out.

But the result is wonderful. First there was a strong burning sensation, which quickly passed. From the first instillation, eyes no longer tear. A couple of days, the edema completely subsided. The red did not last about five days. In general, blepharitis was cured in a week. A great tool! Now I sometimes use it if my eyes become irritated after washing. The effect is instantaneous.


  • Cipromedom is an antimicrobial drug used in ophthalmology.
  • It comes in the form of drops for the eyes.
  • Sometimes the use of Cipromed can lead to unpleasant side effects.
  • These drops can not be used to treat children under one year old, as well as pregnant and lactating women.
  • There are medications that, after consulting a doctor, you can replace Cipromed.
  • Patients note the high effectiveness of Cipromed.


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