Reviews about Wildberries on Yandex. Market. Should I buy on Wildberries?

Find out what comments are left on the Yandex. Market about the online store Wildberries.


Yandex. Market is a site where you can get acquainted with the opinion of buyers of the store Wildberries aboutquality of goods and services, and leave your feedback if you want.

Reviews about Wildberries on Yandex. Market

Otzovik on Yandex. Market is a very convenient service for both newcomers to Internet shopping and for experienced buyers. Reviews of stores such large and famous as Wildberries, or small ones whose name is not on hearing, help create an idea about:

  • of the same quality products there are sold
  • do they meet the given cost
  • what are the shipping terms, what will be about its costfor individual
  • regions how much professional service the store has, whether it contacts with its customers in the process of concluding the
  • instagram viewer
  • transaction, whether there are often disputes about the quality of the product or service, whether the store is onI hit the buyer in the process of resolving them

IMPORTANT: If you want to read reviews about the clothing store Wildberries, you need to go to Yandex. Market and enter the search query " reviews".

On the Yandex. Market more than 14 000 reviews about the store Wildberries.

The search engine will give you more than 14 000 reviews, which you can sort by:

  • date
  • evaluation
  • utility
  • rated

It should be said that the reviews on Yandex. Marekte about the WILDBERRIES.RU store are quite informative. They can be left only by authorized users.
The feedback consists of:

  • the advantages of the store
  • of the store
  • store drawbacks
  • buyer's comment of the store rating - the number of stars delivered by the buyer to the

store. Yandex. Market offers its users to describe in detail their experience of interaction with Wildberries, to tell how they were serviced in selecting the product,, how the store behaved if there was a need to return.

IMPORTANT: The maximum number of stars that a buyer can assign to a store in the Yandex. Market call is five. Rating Wildberries at the moment - 4 stars( Good store).

Рейтинг Weidberry on Yandex. Market - 4 stars.

What they write on the Yandex. Market about the store Wildberries

Judging by the rating, most buyers of Wildberries were satisfied with the cooperation with him. Advantages of the online store they call:

  • affordable price
  • free shipping
  • delivery speed
  • possibility of fitting
  • large assortment of goods
  • availability of discounts
  • correspondence to the goods pictures and descriptions
  • affability and communication skills of store employees, other

Among the shortcomings described both in the negativeand in positive reviews about Wildberries, are marked:

  • products with
  • discarded packaging of goods
  • frequent changes in the price of goods on the site
  • incompetence of employees of self-delivery points
  • non-compliance of couriers
  • incompetence of support workers, other

Read here that in an article or directly on Yandex. Market, that Internet users write about the Wildberries store.

Positive feedback about Wildberries on Yandex. Market: Example 1.
Positive feedback about Wildberries on Yandex. Market: Example 2.
Positive feedback on Wildberry on Yandex. Market: Example 3.
Positive feedback on Wildberry on Yandex. Market: an example4.
Negative review of Wildberries on Yandex. Market: Example 1.
Negative review of Wildberries on Yandex. Market: Example 2.

IMPORTANT: If after reading the reviews you decided on purchases on, the article "How to make and place clothes for Wildberries step by step? How to buy on Wildberries? "Will help you register and make your first order.

VIDEO: Feedback on the online store Wildberries( Wildberries)

  • Mar 08, 2018
  • 18
  • 199