The main causes of blurred vision and blindness are dystrophic diseases of the eye.
In connection with the tendency of the spread of visual dysfunctions, including in young people, the actual task of ophthalmology is the search for medicines intended for the safe effective therapy and rehabilitation of patients.
Useful properties
Biogenic peptides occupy a worthy place in ophthalmology, the first studies of this group of drugs began in the 80's in the Soviet Union. The group of water-soluble biogenic peptides is Retinalamine.
Action Retinalamin:
- improvement in metabolism in ophthalmictissues;
- improved functioning of cell membranes;
- normalization of intracellular protein synthesis;
- regulation of lipid peroxidation;
- optimization of energy processes.
The drug gently stimulates the cellular elements of the retina and photoreceptors, improves the functional interaction of the segments of the photoreceptors. In the presence of dystrophic changes it helps to speed up the recovery processes of the photosensitivity of the retina.
Against the backdrop of these changes, the normalization of vascular permeability occurs, activation of reparative processes in retinal injuries and eye diseases is observed.
During the experiments with the drug Retinalamin in the period 2006-2007, its following characteristics were revealed:
- high cytoprotective activity;
- increased proliferation;
- stimulates the conversion of neurons into stem cells.
The latter contributes to the restoration of vision and to ensure the connection of cells with neural tissues of the brain. Protective effect is observed before and after oxidative stress, as Retinalamine demonstrates the therapeutic and preventive potential.
Please note - instructions for use on Riboflavin. Also in the news reviews about the drops.
The article( link) describes the use of Actovegin.
Analogues of Korneregel!http: // glaznye-mazi / korneregel-opisanie.html
During the experiments with Retinalamin it was revealed that in patients with glaucoma after application of the drug, the objective and subjective functions of the visual analyzer are improved. The effect from use increased gradually, a month after the treatment course, the main indicators were higher than the baseline, and even exceeded the results immediately after the end of therapy.
The maximal effect was revealed in case of parabulbar and combined application, during the study of visual functions six months after the therapy, the need for the repeated course of taking the drug after 6-12 months was revealed.
Indications and contraindications
The reception of the drug Retinalamine is indicated in the following diseases:
- diabetic retinopathy;
- peripheral / central taperotorhinal abiotrophy;
- post-inflammatory and post-traumatic dystrophy of the retina;
- glaucoma.
In other words, the drug is indicated in diseases of the retina of a variety of etiologies.
The drug is not recommended for hypersensitivity to its components, individual intolerance and pregnancy.
Instruction for use
The drug is administered intramuscularly / parabulbarly once a day for 5 to 10 mg, the reception continues for 5 to 10 days. After 3-6 m at certain indications a repeated course of treatment is carried out.
Before injection, it is necessary to prepare a solution: Retinalamine is mixed with 1-2 ml of novocaine solution with a concentration of 0.5%, isotonic sodium chloride solution, special water for injection. Under steady-state conditions, Retinalamine can be administered intramuscularly.
Application of
Complex treatment shows a high therapeutic effect:
- increases visual acuity;
- there is an expansion of peripheral boundaries;
- observed improvement in retinal tomography;
- stabilizes visual functions;
- 1,5-2 times the period of inpatient treatment of patients is reduced.
As a result of twenty years of research, the drug was found to be highly effective in patients suffering from ophthalmic pathology of varying degrees of patients. There are several ways of its introduction( intramuscularly, into the subtenon space and parabulbar).
Advantages of using Retinalamine in the treatment of optic nerve and retinal pathology:
- targeting;
- tissue specificity and high trophic potential;
- effects on the pathogenesis of dysfunction;
- no toxic effects and other side effects;
Retinalamine is commercially available as a white powder or a porous mass. Analogues of the drug include Fakovit, Uzala, Emoxipin, Flavonoid. Cortexin can also be referred to analogues.
The price for Retinalamine in different pharmacies and regions is different, the cost is formed taking into account the price policy of each company and the cost of transportation to remote cities.
In Russia, the price of packing 10 bottles 3472-4513 rubles, in Ukraine 1452.00 - 2125.20 UAH.
Special instructions
The drug should be used only on prescription, the prepared solution must be used immediately, its storage and subsequent use is unacceptable.
Solution Retinalamine should not be mixed with other medicinal solutions. There are no specific features when introducing the first dose of the drug, as well as stopping its intake. It is not recommended to enter a double dose of Retinalamin, if you had to miss an injection, you need to restore it in the prescribed mode.
There are no requirements and precautions for the disposal of unused medications, there are no restrictions on taking the drug when controlling mechanisms and vehicles. The drug does not lose its properties for 36 months.
Read more - instructions for use on emoxipine. Description of eye drops.
In the news( link) reviews about Квинаксе.
Price for eye drops Tsipromed!http: // kapli-dlya-glaz / tsipromed-kapli.html
Scientific researches on patients were carried out for 20 years, there is documentary evidence of high effectiveness of the drug, due to which it was widely used.
The Internet also has a large number of reviews on the drug, some of them can be read below.
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