How can I replace the lens solution?

Lenses help the eyesight of a person, giving it greater acuity and the ability to get rid of blurry images.

In doing so, they need proper care, since the hydrogel( the material of the device) has an aqueous layer that tends to dry out.

Storage of lenses at night should be carried out in a special container containing a multipurpose solution.

But those people who live an active life, do not always carry with them special boxes for lenses, as well as liquid for them.

The question arises, what to do in this case, how not to spoil the lens? In this article, we will reveal the secrets of what can replace the solution for preserving the lenses in the "field conditions."

Contents [Hide]
    • 1. About
    • 2. What can I replace?
    • 3. Why it is not desirable to use such storage options for a long time?
    • 4. Conclusion
    • 5. Video

About solution

The solution performs an extremely important function of preserving the lens - it returns to its original state, that is, it feeds. In addition to the solution, the task is to decontaminate, to clean the lenses from extraneous bacteria. Solutions that combine several functions at the same time are called multipurpose.

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It is strictly forbidden to store lenses without a solution, since already in a few hours the hydrogel will lose its elasticity, and the water layer will be depleted. Then the material will become rigid and it will not be possible to restore it any more, it is necessary to buy new lenses.

To understand what can replace the solution, you should know its composition, some components are available at home:

Composition of salt and acid

The key components for the preservation and restoration of soft lenses. Thanks to the elements, it is possible to maintain the proper size of the device and the amount of moisture in the hydrogel.

Each solution attempts to simulate a lacrimal fluid that includes the ideal proportions of the required

components. Surfactants

Due to the active action of the substance, the lens cleaning function is performed.

Immediately after the application of the lens, dust, lacrimal fluid, protein deposits and other foreign components enter them.

Surfactants will help to clean the device of unnecessary and moisturize contact lenses( CL).

Even considering the efficiency of the component, manufacturers recommend manually cleaning the device


Perform the disinfection function. In the world an incredible amount of bacteria, fungi, parasites and other, not all of them are useful. The purification, destruction and localization of such bacteria falls on these substances.

Therefore, the solution can not be used twice because it already absorbed organic residues

Conditioning element It is used for lubrication of lenses and their moistening. The last, mandatory element that retains the correct state of the CR, so they are maintained in a usable state. Hyaluronic acid

is often used. All these properties are extremely important for lenses, otherwise you will have to face undesirable consequences.

What can I replace?

If there is no multipurpose solution, you should choose another one that can be obtained at home.

The selected composition can not be called a worthy alternative, rather temporary, used as a last resort.

It is necessary to consider the compositions most suitable for components with a solution. To more or less suitable substitutes are:

  • salt water;
  • saline solution;
  • eye drops;
  • saliva;
  • distilled water.

Important! In the absence of a solution, many people prefer not to remove the lens, even taking into account the discomfort. Such an action is extremely undesirable, since it irritates the eyes and sleep can become difficult. Nevertheless, it is recommended to remove the lenses and put them in an alternative solution.

The list is presented as the effectiveness of the method decreases, it is better to use the first 3 options. We will analyze each of the proposed options.

Salt water

It uses a saline analog, only cooked at home. Beforehand, it should be noted that such a replacement is somewhat dangerous because of the possible change in lens dimensions. First of all, it concerns silicone-hydrogel variants, they can swell somewhat from water.

To obtain it, you need:

  1. 9 g of salt, you need to measure it as accurately as possible, it should be clean, free of impurities.
  2. 1 liter of water.
  3. Tightly closed container.
  4. Cooker.

Basic ingredients can be found in almost any home, which makes the method popular. Nevertheless, here there are several nuances that will help make the composition as efficient as possible:

  • should not use tap water, it needs filtered, in the case of soft models, and rigid ones require cold, tap water;
  • the salt content should not be excessive;
  • this solution is used only as a temporary means;
  • the container must be tightly closed so that the ventilation of the air is minimal.

So, to prepare the liquid should be:

  1. It is necessary to sterilize the container not only with the help of a detergent, but also boil on fire. The same applies to all instruments that come in contact with lenses, for example a spoon for stirring;
  2. Add 100 ml of filtered water to the container.
  3. Step by step, in small volumes, add salt. Each subsequent portion falls down only after the previous one has been resorbed.
  4. Chill the cooled liquid into a prepared container. Lenses should be mechanically cleaned and placed in a solution. Close the tank fairly tightly.
  5. If possible, the lens should be placed in the solution for at least a short time. Also, use the device with extreme care, if there are abnormalities or discomfort to the eyes, you must immediately remove the device.

solution If there is an opportunity to purchase saline solution, this will be a much better solution than preparing its alternative. Previously, it was this solution that was used very often, now it is quite suitable, as an alternative.

To keep the lenses in saline solution:

  1. Sterilize containers and related devices, conventional heating will do.
  2. Put the solution in a container.
  3. Clean the lens and put it in a container.
  4. Hardly seal the container.

The advantage of the method is a sufficiently high level of safety for appliances and a cheap price. The disadvantage is that if you can find a pharmacy that sells saline, then most likely there will be a multipurpose solution, that is, there will be little sense with saline solution.

Eye drops

Usually, these products have moisturizing properties on the eye, so the composition perfectly interacts with the mucous membrane of the eye.

This liquid is difficult to call a multi-purpose, but at least keep the lenses of the drop will help.

For storage, you can use almost any drop, for example Vizin Clean Tear, OKVision Aqua or Sauflon Comfort, etc.

Everything that has a moisturizing and lubricating effect is better if the drops are designed to wear lenses.

The use of such lenses is highly discouraged before treatment with a disinfection solution, it is better to disinfect the devices in a multipurpose solution and then use it.


Saliva acts as a fairly homogeneous substance for the body, which does not cause side effects on the eyes when wearing lenses. Also, the composition of saliva somewhat resembles a tear fluid, which will keep the device from drying out. The key drawback is that saliva contains germs.

Distilled water

In the event that none of the above-described methods of liquid preparation is feasible, you can simply put the lens in distilled water.

This option is used as a last resort, but will save the lens of the inevitable death due to drying out.

The devices can not be used after such storage, in the future it is necessary to put them in a multipurpose solution.

Why is it not advisable to use such storage options for a long time?

Despite the fact that you can save the lens, they still yield to undesirable effects. KL can vary in size, which causes discomfort, moreover, the dioptric lens is transformed, and vision is dissipated. When the focus changes, the device becomes almost useless.

The long use of substitutes adversely affects the condition of the lens, while accumulation of pathogenic bacteria is observed. Often, the eyes begin to water very much when putting on KL, redness may appear, sometimes itching or burning.


Multipurpose solution at home can not be cooked, since many components are used. Even a worthy alternative is extremely difficult to find, but you can manage several nights without a solution. Then it is necessary to return to the correct storage of lenses.


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