The diagnosis "Vision 0.5" is a verdict or not?

After checking the vision, the patient can see in his card an ophthalmologist's record "vision 0.5".What does this mean?

Thus, the doctor describes visual acuity after checking it with the Sivtsev table. A value of less than "1" says about myopia.

That is, a person sees near good, but when considering subjects at a remote distance, there can be significant problems.

Depending on the results of further eye examination, an ophthalmologist may recommend wearing glasses or lenses that correct vision.

In this article we will try to identify the main reasons for the appearance of such a vision, we will give ways of treating and preventing eye health.

Contents of
    • 1. What is it
    • 2. Early correction of
    • 3. Treatment and restoration of vision
    • 4. Prevention of
    • 5. Psychology of myopia
    • 6. Video of

What is this

When diagnosing the vision table, Sivtseva ophthalmologist asks to readthird line from the bottom separately to the left and right eye from a distance of 5 meters.

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On the left of the table you can see the values ​​of "D", and on the right - "V", which vary depending on the line. So, if a person without any problems names letters from the third line of the specified distance, the values ​​of D and V will be equal to 5.0 and 1, respectively.

As you might guess, D is the distance from which a person with 100% vision can read a given line. And the indicator V shows the degree of visual acuity.

So, if the patient can not read letters from the fifth line from the top with 5 meters, this means a visual acuity level of 0.5.A person without deviations and problems with vision can do this from a distance of 10 meters.

This means that it is true that this patient does not see things well in the distance, which indicates the presence of myopia.

Is this level of myopia scary? The answer to this question depends on the results of further procedures that an ophthalmologist will perform to determine the degree of myopia development. There are 3 of them altogether:

  • weak degree - to minus 3 diopters;
  • medium degree - up to minus 3.25-6 diopters;
  • high degree - from minus 6.25 diopters.

As you can see, this figure is expressed in dioptries, which the doctor will be able to determine by choosing suitable lenses.

Causes of

Myopia is characterized by changes in the retina and on the fundus. The vascular membrane becomes thinner, the retina also becomes thinner and the sclera begins to appear through the eyes.

In people with a high degree of myopia glasses glasses are very thick and visually reduce the size of the eyes. Therefore, many myopes wear contact lenses.

Types of

Factors that can affect the development of myopia are numerous. Russian ophthalmologists distinguish 4 types of myopia depending on the cause of the onset of the disease.


The most "favorable", occurs in more than 60% of cases. Vision is impaired because of large visual loads. This kind of myopia reduces visual acuity to 0.5.You can restore your eyesight with special exercises.


Also, vision deteriorates if changes occur in the sclera. They occur in 8-10% of myopes. There are several reasons for the development of the disease: weakness of connective tissue, heredity. Often occurs at an early age( 3-4 years) or from birth. Progresses to 30-35 years.

"Stimulus" to the development of the disease can become:

  • injury;
  • weakened immunity;
  • great physical activity;
  • is a chronic infection.


This type of myopia develops in 20% of cases and combines the features of the two above types. The degree reaches minus 7-8.The cause for the problem may be overstrain of the internal eye muscles due to visual stress, weakness of the sclera, heredity.


The last type of myopia occurs in 1-2% of myopes. The cause of the disease is juvenile glaucoma, ophthalmic hypertension. The disease is associated with a violation of the formation of the eyeball even during pregnancy.

Symptoms of

To speed up treatment and achieve maximum results in a short time, it is necessary to determine the presence of the disease in time. To do this, you need to know the symptoms of myopia. These include:

  • deterioration of visual acuity when looking into the distance( the image is fuzzy, blurred, not visible inscriptions, people's faces);
  • contours of objects are blurred;
  • at the above mentioned points near everything is clearly visible.

Early correction of

Early treatment is the best way to avoid further vision problems. Carry out such correction measures:

  • training of accommodation;
  • pneumomassage;
  • reflexotherapy of the cervical-collar zone;
  • transconjunctive electrostimulation;
  • laser spectrum-structure;
  • magnetotherapy.

And be sure to go to the oculist: let him pick up your glasses or lenses that will correct your vision. It is not necessary to take those that give all 100%( better, when the eyes have the potential for recovery).Regularly do gymnastics for the eyes, eat well, rest. Vision will be restored if you act.

If the child has such visual impairment, it is necessary to use a set of methods for restoring vision( exercises, wearing lenses or glasses, regular examination by the oculist).It is likely that with age, myopia will pass or pass into a weaker degree. But for this it is necessary to treat the eyes, strengthen the muscles, apply preventive measures from childhood.

Treatment and recovery of vision

For the sclero-degenerative type, treatment is prescribed surgical treatment. First, scleroplasty is done to stop the growth of the eye, then laser correction or lens replacement( with a strong myopia with minus more than 10).

Mixed type can be treated with scleroplasty or dispensed with. Everything depends on the degree of myopia. Either wear lenses or glasses.

Dysgenetic type of myopia can be treated. To maintain visual acuity, it is necessary to monitor intraocular pressure, to diagnose glaucoma at an early age.

It is dangerous to do laser correction, becausecomplications are possible. An increase in eye pressure is the cause of the development of a complex type of myopia. To prevent the development of glaucoma, it is necessary to diagnose myopia in time.

You can restore your visual acuity. First of all you can not lift weights, do sharp jumps, expose the body to excessive vibrations and avoid shocks. Women with a high degree of myopia labor can become a big load. Therefore, it is important to consult an ophthalmologist before choosing between caesarean section and natural delivery.

Cure myopia with the following methods:

  • correction with glasses or contact lenses( this method, however, does not heal, but improves eyesight);
  • surgery( excimer laser correction);
  • implantation of intraocular lenses;
  • accommodation training;
  • refractive lens replacement;
  • intake of vitamins to improve vision;
  • do exercises according to the method of Bates or Zhdanov;
  • normalize the regime of the day( get enough sleep, go to bed before 10 pm, always sleep at night);
  • perform physical activities( swimming, biking, fitness);
  • eat more fresh vegetables, fruits, greens, nuts.

To increase visual acuity, the following actions will help:


Prophylactic measures are needed from birth. Do not overload the organs of vision( read or look at the screen at close range,

In children, prevention includes:

  • children's books with large letters;
  • bright and well-lit room;
  • to draw and write at the table;
  • can not be viewed for up to three yearsTV;
  • regularly undergo an examination with an ophthalmologist.

Adults for prophylaxis need:

  • to refuse reading lying;
  • not read in transport;
  • provide a good level of illumination when reading and doing household affairs;
  • "right" to work at the computer;
  • monitor should be slightly above eye level, and TV - at a distance of three of its diagonals;
  • take a break every 40 minutes;
  • work for a monitor no more than 4-5 hours a day;
  • annual examination with an ophthalmologist.

If you want to get rid of myopia and keep your eyesight, the following collection of articles will be useful:

  • Prevention of vision disorders
  • Bates method for vision recovery
  • Performing eye exercises to improve vision

The psychology of myopia

Myopia is caused not always by psychological factors alone. In most cases, myopia develops after stressful situations and mental trauma. Psychosomatics claims that myopia occurs in people who are too focused on themselves and their immediate surroundings.

Such people are scared to look to the future, they do not make plans or do not see the picture of their life in 5-10 years, it is difficult for them to predict the consequences of their actions. They are wary of people and events. Do not see prospects.

Also, myopia can be in people who do not perceive other people's ideas. They have limited horizons, they are obsessed with external factors, which hinders the perception of the real picture of the world.

Myopic condemnation of others, although they themselves do not see beyond their nose. They do not like what they see, they do not notice everything that is beautiful that is. Myopians see more negative, although all this is just a reflection of their own behavior.

Also the psychological causes of myopia development are associated with the period of the disease development and age. In the early preschool and school age, short-sightedness appears from the fact that there are a lot of negative things at home( quarrels of relatives, shouts or even beatings).The child is hurt to see scandals, and he can not fix anything. Therefore, psychological defense is included: vision weakens to dull the pain.

There is also another situation. At home, children are loved, they are worn. When the baby enters the society, he experiences a shock: there no one is obliged to serve and support it. He needs to fulfill certain conditions in order to obtain friendship and approval from others.

Sometimes sight deteriorates during puberty, when a person experiences difficulties with self-identification and can not accept his gender, avoid growing up, do not want to see his future. If myopia develops after graduating from school, a person is scared to be an adult and he is afraid of a new one.

Sometimes myopia is not associated with fears. It's just that a person has a situation that stimulates the revision of events. But I do not want to look at everything from a different angle.

There is a ban for seeing. If the problem does not go away with age, the psychological traumas of childhood and the past are still relevant. When vision falls after childbirth, the decision should be sought in accepting oneself as a mother and forging an internal relationship with her mother.

To improve vision, you need to reconsider your view of the world, stop seeing only the negative. And to seek, find positive, respect people, respect their opinions and interests.

Proceed. The acuity of your vision depends on you!


This video presents gymnastics for the eyes, which will help to preserve their health:

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