About minor deviations in visual acuity people usually find out only in the office of the ophthalmologist at planned examinations.
And although the deviations are insignificant, they still frighten a person and force him to look for the causes of such a violation and ways of getting rid of him.
In this material, we will consider one of such cases when the eye doctor diagnoses visual acuity in minus two diopters.
- 1. Diagnosis
- 2. Therapy
- 3.
- prophylaxis 4. Results of
- 5. Video
Myopia is associated with a negative visual acuity, so -2 vision is about the presence of this disease.
Myopia has three stages of development: from -1 to -3, from -3 to -5 and from -5 to -15, further down the scale is almost complete blindness.
The first stage, the weak, early myopia, corresponds to the acuity index of interest to us. At vision -2, the sharpness reduction is noticeable only when looking at distant and small objects, for example, on the numbers of moving buses.
Visual acuity near does not suffer any damage, but there is a desire to bring the book or screen closer, because at an optimal distance the eyes to look at them are already uncomfortable, they get tired more quickly.
You also need to determine which origin of this distortion of vision: anatomical or accommodative.
This will determine the further development of the disease and the necessary measures to eliminate it.
A healthy eye works as follows: rays of light enter the lens - a natural lens that changes shape under the influence of the eye muscles and thereby refracts the light rays properly.
After refraction, they fall on the retina, where there is a huge number of nerve endings that read the rays incident on them and send coded information about them to the brain. Thus, an image is formed in our eyes.
To make the image clear, the rays should fall on the retina focused, and this is provided by the effort of the eye muscles, giving the lens the right shape.
But there are factors that lead to the inability to hit the rays in a focused form. All these factors are two, on them depends on what kind of myopia will be discussed.
Anatomical myopia
Anatomic myopia is determined by the change in the shape of the eyeball. It is too elongated along, because of what the rays are focused before reaching the retina at any effort from the lens.
This disease is most often laid genetically and develops from the very young age.
Wearing glasses in this case is strictly necessary, neglecting them will help to overstrain muscles and further squeezing the eyeball.
Sometimes its degradation can be too fast even when wearing glasses, in which case only surgical correction can help.
The accommodative myopia
The accommodating myopia is less severe, its main cause is the atrophy of the muscles responsible for changing the shape of the lens.
The farther we look, the more it is necessary to contract the lens in order to break incoming rays and to focus them on the retina.
If the lens muscles are weakened, then it can not shrink sufficiently to properly focus the rays coming from a long distance. This is the reason for myopia in the atrophy of the eye muscles.
Usually it is faced by children, the muscular system of which develops not fast enough. It can also be caused by spasm of the eye muscles due to overexertion.
Treatment of such short-sightedness does not require serious medical intervention. Points to wear are forbidden - they will contribute to even greater muscle atrophy.
The main factor in the development of the disease is congenital predisposition, but negative external factors also contribute to the manifestation of pathology.
For example, excessive eye strain, neglect of gymnastics and a healthy lifestyle, reading near and under low light, incorrect choice of glasses and lenses - all this contributes to the deterioration of vision with myopia.
It is important to perform an ultrasound diagnosis of the eye in order to accurately determine a species of myopia.
With its anatomical version, check how strong the pathology is, how quickly it will develop. If further deterioration of vision is not predicted, then a person is simply assigned glasses.
But it happens that because of severe disturbances in the structure of the eyeball, its further flattening occurs very rapidly and in this case urgent surgical correction is needed.
But if you have a -2 vision, then most likely, this unfavorable course of the disease is not typical for you. In the worst case, you will be assigned a laser correction, which is painless.
Its essence lies in the fact that the laser thickens the retina, making it closer to the lens. Due to this, the light rays begin to fall on it correctly.
With accommodative myopia, eye muscles should be developed and blood circulation problems, if any, should be eliminated.
Often because of problems with the cerebral circulation, the muscles do not receive proper nutrition, which is why they atrophy.
Therefore regular gymnastics, both eye and general physical, is able to normalize the tone of the eyes and the whole body. Wearing glasses is not desirable in this case.
If vision -2 is installed in a small child, then this should be paid more attention. If a person has such a disability from the very young age, then later it will progress with greater probability.
A smaller probability of progression of the disease is available if it is diagnosed already in adolescence.
It will not be superfluous and medicamental therapy when coordinating it with a doctor.
Popular in the market drops from myopia are products such as Emoxipine, Ujala, Irifrin. If you overuse eyes, use moisturizing and relaxing drops.
Sometimes you may need special lenses that will not only refract light rays, but also correct the shape of the eyeball.
With vision -2, that is, with a mild violation of its sharpness, such lenses will be especially useful, since they are intended to correct the early stages of the disease.
To get rid of myopia, the muscles of the eyes need to be trained. Here are some of the necessary exercises:
Adherence to preventive measures does not guarantee prevention of the development of the disease, but they should not be neglected.
This includes standard for strengthening the eyes measures: holding gymnastics, adherence to the lighting regime, correct arrangement of the workplace, avoidance of overstrain and so on.
The following articles will help to restore vision:
- Gymnastics for the eyes from Zhdanov
- Laser vision correction: pros and cons
- Vision recovery after a stroke
Results of
Vision -2 belongs to the category of easy myopia. As a rule, it indicates a slight flattening of the eyeball or weakening of the eye muscles.
To accurately establish the cause, you need to conduct an examination of the fundus and ultrasound. If it is determined that the disease will continue to progress, surgical or laser correction is necessary.
If short-sightedness is caused by accommodation problems, then it will be sufficient to strengthen gymnastics and preventive measures. In this case, it is important to determine it in time.
If you see that the child strains his eyes when looking at far-away objects, immediately lead him to the ophthalmologist.
Special attention should be paid to those cases when vision -2 is established in children under 10 years of age, in which case the disease will progress more likely.
We offer you an interesting video: