Stroke is one of the most serious manifestations of cardiovascular disorders.
Systematic impairment of blood circulation in the brain can occur in people of any age and sex, and very often it has extremely negative health consequences.
If a person experiences a stroke, then he faces complications, the spectrum of which is very diverse and affects all body systems, including the eyes.
Vision disorders in this disease are often encountered and it is necessary to know how to overcome such a negative consequence of cerebral hemorrhage.
- 1. What is a stroke?
- 2. Medications
- 3. Exercises
- 4. Prevention
- 5. Results of
- 6. Additional training
- 7. Useful video
What is a stroke?
This name combines several pathologies, which have different course and causes of their occurrence, but lead to the same result - the hardest damage to cells and brain tissues.
There are two types of stroke: ischemic and hemorrhagic.
The first variety is more common in elderly people with heart defects, diabetes and other systemic disorders of the body.
The attack usually occurs at night, when the patient is sleeping. Its main cause is the obstruction of those channels through which blood enters the brain. Because of this, his cells begin to die quickly. In this case, a direct hemorrhage does not occur.
Hemorrhagic stroke is a more common form of the disease. It corresponds to the presence of cerebral hemorrhage, which is usually associated with a stroke.
However, in the scientific medical theory, these hemorrhages are divided into two types: proper cerebral hemorrhage and subarachnoid, which differ in their localization.
If ischemic stroke occurs more often due to age-related degradation of body systems, hemorrhagic stroke is a more "young" disease that can affect a person 30-60 years old, if he will lead an unhealthy lifestyle.
Especially it is subject to drug addicts, alcoholics( and alcohol can provoke a stroke even with occasional non-systemic use, if a very high dose was consumed), smokers, people who lead a sedentary lifestyle.
But the role of genetic predispositions, as well as congenital pathologies, especially hypertension, is great.80% of cases of stroke occur in hypertensive patients.
Symptoms are pronounced. This includes severe dizziness and nausea, weakness in the limbs, difficulty speaking, visual impairment, loss of consciousness.
One of the most important consequences of a stroke is a fatal outcome. Mortality from stroke in the first 30 days after the attack is 35%.
In the following year, another 50% die, with maternal mortality exceeding the lethal cases among women.
And among the surviving 80% is disabled, and 30% of them have a disability so deep that without outside care they can not lead even the simplest way of life.
These are horrific figures, and no less shocking is the range of complications that can cause a stroke on certain body systems. Including he gives complications to the organs of vision.
This includes loss of vision in one eye, night blindness, retinopathy, the appearance of a blind spot, a violation of lateral vision( a narrowing of the degree to which a person's review applies), a veil before the eyes, hallucinations, impaired visual muscles and so on.
But modern medicine has developed many options for restorative therapy, which includes both medication support, and gymnastics and exercises.
Drugs of wide specialization are used for therapy. This includes drugs that help restore blood flow in the oxygen balance in the brain cells, reduce the zone of necrosis( the zone that died due to a stroke) in the brain.
This allows to recover a significant part of the nerve cells affected by the attack.
If to list specific names, it is worth mentioning such drugs as Lucetam, Pyracetam and noophen( nootropics);Cavinton and Ciebrozelin( improve cerebral circulation);Actevegin, Cortexin, Solcoseryl( improve the metabolism of tissues and cells).
Local therapy is purely individual and depends on the diagnosis of the doctor, most often drops and other topical agents are absolutely ineffective, since complications of stroke on the eyes are significant and only surgical intervention can help.
Gymnastics will be effective only if you follow all the doctor's instructions and follow the basic treatment. In the opposite case, by themselves, they will not give the proper result.
So, what exercises we can offer.
The standard visual gymnastics is similar to the one that is practiced with farsightedness and myopia:
- Close the eyes and simultaneously stretch the skin on the forehead.
- Squeezing the bridge of your nose for up to 5 seconds. This increases the tone of the eye muscles
- Close your eyes, breathe smoothly and calmly for a minute, then apply pressure to the lower and upper areas of the eye sockets.
- Apply compresses to the eyes.
- The standard focus change is also useful. Exercises based on it are known to everyone: it is the consideration of moving objects, and the change in focus from very close objects to very distant ones, and the tracking of the movement of the index or thumb from the distance of the extended arm to the nose. This restores both visual acuity and gives tone to the ocular mice.
- Let the patient toss the balloon in different directions and watch its movement. This is necessary to restore the coordination of the visual centers of the brain with the motor center.
Special exercises
There are more specific exercises, the principle of which is to work with drawings and puzzles. The meaning of this technique is that you need to give the view to observe as much as possible a variety of colors and patterns.
This is achieved by such activities as picking up puzzles, changing the color of carpets and steps on the stairs, gluing more bright wallpaper.
It is necessary that the eye is constantly hooked up for something new, so he will try to connect the visual centers of the brain to active work and help to restore them.
The most effective puzzles are associative games. For example, the completion of words by their first letters. The same can be done with drawings.
For the same purpose, special computer programs have been developed. They involve the coordination of the visual center with others.
For example, there is a program that requires the patient to monitor the movement of the point on the screen and indicating its current position using the keyboard.
There is also a simple program that generates various flickering objects on the computer screen, the eye must catch and distinguish them. During such exercises, all parts of the brain are involved in the work, and they help activate the damaged visual center.
The treatment of vision using computer programs has shown its significant effectiveness in the course of experiments. Of the minuses, it can be noted that the eye quickly gets tired when you watch the computer screen.
With age, the risk of stroke increases even in people with a strong body - this is inevitable. But this does not mean that you have to go into all serious and aggravate the state.
The following preventive measures are relevant both for the prevention of stroke and for the prevention of other cardiovascular diseases:
- Physical stress reduces the chance of stroke by 30%.
- Refuse from smoking, minimize alcohol consumption( it is better to exclude it altogether).
- Learn to cope with your stresses, control them.
- Monitor blood pressure.
If you want to preserve eye health for a long time, then the following collection of articles will be useful to you:
- Prevention of visual impairment
- Charge for vision recovery
- What vitamins are needed for the eyes?
Results of
Stroke is a very serious pathology. It kills people and makes them disabled, has many complications, including complications on the eyes.
Vision can be completely lost, can be partially lost, the angle of the eye can decrease, can change the tone of the eye muscles.
In order to cope with such ailments, you need a combination therapy that uses both surgical and medicament methods, as well as home gymnastics, exercises, solving puzzles and tasks, and using computer programs.
Additional training
Visual impairment often occurs due to loss of tonus of the eye muscles. There are special pictures that help to return it. Here is one of them:
Useful video
We recommend to watch this video: