Gymnastics for the eyes of Zhdanov: exercises, techniques and results

Almost all people sooner or later notice a decrease in visual acuity.

Someone is connected with hereditary factors, someone is working at the computer, and someone is constantly exposed to adverse environmental factors.

Most often, vision begins to deteriorate in adulthood, but sometimes children and adolescents suffer from eye diseases. It is very important to choose a suitable method that can stop the loss of vision.

In modern medicine, both surgical and medicinal agents for the treatment of refractive diseases are used. Unfortunately, they do not fit all patients, as they have a wide range of contraindications and sometimes cost a lot of money.

Restorative gymnastics for the eyes is a highly effective method, suitable for people of all ages and practically does not require financial expenses. The patient can do exercises at home or in the office in between work or daily activities.

Contents [Hide]
    • 1. Basics of the method
    • 2. Description of the gymnastics
    • instagram viewer
    • 3. How often can I do gymnastics
    • 4. Review of the reviews
    • 5. Conclusion
    • 6. Video

Basics of the method

Vladimir Georgievich Zhdanov, famous scientist, public figureand popularizer of a healthy lifestyle, in the nineties he developed his own gymnastics for the restoration of vision, based on the techniques of Bates and Shichko.

This has truly become the business of his whole life. The method of Professor Zhdanov has proved itself well in the entire post-Soviet space, and to this day it is used by millions of ophthalmologists and ordinary patients.

Gymnastics is a special set of exercises aimed at relaxing the eye muscle when focusing.

Description of gymnastics

According to the author of the technique, the only condition for achieving significant results is regular exercise and strict adherence to technique.

Also Zhdanov gives several recommendations and rules that make the exercises more effective:

  • it is necessary to remove glasses before charging;
  • gymnastics should be carried out smoothly, measuredly;
  • for significant violations of the functions of the eyes, it is necessary to limit the number of approaches to 2 with pronounced myopia and up to 1 with a retinal detachment;
  • after surgical interventions, the exercise should be postponed for 3-6 months;
  • while charging the body and facial muscles should be relaxed and motionless;
  • do not forget about the general condition of the whole body, you need to abandon bad habits and strive for spiritual growth.


Zhdanov's method is based on the implementation of 7 basic exercises. They restore visual acuity in refractive diseases, and are also suitable for preventing ophthalmic pathologies:

Description of the
1 exercise "Blink" is the main exercise on which the whole method of the professor is built. It will occur in all other exercises. Blink your eyes as a wiggly bird waving its wings, that is, try to do it as quickly and at ease. Try not to strain your muscles. Exercise relaxes the eye muscle
2 Draw the horizontal lines of the from right to left and left to right( 5 times in each direction), then blink for a few seconds.
3 Draw the diagonal lines of the from the lower left corner to the upper right and back, then from the bottom right to the upper left and back(5 times in each direction), blink
4 Draw the vertical line from the bottom up and from top to bottom( 5 times in each direction), and then blink as in the first exercise for about 5 seconds
5 Draw with the eyes the rectangle , on thefrom the right side line, and then, as it were, erase the counter-clockwise
6 . Draw the horizontal line with the zigzag from the eyes first from right to left, then from left to right. Blink
7 Draw a circle with your eyes. Imagine that this is the dial of the watch, and then move your eyes as if you are looking at the numbers 3, 6 and 9, 12. Blink your eyes and repeat the exercise in the opposite direction.

With farsightedness

If you suffer from hyperopia, then after the main complex, Exercise:

  1. Squeeze your hand into a fist and pull your thumb up. Look closely at it, and then move your eyes to the most distant object outside the window. Blink for about 15 seconds and again focus on the finger. Slowly bring your hand to your face, not taking your eyes off your finger. When the distance between the fist and the tip of the nose is about 15 cm, again move your hand away. Repeat the sequence 15 times and then blink.
  2. Squeeze your hand into a fist and this time raise your index finger. Place your hand so that your index finger is 10 cm from your eyes. Focus on an object in the distance. Quickly move your finger to the left, then to the right, not looking at it. Move your hand first 20 cm to the left, then 20 cm to the right. Repeat the procedure 10 times. Blink when you're done.

In this video Zhdanov tells us why hyperopia occurs:

With astigmatism and fatigue

With astigmatism in front of the main complex, be sure to perform "Palming" in both sitting and standing position. This will help to relax the eye muscle faster and equip the eyes with oxygen and nutrients.

In addition to the main complex that quickly restores sight, Zhdanov offers patients a few simple exercises for instant relief of fatigue during writing or long pastime behind the screen.

"Palming". Close both eyes with crossed palms. Do this as gently as possible and do not use force. The palms should close their eyes so that they do not get light. Keep your back and neck straight, but relaxed.

Try to think about the good, remember the pleasant moments and imagine a happy and healthy future. Keep your eyes closed until bright flashes disappear.

"Candle". Take the candle and light the wick. Sit at a distance of 20 cm from her and close your eyes. Wait until the feeling of flicker and flashes go away, and put out the candle. You will immediately feel the relaxation not only in the eyes, but in the whole body.

"Further - closer". Imagine that there is a beetle on your ceiling. Focus on the imaginary bug and imagine that it flies to your nose. Now consider the bug in your nose, blink and look back to the ceiling. Blink again.

This exercise is especially important when working at a computer, as it trains the longitudinal and transverse muscles of the eye.

How often you can do gymnastics

According to the author, the technique is suitable for all people, starting from the age of 5 years, but especially it is necessary for mature and elderly people. Gymnastics is completely safe and has almost no contraindications, however, as it was said above, after operations on the eyeball and after detachment of the retina, it is better to postpone the exercises to the full recovery, which usually occurs within 3-6 months.

Professor Zhdanov recommends performing gymnastics every day at least 2 times a day. It is advisable to do exercises in the morning and in the evening. If you have the time and opportunity, you can perform exercises up to 4 times a day.

It is important to say that, like any other method of treatment, restorative gymnastics in Zhdanov requires preliminary consultation with the treating ophthalmologist before the beginning of the classes. This is due to the fact that only a qualified specialist will be able to determine whether this method is suitable for you.

Overview of reviews

The network can be found both ardent devotees of Zhdanov's method and his opponents. But there is no doubt that gymnastics works and helped to get rid of glasses to thousands of people. Patients who applied the method, praise him for the fast results, persisting for a long time, simplicity and accessibility.

Doctors treat the method more cautiously, although they do not deny its effectiveness and apply it in their clinical practice. They note that before the beginning of classes it is necessary to carefully study the theoretical basis set forth by Professor Zhdanov and follow the instructions rigorously.

In general, reviews on restorative gymnastics are positive, side effects are extremely rare.


  1. The method of restoration of vision according to Zhdanov is an effective complex of exercises, tested by time and experience of thousands of grateful patients.
  2. The technique is based on 7 main exercises, which relax the eye muscle and promote the nourishment of the eye with oxygen and beneficial substances.
  3. Gymnastics are suitable for people of all ages who suffer from refractive disease( myopia, hypermetropia, astigmatism).
  4. Zhdanov's method is used not only for treatment, but also for prevention.
  5. To achieve visible results, regularity and exact observance of the technique of performing the exercises are necessary.
  6. Before starting the exercise, you should consult a specialist who is familiar with your medical history to decide whether to apply the method.


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