The practice of getting rid of strabismus at home

Strabismus - the deviation of the axes from the standard direction, when the coordination of eye operations is disturbed, and the fixation of vision on one object is difficult.

An external symptom of the disease is the asymmetry of the position of the cornea in relation to the corners and edges of the eyelids.

Also a symptom may be a decrease in visual acuity, pain in the eyes, head, and also diplopia.

There are several names of strabismus: strabismus, heterotrophy. Types of the disease, too, are different. In this article, we'll figure out how to get rid of strabismus at home.

Contents of 1.
  • 1. What is
  • 2. Home treatment, without surgery
  • 3. Forecast
  • 4. Prevention of
  • 5. Strabismus psychosomatics
  • 6. What to do if
  • does not help What is an

    In order forunderstand the home methods of getting rid of strabismus, briefly understand the essence of the disease.

    Case history, types

    There is an inborn strabismus that occurs at birth or manifests itself during the first half of life. Also there is the acquired strabism, arising up to three years.

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    By the time this disease is transient or permanent. One or both eyes can immediately attack the disease.

    In terms of severity, strabismus is hidden, compensated( detected by the examination of the organs of vision), subcompensated( the eye mows when a person does not control it), decompensated( when the disease is unrealistic to control).

    The disease also differs in the direction of oculence. Because of strabismus, binocular vision is disturbed. Diagnosis can be carried out using refractometry, ophthalmoscopy, biomicroscopy, and other oculist examinations.

    Prevalence of

    Strabismus in children occurs in 2-3%, regardless of gender. In general, the disease is noticeable for up to three years. Strabismus is a pathology that negatively affects the entire visual analyzer. Therefore, it causes various optical disorders.

    To protect against such an anomaly, the "slanting" eye signal is "blocked".If you do not treat the child's strabism, more than 50% of the cases will have amblyopia.

    Strabismus affects the mental state. The child grows shy, withdrawn, irritable, negatively perceives the world around him. Therefore, a person has difficulty in choosing a profession or difficulty in communicating with people.

    Risk Factors

    Congenital strabismus occurs when a genetic predisposition occurs when the disease has occurred in the vicinity of the next of kin. Sometimes strabismus appears with other symptoms that are characteristic of genomic pathologies.

    Also, the disease can occur when taking harmful substances or in children with low weight, premature, with cerebral palsy, cataracts.

    Acquired strobism occurs in an instant or gradually. In children, ametropia can be the cause. The disease occurs with heavy loads, infections, stress, after severe complex diseases.

    In adults, strabismus is accompanied by cataract, leukemia, exfoliation and other defects of the retina, as well as with other diseases of the organs of vision.

    There is a high likelihood of strabismus in people with tumors in the brain, with nerve palsy, inflammation of the brain, stroke, and multiple sclerosis.

    Treatment at home, without surgery

    In general, strabismus is treated with different methods at home. Often, the treatment consists of the following stages:

    I Improving visual acuity( applying healthy health eyelids, restoring communication between them)
    II Returning the optimal muscle balance
    III Restoring stereoscopy

    When both eyes mow

    With a friendly strabismus, you need to restore binocular vision. When asymmetry decreases, signs of strabismus are minimized, vision again will be normal.

    Can be treated with orthotic and pleiotical methods, correct lens correction, as well as glasses, promptly eliminate the disease.

    Pleoptic therapy is used when eyes are under heavy loads. This method involves the use of different methods of treatment:

    • gluing the eyes( glasses);
    • electrostimulation;
    • installation for accommodation training;
    • vacuum massage, etc.

    Also possible orthotics treatment :

    • training on synoptic devices;
    • classes using PC-programs.

    For treatment is used diplomatic therapy ( exercises with lenses, gymnastics).

    The operation is prescribed in cases where there are no positive changes in 1.5 years of intensive care. Operative treatment is used when the child is not yet 5 years old.


    There are two types of home treatment: gymnastic exercises and traditional medicine methods. Any method of treatment should be agreed with the doctor. Only in this case the forecast will be optimistic.

    Warning: The exercises for kids, teens and adults are different.

    So, children can not do complicated manipulations. Therefore, preschoolers need to play, draw. Adults and adolescents can do themselves.

    Technique Zhdanov

    Professor VG.Zhdanov developed a special method for improving vision. Exercises and principles that the scientist suggested were formulated more than a century ago by the outstanding ophthalmologist Bates.

    The latter came to the conclusion that visual ailments develop when the eye muscles become tired. In the case when the muscular corset works normally, the person sees everything very well. On the basis of the Beits method, Zhdanov created sets of exercises to optimize the function of vision.

    The results of the studies pleasantly surprise with their effectiveness.

    It is enough to perform exercises regularly for several months, and your eyesight will improve, your eyes will less mow, the muscles around the eyes will strengthen.

    According to Zhdanov, strabismus is treated by:

    • palming;
    • visualization of memories;
    • solarization.


    Ladies tight folded, as if they have liquid. Then put one palm on your fingers. Put the other in the form of a "house".In this case, just close your eyes.

    Brush the palms to create a protection against light penetration. Then place your eye cracks in the center of the palm. The nose is in the gap. Open your eyes. The light must not penetrate through the closed hands. So you will warm your eyes with the warmth of your hands.

    Memories of

    Do just after performing the palming. While doing the exercise, direct your positive thoughts in a good direction. So you relax the muscles of the eyes, and this will positively affect the result of training.


    On the table, put a lamp or a candle. Turn off the top light.

    The look is directed at the nose( along), turn the head in different directions. Repeat 20 times. Do not need to look at the lamp( candle) at the same time. Just feel the light source. Then make turns.

    Train muscles that do not hold the eyes in their original position( namely, muscle weakness is the physiological cause of the disease).

    Wear a rim without lenses. Then opposite the eye, which mows, wrap the frame with a rag of dark color. Stand by the mirror, look at your reflection. Perform the turns of the head.


    Children should be treated at an early age. Then before the school or kindergarten the baby will already restore the visual function.

    For successful treatment it is necessary to apply several methods over a long period. If you miss the moment, you will face more severe consequences for your eyesight. And the treatment will last longer and harder.

    If the strabismus is not treated on time, the child will not be able to choose some professions( doctor, driver, etc.).

    Completely restore the function of the eyes can be in childhood, while the body is still forming. Therefore it is important to visit the oculist until the baby turns 6 months old. Consecutive comprehensive treatment will help to normalize the work of the organs of vision.

    In adults, treatment should be performed until 18-25 years, while the organs of vision are still being formed. In maturity, it is more difficult to correct a state of health, becauseThe brain is already set up to correct information coming through the visual organs.

    If strabismus develops in adulthood, there is a double vision, becausethe brain receives two images of objects.


    To prevent strabismus, visit the children's ophthalmologist, adjust any kinds of ametropia, observe hygiene, avoid prolonged visual loads.

    It's important to find out the pathology in time, then you can easily cure it. And during pregnancy it is important to protect yourself from pathogenic effects.

    The opinion that the strabismus will pass itself is mistaken. Even more: if there is no treatment, then the situation will only worsen. If signs of strabismus occur, consult a doctor immediately.

    It is worth remembering that the eyes should rest, because the constant games behind the computer monitor can only exacerbate the situation. This will help:

    • Exercises to the eyes of those who work a lot on the computer
    • What to do so that the eyes from the
    • do not hurt. Actions with eye fatigue from the computer

    Psychosomatic strabismus

    The body, soul and brain are one. And they function together. Therefore, when there are problems or irregularities in the work of the body, pay attention to the state of the psyche.

    The root of any physical illness can be found in emotional experiences and stresses.

    People with strabismus have a limited, inferior view of the world and themselves. If the child has versatile strabism, then they see the messages of their parents, which clearly contradict.

    Mom waits for the baby one, and the father - the other. Both parents are important for the child. There is a situation when the child does not know whom to listen to. His eyes "diverge".

    If the eyes converge, the cause is the conflicting opinions and thoughts that the relatives of the same sex( male or female) communicate to the child. A person can not decide what is prioritized for them, why a physiological defect arises.

    In adults, strabismus means that he sees an illusion. A person is scared to see the world as it is. He is afraid of life in the present, something strongly does not suit you. It is also important to consider what kind of eye is sick: the right one is responsible for the male side, the left one corresponds to the female one.

    What to do if it does not help

    When treatment at home does not help, you need to see a doctor. If you do everything correctly and the way an oculist recommends, then you need to undergo additional examinations. Perhaps the cause of the ailment is not fixed correctly.

    If strabism occurs in a baby, start treatment without surgery as soon as possible. To get rid of squint at home preschool, schoolchildren, adults, you need to do exercises on Zhdanov, Bates, observe hygiene, strengthen immunity.

    And visit the psychologist. In most cases, you can find the cause of strabismus in psychological problems and traumas of the past. Of course, the psychologist will not save you from the disease. But it will help to find forces and internal reserves that will return sharp sight without strabism.

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