What do the eyes-chameleons mean and under the influence of which they change their color?

Each of us has created nature unique, unique, special and unlike the others. This applies to the color of the skin, and the length and structure of the hair, and the oval face, and the figure, and the color of the eyes.

The same applies to the internal characteristics of a person, his temperament, emotional make-up, traits of his character, etc.

Often, each of the external manifestations imparts some features of human behavior, although these characteristics are common and exceptions to stereotypes and rules are more common than we think.

Many people, especially girls, would like to change something in their appearance, and their aspirations do not depend on dissatisfaction with themselves or with their individual traits, but on the desire for change that is inherent in most of us.

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    • 1. Why do the eyes change their color on their own?
    • 2. The value of eye-chameleons

This can be attributed to the color of the eyes. Although each color has its own strength and attractiveness, it is often desirable to change their color, their mood, and generally everything around them.

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For example, owners of gray or green eyes dream of deep and fatal brown eyes, and sensual brown-eyed brunettes sometimes dream of being tender blue-eyed. This can be achieved with the help of special colored lenses, but some were more fortunate by nature - they were born with chameleon eyes.

This is not a myth or an invention, indeed, their eyes can change depending on the surrounding stoppage, skillfully applied makeup or mood. The reasons for this phenomenon and the features of the carriers of such changing eyes will be discussed below.

Why do the eyes change their color?

Chameleon eyes to date, despite the development of scientific knowledge and progress in medicine, remain a rather mysterious phenomenon. While scientists can not fully explain why their eyes can change their colors, why do some people have this feature, and others do not. But some conclusions have already been obtained.

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It is believed that the change in the color of the iris affects the endocrine and nervous systems. This conclusion was made by scientists on the basis of data that, in pathologies of these systems, a change in eye color is observed, respectively, they are involved in changing their color and in healthy people.

More visible to the surrounding, not even the most observant, changes in eye color in a wide range: from blue and gray to brown. Such global transitions are noticeable to others and, undoubtedly, attract attention.

Long since people with similar characteristics have been considered magicians, sorcerers or supersensitive people, because such changes, occurring right before other people's eyes, cause curiosity and a kind of fear.

Within a narrower range, the hue of the eye of one color can change: from light to dark and vice versa.

So, one person in different external conditions and with different internal experiences can have a rich blue eye color, blue, light blue or gray. This can be influenced by the environment, weather, lighting or emotional experiences.

It is also not exactly established until now, whether such a feature is hereditary or is acquired already during life. In defense of the last statement are theories of scientists, suggesting that each person can develop hidden features in changing some of his external manifestations. The techniques that train a person to change the color of their eyes are based on proven data that our endocrine and nervous systems are involved in this process. Such techniques can relate to different characteristics and abilities: from the frequency of breathing to the regulation of the heartbeat.

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It should be noted that such pathological changes or signs of a disease are not such eye color changes. When the color of the eyes changes evenly and gradually, under certain conditions, there is no cause for concern. You can even rejoice that without much effort you can change your appearance a little. But if before a similar phenomenon was not observed, but suddenly the eyes began to drastically change color, it is better to turn to the ophthalmologist to exclude and minimize some possible health problems.

The value of the eye-chameleon

Many of the external characteristics of a person are attributed to certain characteristics of character and behavior. There are even specialists who, by the appearance of a person, can quite closely describe its internal qualities. And according to the color of the eyes, the character of a person is described quite accurately.

But it is important to take into account that these are still rather general estimates and stereotypes, i.e.not always certain features indicate a certain quality inherent in a person.

People with chameleon eyes have traits that are quite logical for their characteristics: they are impulsive, changeable and depend on their own emotions. It can be said that just as the color of their eyes changes, their mood, their behavior, and their speech in a particular situation change.

The value of eye-chameleons in girls

Most often, girls with a changing eye color are contradictory and indecisive, they rarely bring it to the end, and the logic of their actions is difficult to calculate. They often change their interests, priorities, which prevents them in achieving their goals.

The advantage of these girls is that they can easily adapt to a changing environment, they are mobile and easy to climb. They quickly and successfully adapt to a variety of conditions, adapt to society, adapt to the surrounding people. They try to stay in the shadows, but often reach greater heights than those to whom attention is focused.

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The value of eye-chameleons in men

If for girls this behavior is quite applicable, after all girls are more prone to emotions than arguments of reason, then men with such a character sometimes have a hard time. If girls are perceived as naive, romantic and emotional natures, then men are expected to behave differently. From men, they expect stability and permanence, not the impulsiveness or emotionality that are inherent in guys with changing eyes.

Any life conditions and obstacles, guys with chameleon eyes can easily overcome, but in this overcoming one often does not see a definite goal, actions are inconsistent, and life as a whole seems unorganized. But being in the most difficult situation or unbearable conditions, it's these guys who can quickly change everything and get out of any complicated history.

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