Characteristics of blue-eyed people

It has become quite common to talk about people based only on their face. There is a special science - physiognomy, which deals with describing the nature of people on facial features. Great attention is paid to the color of the eyes.

Of course, to describe with precision the features of each person is unrealistic, but some common qualities are really inherent in people with a certain eye color. Consider the owners of the eyes of cold shades, in particular, blue.

In general, the blue color of the eyes is more typical for residents of northern regions and countries, as in their eyes weaker filters. In the south, greater protection of the eyes from the sun is required, therefore, most often the population of southern countries has brown or black eyes.

    • 1. Blue eyes value
    • 2. Blue eyes for women
    • 3. Blue eyes for men
    • 4. Eye shades

Sometimes blue and gray eyes are used for the same color, but the difference between them is allthe same, although in the same person, the color of the eyes can vary depending on the mood, become brighter or vice versa, tarnish

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When you accurately determine your eye color in a calm state, you can compare it with the general characteristic given to blue-eyed people.

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Blue eyes value

Blue eyes are cold. It is believed that the colder the color of the eyes, the colder it is in the heart of a person. Blue-eyed people can be cruel. They are quick-tempered and irritable, but always this refers to a particular situation or to a particular person.

Inside, they often hide romanticism and sentimentality, which they carefully try to hide from all. In childhood and adolescence such people often dreamed of princes and princesses, and many attempts of peers to take care of them did not take into account, as they were far from the princes.

Rarely blue-eyed people manage to maintain a constancy in emotions. Often when interacting with such people you do not know what to expect from them: on a merry holiday they can become sad and they will spoil the mood of everyone, sometimes they are irritated for no reason at all. Impulsive behavior is one of the main drawbacks of blue-eyed people. But when common sense and logic prevail over emotions, a person with blue eyes takes correct and unconventional decisions.

In general, blue-eyed people constantly crave for change, they are not attracted by a monotonous monotonous life. They quickly adapt to everything and orient themselves in many issues.

But active activity also depends on the mood: they can quickly perform any complex task, and can be lazy all day, without getting out of bed.

Blue-eyed people are creators. Often they have original talents, their intelligence is higher than those of representatives with a different eye color.

Often, when an exciting idea arises in a person with blue eyes, it seems that he is ready to soar above the world to carry it out. This is indeed so. To achieve the goal, they are ready for anything.

And it's not just stubbornness, which, undoubtedly, is inherent in them. Blue-eyed people do not get, and do not wait for gifts of fate. They do not win in the lottery, they do not have the right influential friends. They achieve everything themselves.

Obstinacy in communication for blue-eyed people is not uncommon. Even if the interlocutor knows that he is right, he agrees with the blue-eyed man, since he has leadership qualities and is able to convince.

Blue-eyed people are touchy, even offended by trifles. They are vulnerable and very sensitive, so they can not forgive the traitor and the offender for a long time. If someone hates someone, then seriously and for a long time. Let and then they will forgive the offender, but they will never forget this situation.

Although they themselves can show tears, for example, when watching a movie, the tears of others do not react. It is difficult to pity them specially.

It is believed that people with blue eyes are controlled by the elements of the air. The same constantly changing: sometimes they are kind and calm, it is pleasant to communicate with them, and sometimes they are annoyed, they ruin everything in their path, like a raging sky.

Blue eyes for women

Girls with blue eyes like to be in the center of male attention, flirt, flirt with them, but forget that they can injure other people. Often they do not think about the feelings of others at all.

Girls with blue eyes, who want a prince in their youth on a white horse from a fairy tale, change their priorities as they grow up and use logic when choosing a partner-life partner.

Blue-eyed girls are kind and many can take advantage of this. If they find that someone is insincere to them, the consequences are inevitable. Traitors they never forget.

Blue eyes for men

Men with blue eyes are essentially children for life, since if a girl is forgiven by moods and frequent mood changes, then men with changeable temper are considered unreliable.

If a blue-eyed young man finds his favorite woman early, he will remain a monogamous person for life. Although there are exceptions - quite windy men with blue eyes.

Blue-eyed men become responsible employees, successful people, but to build a career and achieve high goals go a long and difficult path, which often affects not themselves, but their loved ones.

Eye Shades

If your eye color combines not only blue, but also gray, the shade of your eyes is gray-blue. In this case, the characteristics of both these colors apply to you.

People with gray-blue eyes are distinguished by the desire for freedom. They do not like any restrictions, schedules, frames, it leads to depression, irritability and even anger. Such people tend to achieve unusual goals, to surprise everyone with their actions.

Read more - the meaning of the brown eyes! Learn all the subtleties of a person's character with brown eyes.

In the article about green-eyed people, about their features and habits.

What is keratitis of the eye?http: // zabolevaniya-rogovitsy / keratit-glaza.html

In any situation, such people are able to maintain self-control, act as they see fit, despite the opinions of others.

The disadvantage of people with gray-blue eyes is their excessive credulity, which is used by others. And although they often burned, life did not teach them to believe people, to look for positive qualities in them, even if they do not exist.

In general, it can be said that blue-eyed people are sort of romantic pragmatists who, if they can curb their emotions, turn the mountains to achieve a result.

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