Many factors that do not depend on each other can become the cause of hemorrhoids.
This is an improper diet, and a sedentary lifestyle, and a lot of physical activity associated with lifting gravity, and much more.
The occurrence of a disease in women is often associated with the carrying of a child. Stagnant phenomena in the small pelvis, poor blood circulation cause weakening of veins and the appearance of nodes.
- Way of development of the disease
- What to do in case of an exacerbation of the disease?
- Fast and effective help
- If the knots are missing it's very unpleasant
- Folk methods of treatment
- Birch tar
- Usual salt to help
- Power correction is a prerequisite
- Possible complications
Way of the disease development
Hemorrhoids are a common disease and it is successfully treated at any stage, which are distinguished by four:
- The initial stage of manifests itself by burning and itching in the anus, with unpleasant sensations that cause no particular concern. In time, the treatment started can completely eliminate the disease, but rarely does a doctor come to this moment.
- The second degree of hemorrhoids is accompanied by constipation, the blood appears after each act of defecation. Hard feces injure the walls of the rectum, forming bleeding cracks. Clearly there are hemorrhoids. When straining they fall out. Then they correct themselves. Treatment should be carried out in a complex manner. This is the use of candles, ointments, nutrition correction and exercise.
- Third degree of the disease .Earlier developed symptoms develop and intensify. Increasing nodes on the veins drop out at the slightest stress and can only be adjusted manually. When infringing on them, unbearable pain occurs. Can appear inflammation and even thrombosis. The inflammatory process in the perineum and the anus region can cause fever, fever, and malaise. This should alert the patient. Treatment, begun in the third stage, will be long, but nevertheless it will be possible to do without an operation. The patient will have to give up alcohol, exclude harmful foods and do exercises.
- The fourth stage of occurs with previous ineffective treatment. The nodes become so large that they are constantly outside. Every movement causes pain, itching in the anus does not abate. Abundant blood discharge can lead to anemia. Cones become entangled, inflamed. At this stage, surgical treatment is necessary.
Exacerbation of hemorrhoids can cause hypothermia, alcohol, excessive physical overexertion.
What should I do in case of an exacerbation of the disease?
Treatment of hemorrhoids during exacerbation is reduced to the elimination of concomitant symptoms - inflammation and prolapse of hemorrhoids, elimination of constipation, healing of cracks and wounds of the rectum.
Conservative treatment is carried out in a complex.
Since many people do not dare to consult a doctor with such a delicate problem, patients choose their methods of treatment themselves.
Fast and effective help
At the first moment after an exacerbation of the disease rectal suppositories help to eliminate bleeding and inflammation.
A quick and effective effect gives the use of the following candles:
- with belladonna;
- with propolis;
- with sea-buckthorn;
- with adrenaline;
- Relief;
- Anusole;
- Methyluracil.
These candles help to cope with constipation, well anesthetize.
Candles with adrenaline remove pain, but prolonged use can cause high blood pressure.
Candles Anuzol stop bleeding, eliminate itching and burning. The composition includes an extract of belladonna - an effective anesthetic and healing agent.
Candles with propolis and sea-buckthorn relieve inflammation and kill germs that can cause blood poisoning. They are injected into the anus after defecation. The course of treatment, usually, does not exceed 10 days.
Methyluracil quickly restores damaged tissue, promotes hemopoiesis.
Candles - an effective form of care for the patient in the first stages of the disease. They act locally, quickly absorbed into the blood, do not act on the stomach and intestines as tablets.
With internal nodes - this is the most effective method of treatment. In pharmacies you can find a wide variety of rectum antihemorrhoidal candles of a wide range of action and price range.
If the nodes have dropped out - it's very unpleasant
If the nodes fall out, then they are used:
- heparin ointment;
- Ointment Vishnevsky;
- Gel Troxevasin;
- Proctosan.
If local treatment does not relieve pain, tablets are used:
- Posterizan;
- Detraleks;
- Anthrasennin;
- Ginkor fort;
- Proctosan;
- Mukofalk;
- Agiolax;
- Fiberlux;
- Nutriklins.
They quickly relieve pain and inflammation, strengthen blood vessels. It burns and itches in the anus.
Traditional methods of treatment
As already mentioned, hemorrhoids can manifest themselves during pregnancy or lactation. Use in this case, drugs are not recommended, since they, with rare exceptions, are unsafe for the baby.
But in the arsenal of traditional medicine there are ways to treat acute hemorrhoids with the help of herbs and natural remedies.
Birch tar
This is an effective anti-inflammatory agent. It will help to soften appeared cones, anesthetize them. Tar fortifies cracks and wounds, acts as an antiseptic.
Apply it in the form of compresses on a sore spot all night.
If bumps are disturbed inside the rectum, before entering the tampon with tar, one must take a sit-down hot bath with potassium permanganate.
Usual salt to help you
Cooking salt disinfects the wound, relieves inflammation. Apply it in the form of hot seated baths for several days in a row. The concentration of the solution is - dilute 0.5 kg of salt in 3 liters of hot water.
If this treatment is started in the first stage, you can completely get rid of hemorrhoids. After the bath you can apply a tampon or a compress with tar.
Food correction - a prerequisite
Nutrition plays an important role in the complex treatment of hemorrhoids. The disease is accompanied by constipation. For other treatments to be more effective, this problem should be rectified.
For a regular soft stool, you should eat gooseberries, apples, plums, pears, cherries, dried fruits, turnip, beets, carrots, sea kale. Fry vegetable salads with vegetable oil. If the constipation does not recede, you can try to drink at night 1 t.l.vegetable oil with a half-glass of yogurt. Include in your diet bran and more sour-milk products.
From the diet should be excluded dishes that provoke the flow of blood. These are all kinds of pickles and smoked products, spicy, spicy dishes, alcoholic beverages.
If there is an opportunity, it will be superfluous to apply mineral hydrosulphuric water for the adjustment of the intestine. With it you can do microclysters, lavage bowel.
If laxatives are removed, laxatives should not be used. They can cause diarrhea, which will aggravate the inflammation of the rectum. If diarrhea accompanies treatment, it should be stopped by taking Loperamide.
Possible complications of
At the 3rd, 4th stages of the disease, thrombosis may develop. It is accompanied by a sharp pain, when the cone is pinched and the blood stops in it to act.
The node becomes crimson, inflames and causes unbearable pain. When defecating, it is damaged and bleeds profusely, as it is filled with blood.
If blood circulation is not restored, the tissues of the nodes are threatened with necrosis. They die, covered with sores.
When thrombosis small nodes increase, harden and are very sore. The tissues around them swell.
For severe pain, analgesics can be used in the form of tablets. At the risk of the disease are people of various professions:
- is loaders, builders who work with weights.
- cabinet workers who sit a lot and move little.
- sellers, hairdressers, they stay in one place for a long time.
Prevention of hemorrhoids is simple. A person should carefully and carefully treat his health.
Healthy diet, excluding constipation, daily walking, exercise, preventing stagnation of blood, refusal of alcohol. These simple rules will save you from a painful illness.