What could be dangerous hemorrhoids - possible consequences and complications

consequences of hemorrhoids Hemorrhoids can begin at any age: both in 20 years, and in 40, and maybe never even invade the life of a person.

Dangerous at an early stage of the disease, often, soon marred by complications and can have far-reaching consequences.


  • How does the disease end up?
  • Stages of the development of the disease
    • First blood: where is it from?
    • Look out the door and go back inside
    • Grapes of anger
    • State in state
  • Dangerous face
  • Pregnant women in a special risk zone
  • Preventive measures

How does the disease end?

Symptoms of hemorrhoids manifest themselves in the form:

  • of a sharp weakening of the vein tone with the formation of a hernia( saccular protrusion) of its wall in a certain, weakest segment of the vein;
  • disrupts normal blood flow in a damaged and deformed vein;
  • changes in blood properties in an unexpectedly large vein volume on the damaged site;
  • malfunctioning of organs( rectum and anal area), normal blood outflow from which is disrupted to a greater or lesser degree.
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On the body it looks like it came out on the surface - in the lumen of the anus - "lump", which causes pain and inconvenience not only for the manifestations of hemorrhoids during walking, but also at rest( interfering with sitting) and at any voltage in general.

And it grows - it grows in size. Because when coughing, blowing, laughing, coping with natural needs - with any straining, short-term or long-term - the sections of the vein adjacent to the damaged one are involved in the process, and they too are stretched.

Short-term first( only with tension) soreness turns into persistent permanent pains due to the growing stretch of the vein wall. Simultaneously, as a result, the condition of the entire mucosa of the anus is changing - the process of inflammation begins.

Acute hemorrhoids in the absence of treatment or in the absence of results from therapy passes into a chronic form.

Chronic hemorrhoids in the absence of treatment can be dangerous and have serious complications and consequences.

Stages of the development of the disease

Hemorrhoids from the moment of its manifestation to the last stages of development goes through 4 stages. And on each of them the patient is lurking dangerous complications.

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Do not forget that hemorrhoids do not exist by itself - it is a condition of the venous system and the rectal mucosa, which also does not live by itself, but is part of the intestine and the organism in general.

Therefore, the distance from the hemorrhoids to the brain is not so great - but the effect of the state of the first on the state of the second is not so insignificant as it seems at first glance.

First blood: where is it from?

hemorrhoids of the first stage The fact that the hemorrhoids of the first stage has already manifested, are said to have appeared together with constipation - the common cause and often the only manifestation of the disease - itching or burning sensation in the anal area.

There may also be a degree of discomfort as to varying degrees: from just unclear unpleasant sensations, to a distinct sense of a foreign body in the rectum, a feeling of incomplete emptying, as if something "stuck and does not come out."

Thinking that this is feces, the patient begins to push hard - and with surprise notices smears of blood on toilet paper.

Complications in this stage of hemorrhoids can result in attempts to independently explore their "inner world" with the introduction of various objects into the rectum to understand what is "stuck there".

But after a few days frightening signs seem to pass without consequences - in fact, the disease remains and goes on to the next stage. That's it, you can really call it a complication of the first stage of hemorrhoids.

Look out the door and go back inside

Completely formed hemorrhoidal nodes in the second stage of hemorrhoids either remain in the gut lumen( at rest) or they start to look outward( under tension).

The common notion: "got out hemorrhoids" is capable of misleading when inattentive explanation. No, the nodes do not fall off and do not come out as feces, because the hemorrhoids are part of the intestinal wall.

hemorrhoids bleeds With physical effort( natuzhivanii), they just look and hide inside the intestine, either pulling yourself in by yourself, or adjusting the fingers of the owner of the disease.

Because the nodes in the lumen of the rectum simply do not fall off like this, but remain swollen all the time, pains that do not pass constipation and a sense of obstruction in the bowel movement become permanent.

From straining, the knots that are filled with blood are increasingly thinner and bleed constantly. They are inflamed and can:

  • become the cause and place of blood clot formation;
  • covered with sores;
  • degenerate into a tumor already at this stage.

Cal, smeared with blood and the presence of blood on the underwear is now - almost constant phenomena.

Grapes of anger

blood poisoning

Blood poisoning is a severe consequence of hemorrhoids

The third stage of the disease. The nodes are constantly filled with blood, they hang from the anus, do not themselves retract, and

is refilled only by the owner himself, and then for a short time and not always successfully.

They turn into a "storm cloud", from which anything can burst: a sufficiently large force of bleeding, or they can become covered with ulcers, regenerate into fistulas and tumors, can become necrotic if necrotic, and cause blood infection.

Hemorrhoids at this stage becomes a serious obstacle to blood circulation, not only in the small pelvis, but in the entire abdominal cavity.

In addition, he can send a dangerous journey through the bloodstream of a thrombus, which after a short time will cause a fatal outcome.

The state in the state

In the fourth stage, hemorrhoids become actually an independent "empire", where large volumes of blood are concentrated, which for a long time are retained and therefore cut off from the total circulation.

With the passage of this system of deep "caves", the properties of the blood itself also change - the propensity to thrombosis becomes greater than ever.

Nodes with sharply thinned, inflamed and ulcerated walls are in effect one continuous, chronically flowing bleeding, and as an indispensable consequence of it anemia develops - anemia.

The picture of hemorrhoids at this stage is a partially turned outward mucosa of the rectum and a truly non-occlusive anus.

thrombosis of hemorrhoids

Thrombosis of hemorrhoids is something that you really need to fear

Hemorrhoids become a source of unbearable suffering both bodily and mental: the smell coming from the patient can not be eliminated. At this stage you can see: a person is seriously ill and needs a long preparation for a carefully planned, multi-stage operation.

Dangerous facet of

Hemorrhoids is a serious disease.

There is a threat: Anemia

  • powerful bleeding;
  • necrosis - necrosis of an impaired node;
  • thrombosis - obstruction by a severed thrombus of a large blood vessel of the body;
  • malignant degeneration of the rectum - this is already an absolutely real reason that can lead a patient to death.

The consequences of hemorrhoids for men are usually more severe than for women, because they experience considerable physical activity, abuse strong drinks and have a passion for cigarettes.

Pregnant women in a special risk zone

constipation and hemorrhoids in pregnancy For pregnant women, hemorrhoids are dangerous because it creates an additional burden on the heart and is a serious obstacle to normal blood circulation.

Hemorrhoids can become a source of bleeding at any stage of pregnancy and childbirth, after delivery and during lactation anemia adversely affects the development of the child.

Chronic blood loss and disorders of the general, systemic circulation( due to redistribution of blood and changes in its properties) are slowly depleting conditions in the advanced stages of hemorrhoids for persons of any gender and age.

Preventive measures

To minimize the risk of hemorrhoids and the development of hemorrhoids, it is necessary to lead a measured and smooth lifestyle, getting maximum pleasure from life with a minimum of factors aggravating it, in one word: HLS( healthy lifestyle).

A regular visit to a doctor for the purpose of examining and receiving recommendations for maintaining the level of health in proper condition is an indispensable condition for the life program of any modern person. This should include information about their inheritance and possible risks.

With these relatively simple recommendations, you can remain a completely healthy person for many years and never get to know such a slowly but steadily developing ailment as hemorrhoids.

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  • Feb 26, 2018
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