Why does it itch in the anus and what to do about it?

itches in the anus The problem that the patient is embarrassed about telling the doctor is an itch in the anal area. The nature of the appearance of this scourge is different, but requires treatment, since it rarely passes by itself.

The reasons why it itches and itches in the anus is a lot. These factors need to be clarified, and after already taking measures to eliminate them.

Often, after starting the examination, doctors find the patient such a problem as hemorrhoids, which is the reason that it itches around the anus.

When hemorrhoids stagnate blood in the vein of the rectum, it is expanding. The main symptoms of this disease - itching, burning, a feeling of discomfort, caused by thinning of the mucous membrane and skin around the anus and increasing its sensitivity.

Contents of

  • Look at the root of
    • When hemorrhoids "there" it almost always itches
    • Cracks in the anus region
    • Other factors that provoke itching
  • What should I do?
  • Treatment methods
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Look at the root

Itching can only localize in the rectum, and sometimes it grabs the whole crotch area. It can intensify at night, be strong, long and unbearable, or light and short-term.

Also may be accompanied by the appearance of swelling of the skin near the anus, peeling off the top layer of the skin.

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The main provocateurs are proctologic diseases.

When hemorrhoids "there" almost always itches

The mucus that forms in the intestine has an irritating effect on the skin of the anus. Hemorrhoidal nodes are located low in the hemorrhoids anus or can protrude outward.

Factors contributing to the development of the disease:

  • sitting or standing in one pose for a long time;
  • abuse of alcohol, smoked, spicy food;
  • problems with stool: diarrhea, constipation;
  • heavy physical labor.

Pregnancy is a condition conducive to the development of hemorrhoids, as the pressure inside the abdominal cavity increases, constipation appears, and physical activity is limited.

Hemorrhoids after delivery are not uncommon, because during a vaginal vein the blood vessels proliferate and dilate, their wall is stretched, which is fraught with the formation of knots.

Sensations for hemorrhoids are very uncomfortable.

Cracks in the anus area

itches it The first signs of cracks: pain, and later there is itching and burning if the problem is not noticed in time and the treatment is not prescribed.

The anus is itchy in this case at the time of defecation, the cause of which is the presence of a mechanical tissue defect, constantly irritated by feces, and an inflammatory process.

Other factors that cause itching

Also, patients complain that the itches are scratched, in the following cases:

  1. Infection with helminths, worms .Worms, especially in the night, often go beyond the anus for laying eggs. And helminths release substances that have an irritant effect.
  2. Condylomata .Appear because of the ingress of the human papillomavirus into the human body by sexual or household means.
  3. Venereal infections .Sex infections are almost always accompanied by secretions, which cause irritation of the anus. In women, in view of the anatomy of the structure of the genital organs, infections can easily enter the intestine.
  4. Liver diseases .Since the mechanism of excretion of harmful substances from the blood is disrupted, remaining in the human body, they irritate the receptors of the rectum.
  5. Diabetes mellitus .Excess sugar in the blood is released through the skin, which is why it is irritated, causing the multiplication of microorganisms, thereby increasing itching.
  6. Encopresis( stool incontinence) .
  7. Skin diseases, skin lesions and mucous fungus .
  8. Tumors, polyps .They interfere with normal defecation, get injured and cause itching.
  9. Inflammatory processes in the colon .The first symptom is severe itching in the anal passage.
  10. Dysbacteriosis .Consequence of malnutrition and intake of antibiotics;the intestine begins to function malfunctioning.
  11. Columns , which are chronic.
  12. Allergy for food and beverages( especially alcohol), laundry detergent. itchy itch
  13. Dermatitis , caused by the use of personal care products, candles, ointments.
  14. Non-compliance with the rules for the care of the anal zone , or, conversely, overdoing this issue.
  15. Stresses .Often the nervous overexertion of the body reacts with itching.
  16. Wearing a tight, uncomfortable, synthetic underwear .Popular among women "thongs" and tightly tight panties cause friction of the anus, violation of the microflora of the genital organs, the release of skin irritating substances.

It must be remembered that eliminating the itching symptoms in the anus area is not a cure of the disease or the rooting out of the "root of evil", so it is important to find out why it appeared.

An accurate diagnosis should be made and the disease cured, otherwise the symptoms in the form of itching will return again after a while.

What should I do?

medical check-up What if it itches in the anus? You should start by examining a proctologist doctor, since anal fissures and hemorrhoids are one of the frequent reasons why the anal zone burns and itches.

And the earlier the examination is performed and the treatment is started - the more likely the favorable outcome of the disease will be.

If the proctologist does not establish a cause, or if other hemorrhoids are suspected, he will refer the patient to such specialists:

  • to the dermatovenerologist;
  • to the gastroenterologist;
  • infectious disease specialist;
  • endocrinologist;
  • to the allergist.

If these specialists do not find deviations in the human body, it is advisable to visit a psychoneurologist.

If it itches in the anus in the child, consult a pediatrician or infectious disease specialist, give tests for the presence of worms in the body, determine the parameters of sugar content in the blood.

Methods of treatment

Simultaneously with the examination, local treatment for the elimination of pruritus and receptor sensitivity decrease, as well as anti-inflammatory therapy is prescribed. In addition it is necessary to follow a diet and undergo physiological procedures.

The following therapies are also prescribed:

  1. In case of detection of allergy , it is necessary to exclude contact with the allergen, apply ointments to relieve allergic reaction( Fenistil, for example).
  2. If the reason lies in the non-observance of personal hygiene - it is enough to begin to properly take care of yourself, to use moist antibacterial napkins after the act of defecation, which will remove the inflammation. infection
  3. To eliminate signs of dysbiosis - treat the intestines, populate its microflora with useful bacteria.
  4. Sex infections, fungi and condylomata are successfully treated with a complex of antibacterial, immunostimulating therapy.
  5. Anal cracks of heal after the use of wound healing ointments and antibacterial agents.
  6. In the fight against hemorrhoids there are several methods: conservative( antihemorrhoidal creams, suppositories, vein-toning drugs, tablets), surgical and minimally invasive( cryotherapy, photocoagulation, latex ring application) treatment, the choice of which depends on the severity and nature of the disease. Treatment of hemorrhoids is complex, which can be successfully selected only by a doctor.

So, from the above, it follows that the reasons for itching in the anus are many, only the medic can reveal them, and the most common of them is hemorrhoids.

Constipation contributes to the development of frequent constipation, pregnancy, childbirth, lack of physical activity, insufficient intake of vegetables, fruits and grains, as well as hereditary predisposition.

If you have unpleasant, painful symptoms in the form of itching in the anal area, you need to contact a specialist who will conduct the examination, take tests, find the cause of the ailment and prescribe a treatment.

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