Whitening teeth with soda, hydrogen peroxide and lemon: recipes and reviews

To date, the problem of whiteness of tooth enamel has become quite common. If earlier such a trouble related to aesthetic issues, at the moment the situation has become of medical importance.

After all, between the color of the teeth of a person and the state of his health, there is very close interaction and direct communication.

The main protective surface of the tooth is presented in the form of enamel. Its color may depend on a variety of factors, among which hereditary predisposition, the state of health and the way of life of a person( nutrition and the presence of bad habits) are of particular importance.

It is very important to understand the fact that it is possible to whiten teeth with the help of soda, salt, hydrogen peroxide and lemon only if the reason for the color change lies not in observing the rules of personal hygiene, malnutrition and bad habits.

Contents of

  • A bit of anatomy
  • Details about the proposed components for whitening
    • It is important to know and remember the disadvantages of
  • instagram viewer
  • This is important - contra-indications and cautions!
    • Use caution!
  • Dozens of killing for scribing recipes
  • Nuances in the application of
  • Practical experience in the service of the theory

A bit of anatomy

The human tooth in its physiology consists of several parts:

  • of the apex( or crowns);
  • neck;
  • root.

Most of the tooth surface consists of a bone-like tissue, which in medical terminology is called dentin. Dentin, which is located directly in the crown, is covered with salts of inorganic origin - enamel, the tissue in the very center of the root, strange as it may sound, is covered with a special substance - cement.

Each element of the tooth, in addition to pulp and periodontal, is plentifully impregnated with lime. In dental enamel, the amount of carbonic acid lime and acid phosphate is almost 92%, in the dentin it reaches 62%, in the root coating( cement) only 65%.

In order for the whitening procedure at home to be positive, it is very important that the health of the oral cavity is at the proper level.

That is, the absence of any kind of damage to soft tissues and enamel is very important. If necessary, the specialist should carry out a sanitation and a thorough examination.

Details of the proposed components for bleaching

Not every use of salt, peroxide, citric acid or soda can lead to the desired effect. Therefore, you need to be as attentive to the procedure for self-bleaching of teeth.

The positive moments of using natural ingredients to whiten the teeth:

  1. All the ingredients are quite simple to buy in the store or in the case of peroxide in the pharmacy .Each landlady has salt and soda always in the kitchen, so you can use them at any time you need. In addition, the price of these components is not high, which makes them affordable for all comers.
  2. The long-awaited result of from the use of salt, lemon or soda can be noticed after a few bleaching events at home. In addition, they do not need to be spent much time preparing them.
  3. Instant .Salt, peroxide and soda can be used with complete certainty, because many of these ingredients are used to make professional toothpastes and cleaning products.
  4. If you fulfill all the requirements and comply with the rules for preparing recipes the procedure will be absolutely safe for the health of the person and his oral cavity( teeth in particular).

It is important to know and remember the disadvantages of

However, in addition to the positive moments from the use of these ingredients, it is necessary to take into account the negative aspects of this method of whitening tooth enamel:

  1. The composition of the elements, if not properly applied, can lead to destruction of the enamel, which in turn provokes the appearance of high sensitivity of nerve endings.
  2. Even with regular bleaching procedures, soda, salt, lemon or peroxide is not able to completely clean the oral cavity of pathogens and bacteria .In addition, in the presence of caries, such measures can only worsen the course of the disease.
  3. If a person has artificial plates, implants, braces salt, soda and peroxide is strictly prohibited. After all, the reaction of metal and these components can carry a rather unpredictable result( there will be spots on the surface of the tooth, which are almost impossible to remove).

This is important - contraindications and warnings!

It is very important to take into account the following contraindications before home bleaching with these ingredients:

  • tooth enamel damage;
  • sensitivity to these components;
  • presence of periodontitis or caries;
  • allergic reaction to drugs;
  • age limit is 16 years.

Use caution!

To prevent the development of adverse effects, you need to be as careful with these components as they are quite aggressive and can be unsafe.

To preserve the integrity of the dental coating, experts advise using salt, peroxide or soda no more than 1 time in 7-9 days, and citric acid is not more than 2 times a week. Otherwise, it can lead to high sensitivity of the dental nerves, which will make it impossible to eat hot and cold dishes.

In addition, during the period of using this method of whitening, it is very important to daily clean the teeth with a usual medical paste.

To achieve a lasting effect from the procedures performed, you will need to abandon strong tea, coffee, alcoholic beverages and cigarettes. Otherwise, the color of the teeth in a short time interval will again become dark.

Dozens of killer recipes

Following the proposed recipes based on salt, soda, peroxide and lemon, the procedure of teeth whitening will pass very quickly and painlessly.

So, what you need is:

  1. A mixture of ½ teaspoon baking soda mixed with the same amount of vinegar .All is well mixed and to this content is added with a pinch of citric acid. After all, the remedy is applied to the surface of the teeth and after 5 minutes washed off with warm water.
  2. A recipe based on a teaspoon of food soda and the same amount of iodized salt will help to quickly eliminate the yellowish shade of the tooth enamel.
  3. You can use lemon juice, which also adds a little soda .Should get a thick gruel. It will be applied for 1 minute to the surface of the teeth, and then washed off.
  4. In the same proportions, you can mix soda and peroxide .The resulting solution is applied to the teeth. After 3-5 minutes, the oral cavity is caressed with warm water. In order not to disturb the structure of the enamel, you can use this method no more than once a week.
  5. Peroxide is applied and separately .To do this, you need to brush your teeth with a regular paste, and then rinse your mouth with peroxide for 60 seconds. At the end, you also need to rinse your teeth with warm water.
  6. You can also soak the cotton disc in the peroxide of and gently wipe every tooth with it. After the end of the procedure, the cavity is caressed with water.
  7. Remove yellow coating will help a strong solution of soda, which is pre-dipped brush before cleaning teeth.
  8. Soda can be applied in a pure form to the tooth surface. Then the enamel must be rubbed with cotton wool or simply brushed. At the end, rinse your mouth with water.
  9. The salt needs to be wrapped in a piece of bandage and soaked in warm water. After that, the collected bag is cleaned with all the teeth, but only after the mouth cavity is warmed by warm water.
  10. Peroxide is as effective as itself and with salt. To do this, dip the cotton wool into the solution and wipe all the teeth. At the end of the procedure, it is necessary to clean the mouth with an ordinary toothpaste.

Nuances in application of

If the bleaching procedure is carried out independently, then it is necessary to provide for the appearance of side effects after the event.

Most often, they can manifest themselves in increasing the sensitivity of tooth enamel. In case of negligence, it is possible to cause such harm that further treatment will be carried out under the strict supervision of a specialist.

Do not forget about the gums. They are surrounded by a fairly soft and sensitive soft cloth, which as a result of using soda or peroxide can be severely damaged.

To maintain your own health, it is best to consult a dentist first!

Practical experience in the service of the

Theory How safe and effective is whitening teeth with soda, salt, lemon and hydrogen peroxide can be learned by reviewing the responses of people who have gone through it.

I have long been using a mixture of soda and lemon juice for bleaching. The result is really noticeable. If you comply with all the rules, then no damage to health is applied.

Lyudmila, 34 years old

With age, her teeth darkened, although everything was fine before. A friend recommended a method of bleaching peroxide. At first there was a sense of apprehension, but after the first procedure I realized that there was nothing wrong with that. Now I'm making my husband do it. I advise you to try everything! .

Tamara, 50 years old

For teeth whitening, he used both soda and salt. The desired effect is not particularly felt, but the reaction to warm or cold food has become painful. From that moment I use only special pastes and gels.

Igor, 46 years old

Teeth whitening at home can become a regular procedure. But in order to preserve the result you need to keep the oral hygiene and regularly observed by specialists!

  • Mar 05, 2018
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