Pasta for painless devitalization of pulp Devit C

In modern dentistry, a large number of drugs are used that help to facilitate the flow of a particular condition in a patient.

The special group includes agents that are used in various forms of pulpitis to reduce soreness. One such drug is Devit C.

Devit C is a special paste that mummifies the pulp without the use of arsenic in the composition. The use of devitalizing paste promotes prolonged exposure to blood vessels of the pulp without any pain and irritation.

Complete destruction of the neurovascular bundle occurs approximately 5-7 days after application. If the patient has no unpleasant sensations, then root canals can be filled with permanent materials two days after the application of the paste.

Content of

  • Composition of
    • Composition of
    • Mechanism of action
    • Indications and contraindications for use
    • Special considerations for use
    • Precautions
    • Adverse reactions
    • Cost and analogues

Features of formulation

The paste Davit C contains the following substances:

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  • paraformaldehyde, which is an antiseptic thatdestroys proteins and contributes to the devitalization of pulp;
  • lidocaine is a topical anesthetic component that reduces pain sensation that occurs during mummification of pulp;
  • creosote, relating to antimicrobial substances;
  • pasting agent;
  • fibrous component.

Form - paste weighing 3 g.

Mechanism of action

Pulp death due to paraformaldehyde is due to a violation of tissue respiration. Enzymatic systems are destroyed, as a result of which cells can not function normally. As a result, the pulp is mummified and stops disturbing the patient.

Depth of exposure to a substance is determined by the duration of its use. The longer the drug is applied, the more pulpal tissue will die.

Anesthetic is used to reduce pain during the period of necrotic action of the paste. In addition, it helps relieve the pain from the already begun inflammatory process in the pulp.

Indications and contraindications for use

Pasta Devit C is used in the treatment of all kinds of pulpitis of permanent and temporary teeth during pulp extirpation.

Contraindications to the use of devitalizing pastes are only allergic reactions to the components of the drug.

In all other cases, you can use the drug.

Features of application

Method of using paste Davit C is as follows:

  1. Anesthesia.
  2. Autopsy of carious cavity and complete removal of necrotic dentin.
  3. Point opening of the pulp chamber.
  4. A devitalizing paste is applied using a thin ironing or probe to the exposed horn of the pulp. The approximate volume should be equal to a rice seed. In milk teeth, it is recommended to make 2 times less drug than in permanent teeth.
  5. Then a small cotton ball is applied on the paste, which will help to absorb the filling material in the place of application and thereby reduce pain.
  6. At the end, the carious cavity is hermetically sealed with a filling material.

The first examination of the patient is scheduled after 2 days. In the absence of pain, further treatment of the root canals is carried out. If unpleasant sensations persist, then you need to walk with the paste 2-3 days before the complete death of the pulp.

When using pastes that do not contain arsenic in their composition, there is no need to additionally wash the root canals with special neutralizing agents.


The patient should be warned that when any uncommon taste in the mouth appears, immediately consult a doctor, as there is a possibility of leakage of devitalizing paste through the seal.

If the permitted duration of the drug is exceeded, local toxic effects may develop. The gums around the tooth change color, and the pains change their character. There is a strong discomfort at nakusyvanii that speaks about the progression of toxic periodontitis.


In case of inaccurate and incorrect application of the drug, the following complications may develop:

  • bone tissue destruction;
  • damage to the maxillary nerves;
  • burns the oral cavity;
  • necrotic changes of the gingival papillae;
  • persistent pain, which only intensified after using the paste;
  • in the treatment of infant teeth, there is a risk of damage to the rudiment of the permanent tooth.
In case of occurrence of such phenomena it is necessary immediately to remove the temporary seal and to remove the drug. Root canals are washed with antidite and antiseptics. The mucous membrane is treated with healing substances.

Cost and analogues

The price of the drug Devit C ranges from 100 to 130 rubles per one syringe, analogues are also available for purchase:

  1. Depulpin .Produced in Germany by Voco.
  2. Caustinerf forte .Produced in France by the company "Septodont".
  3. Non arsenic .Produced in Russia by the company "Omega-dent".
  4. Devitec AS .Produced by the company "PD".
  5. Devital .Produced in Russia by Tehno-dent.
  6. Devit ARS .An analogue based on arsenic. Disadvantages of its use, such as high toxicity and inability to use in the treatment of infant teeth. Also produced by the firm "Vladimiva".
  7. Devit P .Used in children. The composition instead of creosote includes camphor, menthol and chlorphenol.

All presented analogs have a higher cost, although their efficiency is the same as that of Devit C.

  • Mar 05, 2018
  • 88
  • 141