External remedies for the treatment of periodontitis: a review of effective ointments and gels

Periodontal disease is a dangerous disease in the mouth that leads to a gradual thinning of the jaw bone and gums.

Most common as hereditary, but can occur after an injury or because of an infection. The disease is very insidious, tk.develops slowly and, at first, is asymptomatic, but in the end leads to serious consequences.

Periodontal disease is treated medically, only in the most neglected cases resort to surgical intervention. Complex therapy of the disease includes hormonal and anti-inflammatory drugs of general or local use and vitamins.

The treatment of periodontal disease is based on local antibiotic therapy, which suppresses the focus of infection. To do this, we use applications and bandages on the gums with various medicines, oral baths and turundas.

Topical products( ointments, gels) are of paramount importance in the treatment of periodontitis, since several functions are performed simultaneously that facilitate the patient's condition:

  • relieve pain;
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  • relieves the inflammation of the gums;
  • disinfect the oral cavity and the area of ​​the periodontal pockets;
  • fight infection, not allowing to spread to new sites;
  • stimulates blood circulation in the affected tissues, contributing to the restoration of damaged tissues.

For the medical treatment of periodontitis, ointments and gels are used. These are qualitatively different types of medicines. The gel is based on a water-based, so when applied to the mucous membrane is quickly absorbed, bringing the maximum therapeutic effect.

Ointments are the basis of fat, the density is higher, so to get the result from the use of the ointment, it must be on the lesion for at least 20 minutes.

The following preparations based on herbal components are used for the treatment of periodontitis:

  1. Metrogyl Denta gel is an over-the-counter medication used to treat periodontal disease in the initial stages of the disease. The gel quickly penetrates into tissues and saliva, and has a bactericidal effect, killing pathogenic bacteria. The gel does not give an analgesic effect and does not solve the problem of inflammation, therefore it is necessary to use it in combination with other external means.
  2. Gel Kamistad is also recommended in the early stages of the disease. It includes chamomile extract and lidocaine, so it provides good anesthesia. Apply this gel carefully;allergic reactions to the novocaine group of components are possible. Anesthesia is the main purpose of this gel, so to block the inflammatory processes, you need to add another remedy.
  3. Gel Holysal combines anti-inflammatory and analgesic components in its composition. It removes the edema and has a bactericidal effect, but it is intended for use in the last stages of periodontal disease, when other means no longer help. Therefore, the use of holysala at the beginning of the development of the disease is not recommended, so as not to overload the body with shock doses of the constituents of the drug, and also not to become addictive.
  4. Heparin ointment is the basis for the treatment of periodontal disease. Despite the budgetary cost, ointment copes with the main symptoms of the disease - stops bleeding, blocks inflammation and strengthens the gums due to increased blood circulation.
  5. Gel Solcoseryl is used to improve oxygen metabolism in tissues and relieve inflammation. Recommended for advanced stages of the disease.
All these drugs can be purchased without a prescription, but it is not recommended to engage in self-medication. Necessarily it is necessary to receive the recommendations of a dentist who will professionally determine the degree of development of the disease and competently select a set of local therapeutic agents complementing each other and enhancing the therapeutic effect.

If necessary, the doctor may additionally add to the course of treatment antibiotics in tablets.


  • Experience of babok and sorceresses
    • Anti-inflammatory drug
    • Bleeding remedy
  • Word to patients

Experience of "money" and medicine men

In parallel to traditional medicine there is a folk medicine that helps to achieve better results, in addition using the centuries-old popular recipes.

At the heart of folk remedies for periodontal disease are herbal infusions for rinsing, but there are interesting compositions of ointments. The main thing is not to break the proportions of components, and not to allow the replacement of ingredients.

Anti-inflammatory drug

For the treatment of periodontal disease, an anti-inflammatory ointment for gums can be prepared. For this, take the following components:

  • chaga:
  • oats, barley, millet, buckwheat, wheat;
  • burdock root;
  • celandine;
  • sequence;
  • immortelle;
  • St. John's wort;
  • yarrow;
  • hawthorn.

Herbs can be taken dry pharmacies, but all the ingredients should be in equal proportions.

All the components to grind into powder with a blender and fill them with clean containers of 1/4 volume. Pour to the top with unrefined sunflower oil and remove for 2 months in a dark place.

Each day, shake containers, not allowing stagnation. After 2 months, merge into one container, heat to 60 degrees, and then pour a warm mass on the banks and let it brew for a month.

Then you can use a tool to lubricate the gums. Treatment is carried out only by the course: 10 days lubrication of gums-20 days break. You can not swallow the ointment, you can spend 3 courses.

Remedy for bleeding

For removing bleeding gums there is another recipe.

Take 1/2 cup of alcohol to take 20 grams of calgary rhizomes, to insist for a week. Next, 10 spoons of tincture mixed with 5 tablespoons of glycerin. The ointment obtained twice a day is rubbed into the inflamed areas within 2 weeks.

Despite the fact that non-traditional medicine is based on herbs, you need to treat its recipes with caution. Medicinal plants can cause allergic reactions, so you must first try rinsing and decoctions. If there is no reaction, you can safely proceed with the preparation of the ointment.

In the treatment of home ointments, it is necessary to strictly follow the recommendations for manufacturing and use, so as not to get burns of the oral mucosa and allergic reactions.

The word to patients

Local remedies are really effective for periodontal disease, but that's only suitable for everyone.

Parodontosis is hereditary, but all the horror is that I can not treat it with chemist's drugs - an allergy to medicines. As salvation for me the means of traditional medicine.

I tried almost all the rinses and ointments. At first terribly bored with all this boil and insist, but eventually got used, I already use the 2nd year. As a result, ceased to gum, there is no pain and inflammation. Apparently, traditional medicine works!

Irina, 45 years old

This terrible disease I received after a jaw fracture. Fortunately only one, but I started self-treatment and started right away with "heavy artillery" - went to fight Holisal. Then, when I got to the dentist, it turned out that there was enough Metrogil Dent gel and herbal rinses, becausedisease at the earliest stage. On herbal gargles, I "sat down" as a prophylactic, I like it!

Olga, 30 years old

Parodontosis is not a verdict, but a disease that can and should be treated at any stage.

The main means of treatment are ointments and gels with different functional loads, so treatment should be adjusted by the dentist, then it will be effective and bring a positive result.

  • Mar 05, 2018
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