Guttaciler - material for filling dental canals with fillers

Guttaciler is a high-quality dental agent in the form of a paste for sealing the gutta-percha dental canals.

This is a zinc oxide and eugenol-based silicone sealer that has good ductility.

Use material only with fillers( pins of gutta-percha).


  • Composition and form of release
  • Properties of filling paste
  • Objectives of use
  • Procedure for work with material
  • Cost and analogues of

Composition and form of formulation

The components of the preparation are packaged in two glass bottles. One with a powder( 18g), the other with a liquid( 8ml).The kit includes a set of pins from gutta-percha.

Filling agent is a polymeric material that practically does not dissolve in tissue fluids. Ready-to-eat pasta is obtained by mixing powder and liquid. The dry mix Guttasiler includes the following components:

  • zinc oxide and zirconium oxide;
  • dexamethasone;
  • magnesium stearate;
  • hydrocortisone;
  • barium sulfate;
  • calcium hydroxide;
  • iodotimol.
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The liquid component includes: eugenol, purified water, plasticizing additives, mint oil.

Properties of the filling paste

The main components of the filling paste provide it with the following characteristics:

  • high ductility;
  • shape retention after hardening;
  • long working period( curing occurs after 48 hours);
  • does not irritate the periodontium;
  • has the ability to suppress the growth and multiplication of bacteria;
  • has an antiseptic effect( throughout the period);
  • allows you to work with the pins for a long time( correct if necessary);
  • convenience and ease of use;
  • firmly and securely locks the pins;
  • material, if necessary, is easily extracted from the tooth canal:
  • material is clearly visible in the pictures( radiopaque).

Filling paste together with gutta-percha pins, having high adhesion to bone tissues, provides strong adhesion to dentin. The material meets all the requirements for quality fillers, it has minimal shrinkage.

If it is necessary, the dealer entered into the channel can be easily removed. Remove the gutta-percha rod using a heated instrument. With the help of special endodontic devices remove the filling mixture.

Purpose of use

Guttaciler is used only for sealing with fillers by the method of lateral condensation. The material is suitable for working with all groups of teeth.

The properties of the paste make the material indispensable when working with pins. Thanks to a long working period, you can enter the desired number of fillers, carry out length correction, and if necessary remove the main pin from the cavity.

The Guttaciler is suitable for sealing hard-to-reach channels. Its plasticity makes it easy to fill the root cavities. Consistency and homogeneity of the paste makes it possible to apply it in a thin layer and gradually.

How to work with

The dental canal should be pre-treated, cleaned and disinfected. The sealed cavity is given the desired( conical) shape.

Stages of filling with Guttaciler:

  • selects the right filler, if it is alone, it should be slightly "stuck" on the site of the apical constriction;
  • dry the treated channel well;
  • thoroughly mix the components of the material, the mixture is prepared on a plate of glass or on a special strip;
  • paste consistency should be uniform and soft;
  • with the help of channel-filler introduce a part of the material and carefully distribute it along the walls of the cavity in circular motions;
  • insert a pin, lubricated with the same paste;
  • make an X-ray, cut off excess rod with hot ironing;
  • with a special tool seal the filler in the root canal and complete the filling.

The final hardening of the paste occurs after 2 - 3 days. After that the fillers remain fixed in the channel firmly and reliably.

The gutta-percha pins contain more than 50% of zinc oxide, which forms a strong chemical bond with the eugenol of the silter. Plastic paste tightly envelops the base of the gutta-percha and gives it a pliable appearance when working.

Guttaciler is a material that is used to seal channels in small quantities. This is not a filling cement, although many characteristics are the same. The material is used only together with the gutta-percha pins. Pasta fill the space free from the filter.

In patients with high sensitivity, an allergic reaction may occur.

Cost and analogues of the preparation

The price of one package of Guttasilera together with a set of gutta-percha pins ranges from 850 to 950 rubles.(in Moscow you can find for 855 rubles.).In online pharmacies you can buy a drug for 970 rubles.

Guttaciler is produced by the Russian company Omega Dent, the drug has analogues of both foreign and domestic production:

Viédent, Acroseal( Septodent), BelAn( VladMiva).Russian drugs are much cheaper, not yielding at the same time in quality.

  • Mar 05, 2018
  • 14
  • 124