Menstrual dermatosis or allergy to menstruation: the causes of the appearance and methods of fighting

Today it is difficult to find a person who at least once in his life did not encounter any manifestation of allergy. This is a real "plague" of the 21st century: the number of cases is growing steadily, there is no definitive treatment, anaphylactic shock and Quincke's edema threaten a person's life. It has long been noted that the susceptibility of women of all kinds to allergic reactions on the eve and during menstruation is several times higher than usual days. What is the reason? Whether there is an allergy on monthly?


  • 1 Manifestations allergic
  • 2 Causes
    • 2.1 reasons menstrual dermatosis
    • 2.2 reasons other allergic dermatitis
  • 3 Useful video
  • 4 How to deal with the problem
    • 4.1 Treatment of menstrual dermatosis
    • 4.2 contact allergy treatment
  • 5 allergy prevention

Manifestations allergic

Allergy - hypersensitivity to any substance, artificially synthesized or biologicallya substance of your own organism. It manifests itself in the form of skin rashes of various nature, edema, peeling, dryness in certain places of the skin, as well as anaphylactic shock and Quinck's edema.

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The last two states can kill a person if they do not provide qualified assistance within 5-10 minutes.

In addition to the usual allergic reactions in women, menstrual dermatosis occurs. In foreign sources it is customary to call antiprogestronic dermatitis( APD).This is a kind of "allergy to the monthly" and that hormonal background, which is formed in the female body in the second phase of the cycle.

The main manifestations of menstrual dermatosis include the following:

  • Eruptions of a different nature on the skin. It can be interdigital peeling or reddening of the cheeks on the eve of the menstrual period, as well as common urticaria throughout the body. Such spots can have an elevated edge and a darker center, which is often similar to hives.
  • Blisters may appear on altered skin areas.
  • Eruptions can have an erysipelatous character, and also look like a hemorrhagic( with hemorrhages) rash.
  • Itching occurs rarely, is of a non-intensive nature.
  • All such changes occur clearly on the eve of menstruation, as well as in its first days. Sometimes women notice such signs and on the supposed days of ovulation.

Separately, one should consider the increased sensitivity of some women to intimate hygiene products, especially to gaskets and tampons.

In such situations, the clinical picture is as follows. As the remedy is used, a state arises when it can no longer be used due to a large number of unpleasant sensations. For example, there is itching and discomfort in the vagina( often with tampons).Along with this, a feeling of dryness and foreign body may appear.

In the case of gaskets, there is swelling, redness, itching in the area of ​​skin contact with its surface. More often it concerns the large labia, perineum, buttocks. Manifestations of this pathology are noticeable only during menstruation, as only these days it is necessary to use additional funds. Such an allergy after menstruation gradually regresses and appears again after 28 to 30 days as pads or tampons are used.

Causes of

Allergy during menstruation and on the eve of them in women is more common than on any other days. The reason for the occurrence of menstrual dermatosis and usual hypersensitivity to personal care items varies somewhat. But the etiology of both is unknown for today, there are only assumptions from which the principles of therapy of such pathological conditions are constructed.

Causes of menstrual dermatosis

To develop such a state, a combination of factors is often necessary: ​​a decrease in the reactivity of the organism, increased physical and mental loads, and psycho-emotional overstrain. Against this background, there is a violation of the production of hormones, including sex hormones. In parallel, it can contribute to various violations of the menstrual cycle.

It is also noted that in such periods, the content of choline, a substance that irritates the nerve endings, including those in the skin, increases in the blood. All this contributes to the appearance of changes on the surface of the body.

The imbalance between estrogens, gestagens and androgens also contributes. Based on these assumptions, some physicians and scientists consider menstrual dermatosis to be a manifestation of premenstrual syndrome.

In foreign literature, this pathology is associated with the hypersensitivity of the female body to progesterone, including its own. As a result, the disease is called antiprogestronic dermatitis. There are reliable studies that confirm this. In practice, it can be easily verified that when a progesterone is administered, an additional skin reaction occurs in the woman's body, which corresponds to the amount of the hormone administered.

Causes of other allergic dermatitis

All other manifestations of dermatitis in the genital area associated with the use of intimate hygiene products develop as contact allergies. It occurs without the participation of immune cells. Its essence consists in the following: when the allergen first contacts with the material, the mechanism "starts" - the skin cells capture the "foreign agent", and in case of repeated contact, the already recognized "enemy" promotes the release of biologically active substances, in particular histamine and the like. As a result, the skin turns red, appears and itching and burning, it swells a little. Allergy after menstruation gradually passes. This is due to the fact that the object on which such a reaction occurs is eliminated.

In case the contact allergy develops on the gaskets, you can visually notice changes easily. But when a similar mechanism is started for the use of tampons, it's difficult to notice something independently, there are only sensations of something unpleasant( burning, etc.).

Useful video

On the mechanism of allergy development, see the video:

How to deal with the problem of

Based on various causes of development and manifestations, the treatment of menstrual dermatosis( ADA) and contact allergy is different.

Treatment of menstrual dermatosis

Therapy of antiprogestronic dermatitis is similar to the methods used to combat premenstrual syndrome, but it has some differences and nuances.

So, the standard of treatment is the appointment of hormonal drugs, even from the contraceptive group. In this case, the scheme should provide for a decrease in the duration of critical days. Ideally, if hormonal therapy can turn off the menstrual function for a while. For example, critical days every three to four months. Then there is a peculiar long delay of menstruation due to allergies.

If there are manifestations of hyperandrogenemia in the background of pathology, then preference should be given to means that can reduce the level of male sex hormones in the blood. For example, "Diane-35".

If other symptoms of PMS are expressed, appropriate drugs should be prescribed, for example, "Jess."

In some cases, only the appointment of an estrogen component is indicated. This reduces the level of progesterone in the blood. But such treatment dramatically increases the appearance of various types of endometrial pathology, as well as over time and cancer.

When such an allergy during menstruation is especially severe, treatment is carried out with the inclusion of gonadotropic hormone agonists, similar to those used in the treatment of endometriosis. Accepting them, the girl is gradually introduced into a state similar to artificial menopause. Accordingly, its manifestations may occur, such as hot flashes, blood pressure changes, and the like.

Tamoxifen, also quite aggressive, may also be prescribed. It blocks receptors for female sex hormones, often it is used to treat breast cancer.

In some cases, removal of the ovaries is indicated, i.e.surgical castration of a woman. As a rule, all the symptoms go away, but the changes in the woman's body are irreversible - she falls sharply into the menopause.

To some extent I help various preparations of histoglobulins. They adsorb on themselves all the substances that trigger the mechanisms of development of such states. But the effect is temporary, and this therapy does not allow for permanent cure.

As a rule, various antihistamines and other antiallergic drugs do not bring any significant effect.

In some cases, for example, with the development of anaphylactic shock or angioedema, the administration of large doses of hormonal drugs is indicated.

Treatment of contact allergy

In the case of this pathology, there is a basic and unshakable rule: all manifestations of an allergy will pass as soon as the provoking moment is eliminated. Also, to ease the condition, you can take various medications. These include:

  • antihistamine tablets, for example, loratadine, ketotifen and the like;
  • if necessary, inject hormonal drugs in the form of injections or oral, as well as in various ointments and creams.

The most suitable scheme in each case can be appointed only by a doctor, based on the manifestations of pathology.

We recommend that you read an article on allergy to gaskets. From it you will learn about the symptoms of intolerance to sanitary pads in women, the manifestation of allergies when wearing daily pads, as well as how to fix the problem.

Prevention of allergy

How to prevent similar conditions and whether it can be done at all? Key recommendations:

  • A healthy lifestyle should be maintained. This, of course, is not a panacea for all diseases. But the most part of pathological conditions develops precisely when inability comes out of stressful situations, in the absence of physical activity and malnutrition. In such conditions, the body is even more difficult to deal with the processes occurring within its processes, as a result of which everything spills into malfunctions like menstrual dermatosis or various kinds of allergies.
  • It is important for the normal functioning of a regular sex life. Biologically active substances released during intimate relationships, imperceptibly regulate many processes. It also gives confidence and protection to a woman, helps to deal with stress and psychological overexertion.
  • In case of contact allergies, the most appropriate hygiene products should be selected. For example, gaskets without any flavoring and artificial fillers. It is also important that the top layer is made of natural fabrics as much as possible. The choice of tampons should be considered prudently. And if there are unpleasant sensations during their use, it's better to stop putting them or to do it only when absolutely necessary.
  • If a woman experiences allergic reactions to other objects or substances, should try to avoid contact with them , so the body will not accumulate an immune response and its reactivity will become less pronounced.

Can the monthly cause allergies? Independently there. But the special hormonal background and increased reactivity of the body in these days predispose to such changes. Allergy is an indicator of the abnormal perception of everyday things, or even of their own biologically active substances. Coping with such conditions is not always possible. In any case, the optimal treatment regimen can recommend only a doctor taking into account the entire clinical situation.

  • Mar 09, 2018
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