Babi Doctor First teeth - gum for gums with teething

In the period of teething, children become restless, cry and mollify much, than they force parents to worry about them.

In addition to changes in the behavior of the child, this process is often accompanied by unpleasant symptoms in the form of fever, inflammation and soreness of the gums.

Doctor Baby's gel The first teeth is designed to help kids and their parents easier to survive this difficult period. The drug is presented in the form of a transparent gel with a pinkish tint, without taste or odor.

When applied to the gums, the gel has a soothing effect, in a short time it removes inflammation. Regular use of the gel will ease the baby's condition and prevent possible complications that may be accompanied by teething.


  • Composition and form of the preparation
  • Pharmacological action
  • Indications for use
  • Scheme of application
  • Side effects
  • Practical experience of application
    • Professional point of view
    • Parental opinion
  • Cost, storage rules
  • What can I replace?
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Composition and form of the preparation

Baby's Doctor - The first teeth completely consists of natural components and does not contain anesthetics. The product is manufactured using the following components:

  1. Chamomile has a sedative and disinfecting effect on the child's inflamed gums, relieves pain.
  2. Echinacea increases immunity, has a healing effect. The plant includes phenolic acids, known for their antiseptic effect.
  3. Calendula is an antiseptic that stimulates the early healing of mucous membranes in case of damage. In addition, the plant extract soothes the nervous system.
  4. Plantain has anti-inflammatory, wound-healing properties. Strengthens the baby's gums.
  5. Althane root relieves irritation, inflammation of the oral mucosa. Due to the ability to linger on the surface of the gum forms a thin protective film on them.
  6. Methyl Cellulose is a food thickener.
  7. Methylparaben is a preservative, food additive.
  8. Purified water .

Produced in the form of a transparent gel, placed in a small tube of 15 ml.

Pharmacological action of

During the teething period, children feel severe pain, which causes their sleep, loss of appetite, and becomes capricious.

Baby The doctor has a mild effect on inflamed gums, eliminates swelling and relieves pain. As a result, the child improves his mood, he starts eating well. Due to the composition of plant components, the appearance of an allergic reaction is unlikely.

The drug has a local effect on the gums and is characterized by low systemic absorption. Therefore, the medicine does not affect the functioning of the vital organs of the baby.

In case of accidental ingestion of a small amount, one should not worry, since overdose cases have not been established and it is unlikely.

Immediately after the first application to the gums, the drug begins to act, providing a calming effect, relieving inflammation. Pain, itching go away instantly, and the result persists for a long time.

Thanks to the althea root, a protective film forms in the sensitive area. Thanks to it, the healing and repair process of the mucosa is accelerated. The formation of the protective layer provides not only a wound healing effect, but also contributes to the fact that for some time the effect on the gums of the remaining components of the drug remains.

This is one of the few drugs in which there is a minimum amount of chemicals.

Indications for use

The soothing gel is specially formulated for children and is approved for use from three months of age. The main purpose is to eliminate unpleasant symptoms when the first teeth appear.

The preparation consists of natural components and is not considered a medicine, so there are no contraindications to its use.

But it is still recommended to apply a very small amount of gel at the first use, in order to avoid allergic reactions and side effects.

Scheme of application

Before using the drug, parents should thoroughly wash their hands. With clean fingers, apply a small amount of the drug to the sensitive area of ​​the gum and gently massage it gently.

For the procedure, you can use a cotton swab and a special silicone brush. The gel is applied as necessary, there are no restrictions on the number of applications.

Dr. Beby First teeth can be used to relieve painful symptoms in toddlers who have reached the age of three months.

Babi Doctor can be used not only as a sedative for gums during the period of teething. Regular use of gel helps to ensure the hygienic state of the oral cavity of the baby, and its natural composition maintains the health of the gums.

However, this tool can not be called harmless. Methylcellulose with long-term ingestion into the child's body can cause disturbances in the digestive system. A Methylparaben is a powerful antiseptic substance, which is obtained from strawberries and blueberries, - its excessive amount can not be called useful for a child's body.

Side effects of

The instructions to the drug state that no side effects have been identified with the use of the agent, but it is clear from the parents' feedback that in some cases the use of the Baby's gel can provoke an allergic reaction that manifests itself as a small rash in the body.

After the drug is stopped, the symptoms go away on their own. In rare cases, reported violations of stool in the child.

Practical experience of using

Expert opinion and feedback from parents who use or used Babi Doctor First teeth for medical purposes.

Professional point of view

This remedy should always be in the medicine cabinet of every mother. From its analogues the gel differs in that it can be used from three months on, and it is absolutely safe for babies.

The composition of the gel contains herbal ingredients, due to which the product is hypoallergenic. There are no contraindications for use.

Another advantage is the possibility of repeated use during the day. The parents of my little patients always respond well to the positive and lasting effect of using this remedy.

Pediatric dentist

Parental opinion

For my child and myself, teething has become a real test. Especially when the first lower teeth were climbing. This process began quite early, at four months.

I did not even realize at once that it was already getting teeth. But after we did not sleep for two nights in a row, I went to the pharmacy. There I was offered this remedy, and there was no special choice, so I took it.

After application the son calmed down, but it did not last long. The pain did not go to the end and after a short time it grew with new strength. But still, there was some effect and we had time to sleep. When the next teeth climbed, I already bought another gel, the help from which was much more.

Katerina, 29

This gel was recommended to me by a friend. Her daughter is several months older than mine, so she already knew what to save in this difficult period. True, it turned out that for them the gel was an indispensable assistant, but for us a waste of money.

Mazal gums to their daughter for about a month. If he helped, then quite a bit. A few months later, my own wisdom tooth began to grow, the pain was terrible. I began to use this medicine and to my surprise only they were saved.

Lisa, 31

In our situation, Baby's Doctor helped just fine. I bought it because of the composition, which includes so many famous and useful herbs. Her daughter's teeth catch teeth and for one night she can wake up four times. She will wake up, cry, smear her gums, and after ten minutes she sleeps with a sweet dream until the next awakening.

Alina, 22

Cost, storage rules

Store the drug in a dry place, subject to room temperature.

Keep away from children. Shelf life is three years from the date of manufacture.

Baby Doctor is in free implementation, you can buy it in any pharmacy network without a prescription, the price of the medicine will be about 450 rubles.

What can I replace?

If, for some reason, this remedy was not found in the pharmacy, then you can use other drugs that have a similar effect:

  • Dentokind;
  • Calgel;
  • the Camident;
  • Dentol Baby;
  • Холисал;
  • The innocent;
  • Pansoral.

All of the above means have the same indications for use and a similar mechanism and therapeutic effect on the body. Each of them effectively copes with inflammation of the gums and pain during teething.

  • Mar 05, 2018
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