Apparatus Vector - a modern solution for the treatment of periodontal diseases

The parodontium is the tissues that surround and hold the body of the tooth directly. The health of the gums, mucous and peri-toothed bone is in no way more important than the good condition of the teeth themselves.

Diseases of this group of tissues are very common among the population.


  • Serious impact on periodontium
  • Ultrasound treatment of periodontal disease
  • Principle of operation and features of
  • system Stage after treatment of all diseases
  • Advantages of Vector system
  • Public eye
  • Other methods for treating periodontal diseases
    • Therapeutic method
    • Using physiotherapy
    • Using

surgerySerious impact on the periodontium

For periodontal diseases include:

  1. Periodontal disease .This is a non-inflammatory process that occurs almost imperceptibly. The tissues surrounding the body of the tooth are destroyed, the dental necks are bare. At this stage of the special unpleasant sensations a person does not feel
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    .Teeth are kept in the jaw pits firmly, purulent and bloody discharge is not present. Therefore, a visit to the dentist is postponed, which allows the disease to take more severe forms, which can eventually lead to tooth loss. A characteristic feature of this disease is that it has no localized lesions. All periodontitis of the oral cavity undergoes slow destruction.
  2. Periodontitis .In contrast to periodontitis, the course of this disease is accompanied by inflammatory processes. Different stages are characterized by their symptoms. At the initial stage - the bleeding of the gums develops, later - the ligament between the teeth breaks down, the periodontal pocket appears. The deposition of plaque and stone into it leads to the development of more severe forms of the disease. At the same time, the destruction of the periodontium becomes more significant, the teeth loosen, the chewing function worsens. Characterized by increased sensitivity of teeth, bad breath, purulent discharge.
  3. Gingivitis .This is a widespread disease of gums, which is often the cause of the development of more serious diseases - periodontal disease and periodontitis. They are accompanied by redness, bleeding of the peri-toothed tissues.

Ultrasound treatment of periodontal diseases

In dental periodontology, the use of the Vector apparatus is very popular for the treatment of periodontitis and other gum diseases.

The system was developed by the German company Durr Dental. This firm has long been using the most innovative technologies in dental equipment.

Durr Dental products are distinguished by their quality and functionality. In 1990, a breakthrough was made in modern periodontics - the creation of the "Vector" complex.

This system consists of a basic apparatus and various tips necessary for carrying out certain operations.

The use of vector therapy is recommended by leading dentists in such cases:

  • initial stages of diseases of peri-toothed tissues;
  • treatment of severe and chronic forms of periodontitis;
  • professional oral hygiene;
  • for extensive implantation - for the prevention of periodontal disease;
  • prevention of gum recession;
  • maintaining the survival of prostheses.

Principle of operation and features of the

The device acts by ultrasound on the affected tissue, together with the use of a special highly disperse suspension.

It is important that ultrasonic energy is oriented in one, linear plane. This avoids damage to sensitive periodontal tissues.

Sound waves are parallel to the plane of the root of the tooth, which makes the procedure more safe and atraumatic. Cement, which is in the roots, is not destroyed, the tooth also does not overheat.

Specially for the Vector system by the company Durr Dental, the Vector Polish polish solution was developed. This is a highly dispersed suspension of hydroapatite calcium, a substance that is part of the tooth enamel.

The solution is supplied under pressure to the open periodontal pockets, where in the ultrasonic medium, unwanted deposits are removed. Due to the fact that the mechanical effect on the tooth is completely excluded, the removal of tartar occurs in the most gentle mode.

Also, with the help of hydrodynamic action, particles of the suspension are subjected to destruction of biofilm consisting of pathogenic microorganisms. In addition to bacteria, the products of their vital activity( endotoxins) are washed out, which allows for a better purification.

Due to the removal of the most microscopic tartar particles, the odor from the mouth is effectively eliminated.

Periodontal pockets treated with Vector Polish are not injured, which causes an early restoration of periodontal tissues after treatment.

Stage after stage cure all diseases

Complete treatment takes place in several stages. At the first visit procedures are carried out, directly aimed at removing the causes of the disease.

The treating physician evaluates the required intervention and directly treatment. It consists in the removal of subgingival and supragingival deposits, the destruction of the biological film and the products of the vital activity of microorganisms, and the thorough washing of the periodontal pockets.

The treatment of periodontal disease is complex, so the patient must undergo mandatory follow-up examinations.

Repeat the procedure if necessary, carried out one month after the main, and then make preventive examinations every 6 months.

There are practically no contraindications to the use of the complex, since this technology is the most innovative in the treatment of paradontal diseases for our time. The only exceptions are isolated, especially neglected cases requiring exclusively surgical intervention.

The cost of the procedure varies in a wide range and depends on the severity of each case.

Advantages of Vector system

Treatment of gum disease The vector has undoubted advantages:

  1. A diverse application of .The device is designed for a wide range of operations. This is the direct treatment of various forms of periodontal diseases and the subsequent prevention of the re-occurrence of inflammatory processes.
  2. Painlessness of the procedure .Vector is not an invasive system, which excludes direct contact of the instrument with damaged tissues. Due to this treatment can be performed even in patients with increased sensitivity.
  3. Process security .Since the ultrasound used is oriented in the same plane, the dentist can most accurately treat the periodontal, keeping the hard and soft tissues of the tooth.
  4. Quality of .The use of the suspension Vector Polish allows you to remove from the periodontal pockets the smallest particles of plaque, which is not available for most similar devices.
  5. Save time .Depending on the degree of neglect of the oral cavity and the number of teeth being treated, the whole procedure takes from 30 minutes to one and a half hours.
  6. Complete .The company manufactures various components that allow for the most effective treatment.
  7. Hygiene .All cavities and tools used are as close as possible, which corresponds to all hygienic requirements.
  8. Ease of use .The ergonomics of the presented tools allow dentists to carry out the necessary manipulations with ease and accuracy.

Public opinion

Vector therapy is widely used in dentistry and has found a positive response among patients, which is confirmed by numerous reviews.

For me, going to the dental office has always been akin to torture, but bleeding from the gums made me take this step. My doctor diagnosed moderate periodontitis.

After cleaning the stone with Vector, the condition of the gums improved, the bleeding stopped. The whole procedure took about 40 minutes, with almost no pain. I recommend.

Serg, forumadin

Quickly and practically imperceptibly. In a day the inflammation after the procedure is almost over. The result is satisfied, although the doctor has scheduled a second examination in six months. Unpleasant feelings of course were, but not pain, and the result, as they say, is obvious. We will see.

Karim, 38

Other methods of treatment of periodontal diseases

Treatment of periodontal diseases, depending on the nature of the course of the disease and the degree of neglect, can be either surgical or non-surgical.

Therapeutic method

The development of periodontitis often occurs with a decrease in immunity. In this case, various vitamin-mineral complexes are prescribed, immunostimulants that promote the enhancement of immune defense.

It is also possible to use antibiotics if the course of the disease is associated with inflammatory processes. Injections into the gums are prescribed with a sharp exacerbation of diseases. The disadvantage of the drug method is that with the help of drugs it is possible only to remove symptoms, but not to eliminate the causes of infection.

Use of physiotherapy

The physiotherapy procedures prescribed for the periodontal diseases include:

  • electrophoresis;
  • vacuum therapy;
  • hydrotherapy;
  • infrared laser therapy;
  • oxoceritotherapy;
  • oxygen therapy.

The main advantages of the procedures are the stimulation of metabolism, regenerating and anti-inflammatory effects, improving the blood flow in the periodontium. The disadvantage is the impossibility of complete cure of the patient, the procedures are used as an additional means for early recovery.

Use of

surgery Surgical intervention is used to perform prosthetics of the oral cavity with tooth loss, or to clean the affected surfaces from the calculus by mechanical means.

This method is effective, but it has many drawbacks: soreness and long procedure time, the need for regular repetition and a long recovery period.

Also popular methods of treatment are applied, but their effectiveness is low enough.

As a result of using the "Vector" system, there are significant improvements in the condition of the oral cavity, a decrease in the depth of the dentogingival pockets.

The gums acquire a healthy pink color, the plaque disappears. Due to the precaution of the procedures and the absence of injury, the recovery process takes place as soon as possible. After carrying out significantly decreases the weakness of the dentition, the chewing load is optimally distributed on all teeth.

  • Mar 05, 2018
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