The magic power of propolis for the health of teeth and gums

Propolis is endowed with unique healing properties and has been used in folk medicine since ancient times. For many hundreds of years, many different recipes for the application of this beekeeping product have been invented.

Modern medicine has not yet studied the whole range of beneficial effects that propolis can have on the human body.


  • Product sent from the sky
  • Magic power of propolis
  • Impact of propolis on gums and teeth
  • Recipes based on bee glue
  • Using propolis for toothache
  • Are there any contraindications and limitations?

Product sent from the skies

Propolis is formed from resinous sticky materials collected by bees from the buds of trees. All these natural substances undergo special treatment, after which they become similar to glue in their consistency.

For the collection of resinous materials from plants, a separate group of bees in the hive is responsible. The propolis produced is endowed with striking physical properties and never loses its useful qualities even after prolonged heating.

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The melting point of this substance is 80 ° C, and the material already crystallizes at + 15 ° C.

Propolis is a kind of sticky substance used by bees for:

  • insects use propolis to protect against drafts, this substance is used by them to seal various cracks;
  • also propolis is used to disinfect bee honeycombs before the uterus lays eggs in them;
  • to prevent possible infections and in order to maintain the microclimate insects envelop propolis foreign bodies of large sizes;
  • is also used by medical bees to regulate the overall size of the tap, which can be reduced or increased depending on the season.

The magic power of propolis

Why is propolis so useful for the human body, what is it for? This substance is endowed with a unique set of beneficial properties, thanks to individual biologically active components. These include:

  • steroids;
  • flavonoids;
  • essential oils;
  • fatty acids;
  • resin.

Among the list of beneficial effects of propolis on the body, there are several main ones that contribute to the effective prevention of dental and gum diseases:

  1. The anesthetic effect of propolis, as a qualitative analgesic substance that can save a person from severe pain. When you need to muffle pain at home, this magical remedy has no equal.
  2. The powerful antiseptic bactericidal effect of bee glue helps prevent the spread of harmful microflora in the human body, block the development of various pathologies.
  3. The anti-inflammatory effect of bee glue promotes accelerated reduction of inflammation and fast healing. With the development of painful processes and all kinds of damage when using propolis, noticeable improvements are observed.

Impact of propolis on gums and teeth

Most often bee glue and medications on its basis are used as a reliable means to significantly reduce or completely get rid of the pain before visiting the dentist.

As a medicine, often both bee glue itself and the means made from it are used. Problems with teeth and gums sooner or later occur in everyone. Apart from pain and other unpleasant sensations, diseases of the oral cavity may be accompanied by bleeding and suppuration.

Such complications are often caused by inflammatory processes. To facilitate their condition and stop the developing disease, special rinses are prescribed using an extract of bee glue.

Active substances contained in propolis, contribute to the improvement of the general condition of the gums, as well as the regeneration of the tissues of the oral mucosa. When combining bee glue with other medicines, the disease can be treated more quickly.

Based on propolis, a variety of different medications are used to treat diseases of the oral cavity. In this case, there are no contraindications to use.

Only cases of allergic reactions to individual components of a substance can be an exception.

Propolis-based rinses are very useful for stomatitis, periodontal disease, developing caries, gingivitis, gum bleeding, etc.

Recipes based on bee glue

Propolis in various forms has found wide application for solving various dental problems:

  1. Pharmaceutical tincture based on propolis can be used when from the mouth appears the smell of .Also this agent can be applied for the purpose of teeth whitening .To repel the smell, you will need to make a composition of several drops of alcohol tincture and one glass of broth based on mint and sage. The rinsing procedure is performed in the morning and evening for one month.
  2. If on the gums in a person begins to show spotting , the following recipe will help. It is necessary to make a tincture from 100 ml of 70% alcohol and 20 grams of bee glue and maintain it for about three days. After that, one teaspoon is added to 100 ml of water, and the resulting solution can rinse the mouth. In more complex cases, you can create therapeutic lotions. To do this, you need a 30% solution of propolis, as well as cotton wool.
  3. Another recipe for mouthwash to remove gum disease .A 30% infusion of bee glue is added to a glass of a decoction prepared from a medicinal daisy. The resulting solution should be used warmed three times a day.
  4. Toothpaste with propolis extract has a beneficial effect on the entire oral cavity. Such a tool promotes the strengthening of tooth enamel, reduces the chances of developing periodontal disease or the formation of calculus of .Sometimes, for the same purposes, a rinse aid is used, created from tincture and vegetable oil in a 1: 2 ratio.
  5. The most simple and affordable way for to get rid of toothache is propolis itself. It is enough just to leave for a time on the sore spot one piece the size of a pea. The effect of the application is very fast. A slight numbness is felt after a few minutes. This means that the bee glue has already begun to have its beneficial effect.
  6. You can also mix the alcohol tinctures of the roots of ayr and propolis by diluting the resulting mixture with water. After that, it can be used as a mouthwash twice a day, until the gum disease is completely healed. It is recommended to use a fresh, just-prepared medicine. A small amount of alcohol tincture can be held in the mouth a little in the area of ​​the aching tooth. After that, the used medication is simply spit. You need to be more careful, because alcohol can burn the mucous membrane and gum.
  7. If a person develops stomatitis or another infection of , decoction of 25 g of linden, 25 g of chamomile, 20 g of flax seed and 30 g of eucalyptus will be effective. Tincture of propolis is added to this composition in an amount of 40 drops. The resulting rinse aid can be used up to 4 times a day.
  8. In order to make enamel whiter than , you need a little toothpaste, soda and salt, diluted with propolis tincture and hydrogen peroxide. The resulting solution can be used for cleaning teeth.

Use of propolis with toothache

The use of propolis or, as it is also called, bee glue for dental pain has been practiced for a very long time. For many centuries, this beekeeping product is used as an anesthetic and anesthetic.

When the tooth is aching, it is not necessary to prepare a tincture or a decoction. It is enough simply to apply a small piece of propolis to a sore spot and after a while you will be able to feel how the bee glue has its beneficial effect.

This remedy is recommended to be used before visiting a qualified dentist.

Are there any contraindications and limitations?

Contraindications to the use of propolis - a fairly rare phenomenon, but all the same bee glue does not benefit everyone.

For the most part, the negative effect of using this beekeeping product is expressed in itching of the mucous membrane, burning, rising temperature.

Some people develop an allergic reaction, which requires fast hospitalization.

Propolis is considered a necessary substance to ensure the normal life of people, therefore, in order to get rid of the undesirable consequences of using this product, preventive measures are recommended.

  • Mar 05, 2018
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