One of the true signs of women's health is the oncoming critical days in time. But if they are late, does this mean that a serious problem has arisen? Not always. Menstruation can be delayed due to stress, inaccuracies in the diet, but simply a sharp change in the weather. And the reproductive system sometimes needs to help earn money normally. Devyasil with the delay of monthly - one of the old, repeatedly tested means to call them. But it is very important to know the nuances of its use.
Contents of the
- 1 The timing when it is worthwhile to call monthly
- 2 The properties of the root of the elecrode
- 3 Is the action of the plant
- 4 real How to prepare for stimulation of the menstrual function
- 5 Precautions for taking
Time when it is worthwhile to call monthly
The delay of critical days can be caused not only by a slight hormonal failure. This is also a symptom of a variety of pathologies - from problems with the bladder to ovarian, pituitary, sexual infections. And in such cases, urging the timely arrival of menstruation with the help of elecampane is not only senseless, but even harmful. Especially if the problem is found regularly.
But in the case of a single delay case, the timing in which it is supposed to be used is important. If the monthly does not last longer than 10 days, its use is unjustified and therefore undesirable. Such a period of absence of menstruation, when it should already come, indicates a more serious reason than negative emotions.
Properties of the root of elecampane
What is the reason for the popularity of elecampane as a tool for stimulating menstrual function? Its composition. To call monthly use means based on the root of the plant. This part contains:
- Polysaccharides inulin and inulinenin. They stimulate the immune processes, metabolism. Polysaccharides give energy and stimulate muscle contractions, which is necessary for the process of updating the mucous uterus.
- Saponins. Restore the balance of hormones, relieve inflammation. Both are important for the normal functioning of the reproductive system.
- Ether resins. Stabilize cholesterol, relieve intoxication. Both causes can cause a delay.
- Acetic and benzoic acids. Have an antibacterial effect, improve the body's absorption of vitamins, relieve pain. All this can be important for maintaining the normal functioning of the reproductive system.
- Vitamin E. This substance is necessary for the operation of the ovaries. He is appointed separately in case of failures in their functions, and in the eleventh vitamin there are many.
- Gelenin. The component calms the nervous system. If the delay is triggered by stress, it is he who is able to eliminate it.
- Manganese. Stabilizes the work of the thyroid gland, a malfunction in which can cause problems with menstruation.
- Magnesium. Displays toxins, soothes and also normalizes the production of thyroid hormones.
- Potassium. It is necessary for the formation of many enzymes, relieves swelling, eliminates spasms.
- Calcium. Supports immunity, positively affects the balance of hormones, effectively fights inflammation.
- Iron. This component is needed to maintain hemoglobin. Its lowering is able to postpone menstruation, as it slows down many processes.
- Ascorbic acid. The substance rejuvenates the body, that is, it spurs its normal work and menstrual function in particular.
- Bitter substances. Promotes lowering of sugar, whose excessive values can cause a common hormonal disorder.
- Flavonoids. Improves the body's ability to absorb vitamins, and also calms nerves.
- Pectines. Stabilize cholesterol, equalize the overall balance of substances. When the luteal phase of the cycle is inadequate, pectins lead to normal.
Whether the action of the plant
is real. Devyasil can speed up the monthly ones due to the substances present in its composition. But many of them are found in other plants. Why is this herb helping to cope with the problem?
The secret of its impact in their combination. This is known not only from years of experience in applying the plant to eliminate delay, but also scientific research. Devyasil is no longer a popular, but quite traditional method of therapy in gynecology. He is prescribed and the doctors to his patients. Moreover, it is a very strong plant that gives a quick effect. And the excessive presence of compounds on the basis of elecampane in the body is undesirable. Important is the measure, as with the use of pharmaceuticals.
Ways to prepare for stimulation of the menstrual function
Brewing elecampane to cause monthly, you need a special way. After all, the plant is used in the auxiliary therapy of many ailments: from skin diseases to pathologies of the respiratory system. To prepare the elecampane for monthly, the prescription can be as follows:
- For 1 tsp.ground roots 200 ml of boiling water. Put the product on a small fire for 15 minutes. The next 4 hours it should be infused under the lid. After that, the broth must be filtered, otherwise unwanted components accumulate in it. The product is concentrated, therefore a day is enough 3 hp.
- In the same amount of liquid heated to 90 degrees, place 1 tbsp.l.root of the plant, pre-ground. The product is on fire for only 5 minutes, after which it is kept for half an hour under the lid and wrapped in a towel. This even more strong decoction is taken in large quantities - 50 ml at once, after 6 - 8 hours still the same dose. Menstruation will begin after consuming 100 ml of liquid.
It is very important and how to take elecampane with a delay in menstruation. The preparation prepared according to the first prescription is drunk before the secretions are detected. But you can not do this for more than 4 days, there is a risk of getting a lot of negative manifestations. If the cause of the lag is not significant, the remedy helps for 1 to 2 days of use. The second composition is intended for one-time use in 2 divided doses.
If elecampane did not help to hasten menstruation( and sometimes it is), then the reason for its absence is more serious than stress and fatigue. And then the trip to the doctor is inevitable.
We recommend reading the article on how to trigger monthly. From it you will learn about the drugs that help the beginning of menstruation, the effectiveness of folk remedies, the use of hot baths, the use of medicinal decoctions.
Precautions for taking
Decoction of elecampane for menstruation, no matter how it is prepared, should be used carefully. Grass, in addition to useful properties, has the ability to cause a negative reaction. Especially vigilant should be those who have the disease:
Disease | Why can not the cardiac |
Cardiovascular system | They are often prescribed treatment with glycosides. These drugs in combination with the root of elecampane can cause poisoning. But even in the absence of glycosides in cardiac therapy, the plant is capable of provoking interruptions in the heart. |
Digestive organs | If there is an exacerbation, drink funds with the nine should not be. But even in the period of remission of gastritis with reduced acidity, ulcers, enterocolitis, taking the drug on its basis can cause a new round of problems with the stomach or intestines. |
Kidney | Liquid is excreted from the body through them, so the elephant and here is capable of provoking an exacerbation. |
And also to women taking hormonal drugs. In this case, the reaction of the body can be completely unpredictable.
You can not drink elecampane with:
- Intolerance to one of the plant components. If a rash appears on the skin, overall health worsens, you need to stop taking the medicine and go to the doctor.
- Pregnancy. Before using, make sure that it is not available. Otherwise, the eleventh will provoke a miscarriage, the outcome of which is unpredictable.
- Uterine bleeding. If a woman is already there, elecampane can cause one more.
Grass of eleven for monthly calls is effective for a single failure. But to use it in every cycle, if the violation is repeated, it is impossible. She copes with the consequences of stress, fatigue, poor nutrition and poor ecology, expressed by a delay. If the reason is more serious, you need other measures to restore the function.