Toothache, which suddenly appears in children, is an unpleasant factor that causes parents to experience. After all, a child can not really describe his state of health or go to a dentist.
The main reason why a tooth often hurts a tooth is caries or high sensitivity of the enamel. The sensitivity of enamel can be manifested with a wedge-shaped defect of the teeth, exposed dentin of the dental neck, endocrine and neurological diseases, a violation of the exchange of minerals.
To determine the sensitivity of teeth can be in the presence of pain from eating acidic, cold and hot foods.
If the pains appear at an early age, then the cause is teething( while the child has a gum).Symptoms of teething are salivation, redness and swelling of the gums, attempts to scratch the gums with your fingers.
Also the child may have gum disease after tooth loss or removal, which can be caused by the presence of dry socket, alveolitis, allergy to pain medications. Another cause of inflammation may be pulpitis, the appearance of a flux with aching pain.
It is not difficult to find out the reason for the appearance of the pathological process, as when examining the oral cavity there is swelling, redness and increased salivation.
- Fundamental principles of
- Fundamentals of
- Treatment options for children
- Local pain medication gels
- Homeopathic remedies
- Anti-inflammatory drugs
- Antihistamines
- Use of traditional medicine
- Other ways to eliminate pain
Fundamentals of
Before eliminating toothache,to familiarize with the basic principles of treatment of a painful syndrome:
- elimination of the cause and pathogenfactor;
- conducting early pharmacotherapy;
- choice of an anesthetic based on the intensity of the syndrome;
- evaluation of the effectiveness of anesthesia based on the condition of the child.
The bulk of the pain in the case of tissue damage occurs when prostaglandins and cytokines are activated that activate inflammatory responses.
The main direction in the action of funds from toothache is to reduce the allocation of pain mediators and prescription sensitivity.
Features of choice of pain relievers for children
An anesthetic for toothache, intended for the treatment of children should act quickly, and the remedy itself is safe for a growing organism not prepared for the consumption of harmful potent tablets.
Pain in a child should begin to be removed with the help of folk remedies, because the child begins to be capricious with prolonged and unpleasant sensations.
In pharmacies, you can pick up anti-inflammatory drugs individually for children in any form( suspensions, syrups, tablets, rectal suppositories, etc.).After eliminating the pain, the child should be taken to the dentist, so that the teeth can be treated in a timely manner.
If a child has a toothache, then the pain can be removed in the following ways:
- using gels, ointments, drops;
- using homeopathic medicines;
- by consuming medicines to lower body temperature;
- using antihistamines;
- by popular methods;
- massage.
Local pain medication gels
Such agents can be applied to the teeth and gums if the pains are manifested by the growth of the molars. With their help, the sensations are relieved, but the acute pain is not eliminated. The local remedies include anesthetic components( lidocaine), which block pain receptors in the gums.
Often the composition of the gels includes anti-inflammatory and herbal substances that allow you to remove inflammation of the gums. The effect of ointments and gels is almost the same, but it lasts about 30 minutes.
Effective gels suitable for the anesthesia of children's teeth:
- Holisal-gel .The medicine has an anesthetic, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect. The gel has a special structure that allows it to stay on the gingival mucosa for a long time. The composition of the drug includes cetalkonium chloride, choline salicylate.
- Calgel .As part of the remedy is antiseptic citilperidine and lidocaine. It does not contain sugar and acts instantly. The main components of the gel are lidocaine hydrochloride, citylpyridinium chloride, sorbitol solution, hyethellose, ethanol, sodium saccharinate, laumromacrogol 600, sodium citrate, levomenthol, flavors, water, etc.
- Kamistad .The product contains chamomile and lidocaine, quickly penetrates into the structures, relieving pain and swelling. In addition, the gel contains formic acid, sodium saccharin, carbomer, benzalkonium chloride, camphor laurel oil, ethyl alcohol.
- Dentinox .The drug provides action on the teeth due to the presence of lidocaine and chamomile. Other components of the gel are Lauromacrogol-600.
Such funds are subject to re-certification on a daily basis, some of them are not allowed for secondary sales through pharmacy chains due to identified adverse reactions.
Homeopathic remedies
As part of homeopathic remedies there are natural substances that exert a systemic effect, simplifying the general condition of the child and teething.
To relieve a child's toothache, use the following:
- Traumeel-O Ointment .This homeopathic remedy with analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect, herbal components eliminate inflammation, swelling and pain. Ointment should be lubricated gum several times a day. Contains extract of calendula, mountain arnica, anchovy fighter, daisy, belladonna, comfrey, yarrow, St. John's wort, echinacea, witch hazel, etc.
- Drops Dentinorm Baby well eliminates inflammation in the nasopharynx and oral cavity. The composition of drops includes medicinal rhubarb, Indian ivy and chamomile. Candles Viburkol .It helps in teething, and also has a sedative, spasmolytic, analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect. Contain candles of chamomile, dulcamaru, belladonna, pulsatilla, hematite calcium carbonium and major plantago.
Anti-inflammatory drugs
Such agents are used at high temperature during teething. They operate systematically, so the effect lasts up to 12 hours. In this case, in particular, the use of Ibuprofen and Paracetamol.
They effectively eliminate unpleasant symptoms( redness, itching, pain and general weakness).
To eliminate toothache, the following drugs can be used:
- Actasulide .A Nimesulide-based remedy helps in general weakness and toothache, is not tolerated for consumption by children under 12 years of age.
- Non-steroidal selective drugs( Nimesulide, Nimulide and Naise ) - are prescribed for children under 12 years of age. Their action is based on selective blockade of the synthesis of prostaglandin in the brain. Do not use drugs for liver pathologies, kidney failure.
- Aspirin .It is the basis of Asphen, Citramon, Acelizin and Ascophene. Not recommended for use in children under one year.
- Children's Nurofen is the first treatment for dental and other types of pain that occurs in children. Has anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. Children from 12 years of age are prescribed a tablet several times a day, to eliminate severe pain, you need to take up to 6 tablets.
Antihistamines can be used to relieve swelling and itching:
- Drops Fenistil - eliminate puffiness and simplify breathing. It is recommended to apply three times a day. The agent contains dimentindene maleate, sodium hydrogen phosphate dodecahydrate, citric acid monohydrate, disodium edetate, benzoic acid, propylene glycol, sodium saccharinate and water.
- Drops Parlisin - contains magnesium stearate, cetirizine hydrochloride, silicon dioxide, lactose monohydrate and other additional components. The product effectively removes swelling and facilitates breathing. Due to the strong effect, it is allowed to use once a day.
Use of traditional medicine
It is necessary to know what exactly it is possible to give a child from a toothache - not all are suitable for toddlers. Most herbs can cause an allergic reaction.
Also, do not consume children with alcoholic infusions of herbs. Instead, faint decoctions of plants will do.
To relieve toothache it is possible with the following means:
- a good action is the rinsing of the mouth with a decoction of melissa, chamomile and sage;
- a child can attach a piece of ice wrapped in a towel or handkerchief;
- rinsing with a soda solution differs antiseptic action and removes puffiness;
- Propolis has anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect;
- to eliminate pain, you can use the oak bark decoctions.
Tooth pain can be removed by standard household recipes:
- on a sick tooth, you can put a piece of fat or cotton wool soaked in eucalyptus oil;
- a cold vegetable or fruit can be applied to the tooth and gum;
- to the cheek, you can attach a magnet and hold it for up to 30 minutes;
- you can rub your wrist in the pulse region with garlic.
Other ways to eliminate pain
Alternative means for pain relief:
- If a child has a teeth cut, can be purchased with special pastes that relieve pain: SPLAT Junior and SPLAT Magic Foam. For manufacturing SPLAT Magic Foam, dairy enzymes, creatinine, glycyrrhizinate, licorice are used. The paste SPLAT Junior includes calcium, xylitol, aloe vera, enzymes.
- It is possible to use an analgesic spray Asepta .This is a colorless liquid containing chlorhexidine bigluconate, lidocaine hydrochloride and ancillary components. The product has an anesthetic and antiseptic effect. The therapeutic effect becomes noticeable in a minute after treatment with the preparation of the mucous membranes and skin and lasts 15 minutes.
- Performing an acupuncture massage .To eliminate pain, you should know the location of the points to be influenced. The first point is on the back of the palm between the forefinger and the thumb, it is massaged for several minutes before redness. The next point is in the left corner of the nail on the index finger. Massaging is performed by pressing your fingers on the required area.