Does No-Shpa help with toothache or are it wasted and harmful?

No-Shpa is today a popular drug among all age groups of the population.

At a relatively low cost, the drug really improves well-being and has virtually no contraindications.

Undoubtedly, Noshpa can perfectly remove various spasms in the body. But, it is not a medicinal product and allows only for a while to get rid of the perceived signs of the disease. Periodic use of this drug is permissible.

If, however, the health is not restored, it is better to consult a specialist and work on eliminating the causes that cause pain.

Lisina Elena Valentinovna, 44, doctor-therapist, Kazan


  • When is the drug prescribed?
  • But-spine with toothache - it is better to drink water
  • How to provide at least some effect of taking Noshpa?
    • Complementary therapy
    • Placebo effect
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  • Really effective medicine for toothache
    • How to replace more effective?
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When is the drug prescribed?

Under the influence of But the smooth muscles of the abdomen begin to relax and improve blood circulation. The main component that determines the characteristics of No-Shpa is drotaverine hydrochloride.

As additional acts:

  • magnesium stearate;
  • Povidone;
  • lactose;
  • cornstarch;
  • talcum powder.

They produce an amplifying effect.

The drug is available as a tablet or injection solution.

The drug is prescribed for:

  • ulcer of the duodenum and stomach, gastritis in combination with other medications;
  • spasm of cerebral vessels;
  • intestinal colic, regardless of their origin;
  • of biliary tract, cholangitis, chronic holocrestitis, pericholecystitis, cholelithiasis;
  • diseases of the urinary system, such as cystitis, pyelitis, urolithiasis;
  • colitis, proctitis, the occurrence of spasms in the stomach and intestines, spastic constipation, papillitis, enteritis, flatulence;
  • postoperative treatment to relieve spasms;
  • spasms of peripheral vessels, arteries and angina pectoris;
  • painful menstrual cycle( dysmenorrhea);
  • obstetrics to reduce the period of cervical dilatation and release of spasms;
  • in some cases with headache as an adjuvant;
  • instrumental survey method to prevent spasms.

If the patient's anticholinergic drugs are contraindicated, the No-Shpa can perform the function of an antispasmodic, so it can have a direct effect on the smooth muscles of the organs.

Relief after taking the drug begins to come after a few minutes. After half an hour, the effect of using the drug reaches a maximum. In the case of injections, the result comes almost immediately.

If you compare No-shpu with similar drugs, it has a longer exposure to the body and is more effective. In its effect, it even surpasses Papaverin. In addition, the agent does not affect the vegetative and central nervous system. It must be eaten after eating, otherwise it will not be absorbed into the blood.

Smirnov Nikolay Evgenievich, 56 years old, Moscow, cardiologist

But-tooth with toothache - it's better to drink water

If you have a dental pain, visit a dentist, he will never appoint No-shpu.

This is due to the fact that this drug will perfectly eliminate spasms of muscles of smooth muscles, and it stops the pain syndrome, which is caused by spasms.

But the drug can not influence the inflammatory processes and nerve endings. Therefore, it is unlikely to help to remove the toothache of the drug, because it is very rarely caused by spasms:

  1. When the nerve end of irritates, due to damage to the dentin or enamel of the tooth, there is a slight aching pain. Smooth muscles in this case have nothing to do with No-shpu meaningless.
  2. With inflammation of the surrounding tissue of the tissues and inflammation of the pulp, the pain can be quite strong, however, no spasms occur and smooth muscles do not participate. There will be no effect from taking No-shpa.

However, people believe in the miracle cure of this medicine from all the ailments.

A neighbor recently came in and asked for a No-Shpa pill, because the tooth hurts. When I began to explain that the pills would not help, she argued that they always produce only a positive effect. I could not prove anything.

Makromenko Natalia, 44, housewife, Belgorod

How to provide at least some effect of taking Noshpa?

A no-spine with toothache can help in the following cases.

Combining therapy with

When combined with other medications. For example, some people can apply a medicine with Analgin, the painful syndrome will be withdrawn at the expense of an anesthetic, and merits are attributed to it.

By the way, aching pain can be removed with the help of No-Shpa, Drotaverin, Ppaverin. Analgin in combination with the drug also gives a positive effect. You can resort to a combined injection: Papaverin or No-Shpa, Dimedrol and Analgin. It will also help to calm down and fall asleep.

Preparations of the drug group, Morphine, Promedol and Fentanyl it is better not to get involved. They have an impact on the psyche, can be addictive and used in the most extreme cases.

Placebo effect

The popularity of the drug has reached such a level that people believe that it can relieve the pain syndrome. At the subconscious level, after using the remedy, the pain can subside.

Nemet language and it seems like nothing hurts

If you try to put a tablet on the tongue, then the place where it is will start to grow dull. Anesthetic properties are manifested.

This effect can be achieved if the drug has an effect on the nerve endings of the tooth, i.e. when the pulp chamber is opened or when the bottom of the tooth is very thin and permeable.

In this case, the No-shpa is applied directly to the diseased tooth or placed in the cavity. To increase the effect, you should first brush your teeth or rinse your mouth.

Really effective medication for toothache

If the toothache is not immediately available for help from a dentist, the following drugs are more effective than No-Shpa:

  1. Analgin is an effective tool for toothache, a small piece of the tablet must be crushed andput on the tooth. You can also take the pill inside. It should be borne in mind that modern specialists have revealed very serious side effects of this drug. Therefore, when using it, care must be taken.
  2. Paracetamol is a well-known and safe remedy that can be recommended even to children. Now it is possible to use its analogues: Efferalganom, Paramol and Panadol.
  3. Aspirin though it is an antipyretic agent, but can localize not very strong pain.
  4. Nurofen is gaining in popularity. It is quite effective in combating toothache.

How to replace more efficient?

No-Shpa, like most medical drugs, has analogues. The most common is Drotaverine. In fact, this tool is no different, only the name changed, which is in international usage. From domestic medicines you can stay on Spasmoney or Spazmole.

One of the most expensive analogues is Sporaverin. Drugs, non-analogous No-Shpe, but showing a more tangible effect of Galidor and Buskopan.

As a rule, they practically do not differ in composition, purpose and contraindications. It's all about the manufacturer and the price.

Pregnant women are dedicated to

It is not recommended to take any medications during pregnancy. Therefore, before using No-shpy it is necessary to consult a doctor.

The drug is very popular among expectant mothers, as it can remove the increase in the tone of the uterus. Assign after the eighth week of pregnancy.

And yet in this period it is not recommended to abuse drugs. If there was a pain in the tooth, it is better to use old, proven folk methods: rinse with soda and salt, chamomile, sage or oak bark.

An anesthetic effect is onions and garlic. To do this, you must attach a piece of vegetable to a sore spot or directly into the hollow of a sick tooth.

No-Shpa allows you to get rid of many types of pain, but it does not help you from the tooth. As accessible and time-tested, this drug is most popular. Nevertheless, one should not get too carried away with his reception. You need to treat not pain, but reasons. Obligatory consultation with a doctor is simply necessary.

  • Mar 05, 2018
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