Abundant menstruation: causes, symptoms, treatment methods 52

The body of every woman is different, therefore menstruation is different for everyone. In some, this process is normal, without excessive pain and is accompanied by not a lot of secretions. Others suffer from profuse menstruation, which lead to the loss of a significant amount of blood.

Despite the individual nature of PMS, there are certain standards. Doctors say that during the period of menstruation should be allocated a maximum of 150 ml of blood and mucus( exfoliated endometrium).If this indicator is higher, then this is an abundant monthly.

In the event of such complications, it is important to establish immediately the reason why a lot of blood is released for a month. Competent diagnosis and timely treatment will help to maintain the health of the reproductive system, to avoid serious complications.


  • 1 Symptoms Pathology
  • 2 main causes of menorrhagia
    • 2.1 most common causes heavy period:
  • 3 Types menorrhagia
  • 4 Strong menstruation after childbirth
  • instagram viewer
  • 5 Diagnostics menorrhagia
  • 6 treatment of menorrhagia
  • 7 Surgery
  • 8 Traditional methods of treatment
  • 9 Prevention

Symptoms Pathology

main feature gipermenstrualnogo syndrome -too abundant discharge( often with blood clots).To it other signs join. These include:

  • strong pain syndrome( predominant pain of noisy character);
  • dizziness;
  • general weakness and poor health;
  • bruising;
  • loss of ability to work in a period of profuse monthly;
  • need to change hygiene products( pads, tampons) every 1-1.5 hours;
  • need to change hygiene at night;
  • need to use gaskets of the maximum protection level.

In severe cases, it can cause anemia, development of endometritis, inflammation of the uterus( internal mucosa).

The main causes of menorrhagia

Abundant menstruation has an idiopathic character. This means that it is caused by abnormalities in the healthy functioning of the female reproductive system.

The most common causes of profuse menstruation:

  • Hormonal imbalance - severe menstruation is observed when the normal functioning of the hormonal system fails. Most often this affects young girls during the first menstruation( until the menstrual cycle is established).Also, excretions intensify in adult women a few years before the onset of menopause. Hormonal imbalance can be caused by taking hormonal medications, in particular birth control pills.
  • Polyp of the cervix uteri - is formed in the outer throat of the uterus due to inflammation, hormonal imbalance, trauma. It provokes severe bleeding during PMS.
  • Endometrial polyp is an outgrowth that occurs in the endometrium. His presence provokes plentiful monthly. The causes of its appearance - infectious diseases, hormonal disorders, the consequences of abortion.
  • Fibrooma( myoma) of the uterus is a benign formation, from which women suffer mainly at the age of 30-40.
  • Diseases of the pelvic organs - infectious, as well as inflammatory diseases that affect the organs of the genitourinary system.
  • Cervical cancer or endometrium - the appearance of a malignant tumor provokes very abundant periods.
  • Use of intrauterine contraceptives - if a woman has ample monthly periods after the use of an intrauterine device, it is better to remove it. This means that the body does not accept it, so alternative methods of contraception should be used.
  • Blood clotting disorder - if there are problems with blood coagulability( Willebrand's disease), monthly ones are poured out of the bucket. This is explained by the fact that during the period of menstruation, the uterine lining is an open bleeding wound. The blood loss can be significant.
  • Excitement, stress, negative emotions.
  • Climate change - changing the season, the weather, the time zone( when traveling) can cause abundant periods.
  • Hereditary factor - a woman may have a hereditary predisposition that was transmitted from her mother
  • Excessive physical activity.

To find out the exact cause, why the copious monthly, you should consult a doctor. He will carry out the necessary diagnostic studies, establish the cause and select effective treatment.

Types of menorrhagia

Menorrhagia may be primary or secondary. The first form occurs in girls whose menstruation is just beginning. The reason for the abundant periods in this case is the unstable hormonal background( an unbalanced ratio of estrogen and progesterone).

When the first symptoms of hypermenstrual syndrome appear, you should consult a doctor. Its presence often provokes a hemoglobin deficiency in the blood. Very strong menstruation in adolescence can cause the development of polycystic ovaries.

The second type is typical for women who have a settled menstrual cycle. In this situation, menorrhagia can be caused by a serious illness. If at any age there are abundant periods, the causes should be established immediately.

Strong menstruation after childbirth

Prolonged and profuse menstrual period in many women are after childbirth. In this period, menstruation can be accompanied by a large number of secretions. However, it should not last longer than 7 days. If it lasts 8-10 days, you should consult a doctor. An alarming symptom is a large amount of scarlet blood.

Bleeding should be treated, otherwise they can lead to the development of anemia, the occurrence of inflammation. The cause of hypermenstrual syndrome after childbirth may be the placenta remains in the uterus and other pathologies.

Diagnosis of menorrhagia

The diagnosis of "menorrhagia" is made by a gynecologist on the basis of the patient's complaints for profuse periods after a detailed analysis of the anamnesis. To compile it, data are collected about the presence of unsuccessful pregnancies, complications during childbirth, the admission of certain medications, the general condition. The examination of internal as well as external genital organs is conducted to diagnose the presence or absence of pathologies, foreign bodies. In the process of diagnosing menorrhagia, the doctor must exclude pregnancy, especially ectopic, and also fibroma.

Widely used types and methods of diagnosis, such as biopsy, ultrasound, hysteroscopy, scraping. A blood test is performed for the patients, a cytological analysis of the smears.

Several months for women suffering from profuse menstruation, it is recommended to mark the duration of menstruation in the calendar. It is necessary to indicate the nature and intensity of the discharge.

Treatment of menorrhagia

Treatment of profuse menstrual disorders depends on the causes that cause bleeding. Self-medication in this case can be very harmful. It is better not to experiment with health and go to a gynecologist.

If severe bleeding with menstruation is caused by hormonal imbalance, the doctor prescribes medication. The patient should for a long period take combined oral hormonal contraceptives containing female sex hormones. This leads to a decrease in the volume of secretions, prevents the onset and progression of endometriosis. Specific drugs are selected individually.

When a profuse period is a consequence of inflammatory processes, the doctor prescribes anti-inflammatory drugs. A good therapeutic effect is also guaranteed by physiotherapy. For example, 10-15 sessions of diathermy, eliminate the inflammatory processes of the genitals.

If excessive bleeding is caused by overgrowing of the endometrial tissue during a month, an intrasound system with levonorgestrel is an effective method of treatment. It reduces the thickness of the endometrium, which leads to a significant reduction in the number of secretions.

Surgical treatment

In particularly difficult cases, surgical treatment is prescribed for the treatment of menorrhagia. Indication for surgical intervention is:

  • genital damage;
  • serious physiological pathology;
  • no positive result when treated in other ways;
  • development of severe iron deficiency anemia;
  • recurrent disease course;
  • presence of fibroma.

Folk methods of treatment

If a lot of menstrual periods, but the doctor did not reveal the presence of pathologies, one can resort to folk methods of treatment. They are based on the use of herbs and tinctures.

It should be noted that serious diseases of herbs are not treated. To eliminate them you need qualified medical help.

With abundant monthly effective solutions are broths from the nettle, bunches, yarrow. Prepare them as follows - 1 tablespoon of grass( chopped) is poured into 1 glass of boiling water. This mixture should be held for 10-15 minutes in a water bath, and then drain. Take the broth recommended in the middle of the cycle for 2 weeks. This should be done 3-4 times a day( 30 minutes before meals).

Helps reduce the amount of secretions during menstruation and the infusion of grass from a shepherd's bag.2-3 tablespoons of raw material should be poured with 1 glass of boiling water.

Before menstruation( approximately 3 days) and throughout all its days it is useful to drink tea, which is brewed from equal proportions of mint and raspberry leaves. For a more pronounced effect, you can add a few spoons of fresh viburnum, grated with sugar.


Prevent the emergence of profuse monthly help timely prevention. Doctors recommend adhering to the following tips:

  • during the month to minimize physical stress;
  • use of products containing iron( buckwheat porridge, chicken yolk, apples), vitamins B and C.

It is useful to keep a monthly calendar, in which the period and the character of their course are systematically noted.

Abundant menstrual women bring a lot of discomfort. In most cases, they are an alarming symptom that signals health problems. When the first signs of menorrhagia appear, one should consult a gynecologist and begin the treatment immediately.

  • Mar 09, 2018
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