Treatment of stomatitis Furatsilinom - how to prepare a rinse solution?

Stomatitis is a group of diseases of the oral mucosa of an inflammatory nature. The disease is characterized by the formation of ulcers and vesicles. If a particular area of ​​the mucosa - the tongue, lips, palate, cheeks - is affected, a specific diagnosis is made( for example, glossitis in case of language disease).

The cause of the disease can be:

  • factors of local exposure to the mucosa, for example, burns and subsequent infection of the wound or impaired oral hygiene;
  • common diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular system, metabolic disorders, allergies and other factors.

In any case, an inflamed area, erosion or ulcer is formed on the mucosa. Regardless of the cause of stomatitis( viruses, bacteria, fungi, traumas), rinsing of the mouth or rubbing the damaged parts of the mucosa with antiseptic solutions is prescribed to combat the inflammatory process.

One of the most common drugs used to rinse with stomatitis, is Furacilin( aka Nitrofural).

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Proven for more than one generation, this drug can be used to treat people of any age category without side effects( except for individual intolerance or in case of getting into the body).Nitrofural does not accumulate in the blood and on the surface of the mucous membrane, as it is quickly eliminated from the body.

Furacilin is a versatile antiseptic drug that successfully fights gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. In turn, the bacteria are not able to develop protection from it: the action of nitrofural is aimed at slowing the breathing of cells, from which they perish.

These properties of furatsilina can successfully combat the inflammatory process and increase the resistance of the body to a recurrence of the disease.

The variety of release forms allow to choose a convenient application:

  • rinsing with aqueous solution;
  • rubs the palate, cheeks, gums, tongue with aqueous or alcoholic solution, depending on the patient's age;
  • use of ointment.

In addition, furatsilin is a part of numerous ointments, which expands the range of their action.


  • How to prepare a solution and use it for treatment
    • Dissolving tablets in water
    • Using alcohol solution
    • With what can be used in a complex
  • There is an experience of
  • Summing up

How to prepare a solution and use it to treat

In pharmacies you can buy ready-madeuse solutions of furacilin. When buying, pay attention to the expiration date, which is normally two years. In the open form, the aqueous solution purchased in the pharmacy is stored in the refrigerator for no more than 10 days.

Dissolving tablets in water

Another option is to have tablets of this preparation in your home medicine cabinet and prepare water or alcohol solutions of Furacilin on your own at home, it is especially convenient if stomatitis often repeats or is chronic.

Furacilin is poorly soluble, so preparation of the rinse aid should be done beforehand. In pharmacies, the drug is sold in different dosages - 0.01 or 0.02 grams, which is taken into account when preparing the solution.

For a glass of boiled or distilled water, take two tablets 0.01 g( or one 0.02 g).To accelerate the preparation of the solution, you can take advice from experienced people:

  • heat the water to 30-35 degrees( in warmer water, Furacilin may lose some of its medicinal properties);
  • tablets first break into 4 parts, then grind into powder with a spoon;
  • medicament in water is actively stirring with a spoon.

For some time( up to 4 hours) the solution should stand at room temperature, after its filtration through several layers of gauze and cotton wool is ready for use. For rinsing, you need to pour the desired amount( depending on the age to 100 ml) and warm up to 40 degrees, no more.

The prepared rinse aid has a short shelf life of 10 hours in the refrigerator in a tightly closed glass container, so it is better to prepare it for 1-3 times.

For the treatment of stomatitis it is very often recommended to rinse: up to 10 times a day or every 2 hours.

To achieve the maximum therapeutic effect, before each rinse, first rinse the mouth with a solution of soda( 1 tsp to a glass of water) to remove mucus, then rinse for at least 3-5 minutes with the prepared product.

To small children the oral cavity is wiped with a swab dipped in a warm solution of Furacilin.

Experienced grandmothers can advise treating the oral cavity of the baby, wound the bandage on the finger and moistened in solution.

Disinfect the oral cavity after each feeding.

Application of alcohol solution

Alcoholic solution has no expiration date, as well as special storage requirements. It is prepared on the basis of ethyl alcohol( 70%), in 100 ml of which are poured 3 rastolchennye tablets( 0.01 g) Furatsilina.

The liquid is infused for 3-4 hours. Finished product has a yellowish color, it is possible to form a sediment on the bottom. It is used for cauterization of aphtha( ulcers on the mucous membrane) moistened in solution with a cotton swab 4-6 times a day.

Treatment with alcoholic solution of furacilin can be used only with stomatitis in adults.

Future mothers should use caution with alcohol solution, especially in the last trimester. In the period of breastfeeding, it is better not to use it at all.

In case of traumatic stomatitis adults and children over 10 years of age are advised to use Furacilin ointment. This agent very well suppresses the growth of fungi, has an antimicrobial and antiviral effect. It is sufficient to apply a thin layer of ointment twice a day to the damaged areas of the oral cavity.

Spray can replace rinsing for those who continue to go to work: as often the oral cavity is irrigated with a remedy.

With what in a complex it is possible to apply

For successful treatment of stomatitis it is necessary to apply complex treatment based on local anesthesia and antiseptic treatment.

If infectious and / or bacterial pathogens are identified, appropriate antibiotics are prescribed. They are selected depending on the specific cause of the occurrence of stomatitis, in accordance with the age of the patient and the extent of the disease.

At the same time, probiotics and vitamin preparations are prescribed. If herpetic stomatitis is diagnosed, then antiviral drugs are prescribed.

For anesthesia and treatment of inflammation of the mouth after rinses are prescribed applications of ointments, gels, pastes, which are selected depending on the type of disease.

To enhance the therapeutic effect, hydrogen peroxide can be added to the solution. In warm Furatsilin before rinsing, pour peroxide at the rate of 2 tsp.on a glass of solution. A greater amount of peroxide may lead to chemical burn of the mucous membrane.

There is an experience of

. To find out how effective Furacilin is and whether it helps to relieve the painful symptoms during stomatitis, it is worth studying the reviews.

Disturbed the discomfort in his mouth, could not understand what was wrong. My wife prompted: I injured my tongue and cheek with a tooth and developed a stomatitis. Immediately proceeded to affordable treatment: his wife had prepared a solution of Furacilin, the benefit of the pill is always in the medicine cabinet. I rinsed for a long time - five minutes, after the third approach, I was surprised to see relief. At night I rinsed, and in the morning I decided to do without doctors: almost everything went away. It's amazing that a penny drug solved the problem so quickly.

Nicholas, 29

After hot coffee, a burn was formed in the oral cavity. The blister burst, and the wound got an infection - so I met in adulthood with stomatitis. Mom immediately advised me to rinse Furatsilin, which I immediately did. On the way to work I bought an ointment - it was much more convenient in the working environment. Such an old drug, but still helps!

Lana, 23

I was unlucky: on the lips and gums appeared small vesicles, itching and as a result of the diagnosis - herpetic stomatitis. The doctor prescribed treatment: rinse the mouth and wash his lips with furatsilinom, then apply the ointment. I used this solution to treat my children many years ago, but better than that there is no means for antiseptic treatment and treatment of stomatitis.

Nina Pavlovna, 48

Summing up

Despite the abundance of modern drugs, Furacilin does not give up its positions in different forms of release due to the following factors:

  • can keep tablets in a home medicine chest( shelf life 5 years) and prepare a solution for disinfection and anesthesiaoral cavity at any time of day and night;
  • is a universal remedy that is used to treat any pathogens;
  • is not addictive, not absorbed from damaged surfaces;
  • is used in the treatment of all age categories, has no side effects;
  • is an affordable price.

The disadvantages of treatment include such inconvenience as the frequency of rinsing.

Stomatitis is an unpleasant disease at any age. And you can start to treat it with the application of furacilin. Only a doctor can prescribe the full treatment, but an old proven tool will help in a speedy recovery.

  • Mar 05, 2018
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