How to treat with a spray and Lugol's solution ulcers with stomatitis

Stomatitis considerably complicates the ordinary life of both an adult and a child. When the disease affects the oral mucosa, it forms painful wounds and ulcers.

Pain makes eating unbearable. As a result of malnutrition increases the likelihood of dehydration and general weakness of the body. In the absence of therapy aimed at getting rid of the symptoms of stomatitis, there may be complications and attachment of a secondary infection.

One of the effective drugs for the treatment of stomatitis is Lugol, which is able to prevent the development and aggravation of the disease.


  • General description of medication
  • Treatment course: features and tips
  • Pediatric use
  • Contraindications and possible side effects
  • How is it really the case?

General characteristics of the drug

The basis of the composition of the drug is molecular iodine. To produce this medicine, iodine, water, potassium iodide and glycerol are used. All these substances help to achieve a positive result in the treatment of ulcers and inflammation in stomatitis.

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Active compounds, which are part of the drug, are able to fight with various fungi and bacteria, having a local irritating effect.

Produced in two dosage forms: a solution and a spray. Lugol's solution can be bought in any pharmacy in 25 ml vials, and a spray of 50 ml. The spray has a convenient dispenser, which greatly simplifies its application.

The drug is effective in the treatment of stomatitis. The drug has antiseptic properties, gently destroys pathogenic microorganisms. Local irritating effect of the drug has a beneficial effect on tissue renewal and normalization of metabolic processes.

Also, the remedy has an analgesic effect, which relieves pain, and a person can take food and drink without problems on the second or third day of therapy. Among other things, Lugol prevents the occurrence of a secondary infection and the transition of stomatitis to a chronic form.

The drug is recommended for use in dental diseases( stomatitis, zaida) angina, tonsillitis, otitis, rhinitis, ulcers of trophic type, injuries and burns of a different nature.

Treatment course: features and tips

Treatment of stomatitis Lugol can be carried out in many ways: by application, by spot treatment and by lubrication.

Such aphthae can be treated with

solution. Lugol in the form of an application can be used for stomatitis with lesions of the mucosa on the inner surface of the lips and other accessible areas. This procedure should be carried out as follows: moistened with medicinal solution gauze or cotton pad applied to the affected area. This method is more suitable for adults, since not all children can hold a napkin for a long time at the site of the lesion. The application should be kept for at least 20 minutes, but not more than three times a day.

A variant of spot treatment is the local application of the funds to each lesion. To do this, moisten the cotton swab with the drug and apply medication to each wound.

With extensive lubrication, the same operations are performed as in the case of spot treatment. However, in this case, the drug must be applied to the entire area of ​​the oral mucosa, where it is possible to get it. This method helps to destroy the greatest number of bacteria that are not only on the infected area, but also on the healthy one. For one day it is allowed to do up to three such manipulations.

The treatment of stomatitis in adults and children is differentiated by the number of wound treatments performed by Lugol. Children are allowed to apply the medicine to the infected area every 5 hours, adults - every 3 hours.

How to use the spray Lugol

The medicine is especially effective in case of angular cheilitis, when there is a seizure in the corners of the lips. In this case, it is advisable to treat the wound from the outside, avoiding swallowing the product.

Therapy, aimed at stopping the symptoms of stomatitis, should be comprehensive. Before applying the medicine, the oral cavity should be cleaned of food debris and possible discharge from the wound.

To do this, rinse the oral cavity with herbal infusions of herbs or antiseptic solutions. Positive effects on the affected area are infusions of sage, oak bark, chamomile, calendula. They contribute to soothing, anesthetizing the mucous, have an antiseptic effect, soften the crusts that have appeared on the foci of inflammation.

You can also rinse the mouth with solutions of potassium permanganate, soda, furacilin.

Pediatric use

With pediatric stomatitis, wounds in the mouth are lubricated with Lugol. In addition to this medication, the attending physician usually prescribes antibiotics to prevent the development of infection. The drug is prescribed to children of five years for the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity.

With angina, Lugol is highly effective only in the first days of illness, in severe forms, the remedy is used as an auxiliary local medication.

It is necessary to shake well the vial of the medicine, then hold your breath and press the cap to spray the drug onto the mucosa of the mouth and the throat.

It is not recommended to use this medication for treatment of infants due to possible disruption of endocrine functions, as well as intoxication of the body due to the presence of iodine in the composition.

Children under five years with stomatitis and sore throat are recommended to use Lugol's solution. To do this, moisten a swab of cotton wool or gauze in the medicinal liquid and lubricate the oral cavity, the tonsils and throat area.

Among other things, the drug has a positive effect on the thyroid gland of children from five years( with the exact dosage).This drug helps to saturate iodine and prevent thyroid disease.

The solution can be used for burns of a different nature, ulcers or ulcers on the mucosa.

Contraindications and possible side effects of

Contraindications include the following:

  • advanced purulent sore throat;
  • decompensated pathological processes of the kidneys, liver, thyroid gland;
  • pulmonary diseases in chronic form;
  • adenomas;
  • allergic manifestations on the components of the medication;
  • tuberculosis;
  • herpetiform dermatitis;
  • thyrotoxicosis;
  • age to five years;
  • individual intolerance of compounds in the composition;
  • acne;
  • pregnancy and lactation period.
It is extremely undesirable to use the drug when carrying a child and during the lactation period, since iodine has the ability to accumulate in tissues and is transmitted through breast milk to a child. Changes occurring in the body of the embryo or infants are irreversible.

Among the side effects observed:

  • tachycardia;
  • urticaria;
  • increased sweating and salivation;
  • lacrimation;
  • nervousness;
  • irritation of mucous membranes and skin;
  • allergic reactions;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • diarrhea;
  • acne;
  • rhinitis;
  • changing the work of the vascular system.
In case of side effects, discontinue use of the drug and seek immediate help from a specialist.

How is this really going?

Lugol in the form of a solution and spray can effectively supplement the complex therapy of stomatitis, which is confirmed by numerous reviews.

Periodically I suffer from stomatitis. It is especially acute in autumn and spring. Tried various means for treatment of this disease. Recently tried Lugol.

The drug quickly coped with its task, but there was a pronounced side effect in the form of acne. Therefore, I advise you to first consult with your doctor and make sure there are no contraindications and allergies, and then use this medicine. Self-medication is dangerous to health.

Alina, 27 years old

Took a few years ago Lugol for the treatment of sores in the mouth and with sore throats. It helps, but it has an unpleasant taste. The price of the facility is acceptable. I recommend.

Alexander, 33 years old

Based on the instructions, Lugol has many side effects, but none of them have met either with me or with my children. I use it to treat stomatitis. Children initially opposed, but then realized that the drug, although unpleasant to the taste, but very effective.

Now, when the wounds appear on the oral mucosa, they themselves ask for a medicine to get rid of the pain and the disease as soon as possible.

Julia, 28 years old

The advantages of the medicine include high efficiency, affordable cost, quick action.

Disadvantages: unpleasant taste of the drug, the probability of serious side effects, a lot of contraindications.

Based on all of the above, it can be concluded that Lugol has a specific taste and a lot of side effects, but it is still an effective drug for stomatitis therapy. This drug is able to eliminate the disease in a short time, has several methods of application. Suitable even for children( from five years).

  • Mar 05, 2018
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