Gel Rox Herpenox for the treatment and prevention of diseases of the oral mucosa

Rox Herpenox is a unique patented preparation, which is indispensable in the complex treatment of oral diseases of an infectious-inflammatory nature( periodontitis, gingivitis, stomatitis, herpes, etc.).

Gel R.O.C.S.It is also used for faster recovery of the patient in the postoperative period, which is characterized by the development of inflammatory processes and infection of the wound in the oral cavity. It is an effective tool for the treatment of herpes simplex, which affects more than 70% of the population.

Herpes is a disease for which cyclicity is characteristic, where relapses with acute episodes come to replace remission. As a result, multiple growth of herpes particles is observed, which along the neural processes pass over the surface layer of the epithelium and mucous membranes. There is no definite method of treatment that contributes to the complete removal of the virus from the body. However, there are drugs that help to ease the course of the disease. One of them is Gerpenoks gel.
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Contents of

  • General characteristics of
    • Ingredients of
    • Ingredients
    • Pharmacological properties
    • Indications and contraindications for use
    • Therapeutic effect
    • Duration of treatment and dosage
    • Special patients
    • Consumer opinion
    • Acquisition

General characteristic of the drug

This is a dental drug intended for the treatment and prevention of coldsand infectious diseases, microtraumas in the of the paranasal region and the oral mucosa.

Shows high efficiency in the treatment of stomatitis, gingivitis, gingivostomatitis, candidiasis, aphthous manifestations, cheilitis and herpes.

Used in the post-and pre-operation period to prevent inflammation and accelerate the healing of the wound when removing the tooth, sealing, installing implants or bridges.

Features of

The effectiveness of Herpenox treatment is due to the following active ingredients:

  1. The chelate complex germanium of an organic compound with guanine. Activates the body's defense in the fight against infections, has a strengthening effect on human immunity, prevents the occurrence of infections and guarantees the rapid healing of wounds.
  2. Xylitol .Provides a normal microflora in the oral cavity, affects the increase in salivation, which is the main fighter with harmful microorganisms. Provides activation of the body's defenses.
  3. Alginic acid salts .Have antibacterial, regenerating and anti-inflammatory effect. Ensure the improvement of blood circulation and rapid healing of wounds.

Gel on sale is presented in the form of a tube with a volume of 9 ml. It is absolutely safe for the human body.

Pharmacological properties

Antiviral and anti-inflammatory drug. Promotes rapid healing of wounds and cracks in the area of ​​the lips and oral mucosa. Due to antibacterial and wound-healing action promotes acceleration of cell regeneration.

The first positive effect is observed one day after applying Herpeneux to the painful area. Medical studies show that complete recovery of the patient occurs 10 days after the start of the drug.

Indications and contraindications for the use of

In dental practice, Herphenox is used to heal and prevent infection during such procedures:

  • tooth extraction;
  • installation of bridges and implants;
  • of operative stomatologic intervention;
  • when cleaning tooth enamel;
  • in the treatment of periodontal disease;
  • prevention of infection and inflammation;
  • in the case of providing cosmetic services.

The medication is also used to treat inflammatory processes, accelerate the recovery from herpes and in the case of preventive measures in ARVI.


  • allergic reaction;
  • intolerance of components.

Despite the fact that Gerpenox gel is absolutely safe for the human body, there are cases of allergic reaction to its components. Therefore, in case of individual intolerance or allergy, it is necessary to abandon its use.

Therapeutic effect

In infectious diseases of the oral cavity, the medicament has the following curative effect:

  • promotes the removal of inflammatory processes;
  • reduces puffiness;
  • relieves hyperemia;
  • has an analgesic effect;
  • relieves the sensation of itching and burning from the affected area;
  • prevents the development of multiple rashes;
  • protects the wound by forming a thin microfilm;
  • promotes rapid healing;
  • protects the skin from the appearance of scars and cracks.

Preventive use:

  • prevents inflammatory processes during the period of habituation to dental prostheses and orthodontic devices;
  • prevents the development of rashes and the formation of cracks;
  • protects against negative weather factors, removing irritation around the lips.

Gerpenox gel helps to avoid problems resulting from the weakening of the body's immune system.

Duration of treatment and dosage

A damaged area of ​​the mucous or circumcised space is covered with a small layer of gel using a special stick. The frequency of lubrication is 2-3 times a day.

It is recommended that you refrain from eating food and liquids within half an hour. The duration of treatment varies from 5 days to a week.

The gel is designed for individual and professional use.

Special patients

The drug is recommended for the treatment of pediatric stomatitis and herpetic infection. Components contained in the gel( germanium, alginates and xylitol) help to strengthen the immune system, normalize the microflora of the oral cavity and prevent traumatization of the mucosa during the eruption of the first teeth.

The drug is approved for use by pregnant women. Infectious diseases during pregnancy are especially dangerous.

They can harm not only the mother, but also the fetus. Gerpenox gel helps to cope with infection and colds on the lips, eliminate itching, discomfort and redness, promotes rapid healing. It is possible to use the drug, both on the skin and on the mucosa.

Opinion of consumers

Comments of consumers who applied the gel of Rox Gerpenoks in practice.

Cracks in the corners of my lips bother me all the time, especially in the cold season. I tried to soften them with cosmetic oil and baby cream, but there was no result.

Recently, I was advised to try anti-herpesvial gel ROKS at a dentist. I'm already flying for 3 days. During this time they ceased to crack. The wound was covered with a small film, which does not burst. I think that the healing process has begun. Pain and discomfort receded.

I want to thank the manufacturer for the drug, which helps really. I recommend to all who suffer from such problems.

Elena, 35 years old, Eagle

I always use gel, but not for the treatment of herpes, but for prevention. When I notice that I'm starting to get sick, I necessarily lubricate them with problem areas near the lips.

No cracks and inflammation have appeared during this time. I believe that they should be used by everyone who has a predisposition to herpes and colds. Of course, I would like to price cheaper, but judging by the fact that the shelf life of 3 years - the drug justifies itself.

Mikhail, 42, Rostov

The acquisition of

When buying a drug, you need to pay attention not only to the price, but also to the integrity and tightness of the packaging, which is an indicator of its originality.

Price Herpenex depends on the number of intermediaries and the amount of trade markup. The best option is to purchase the gel through the official representative of the commodity producer, who offers the drug at a unique cost and guarantees a 100% quality.

  • Mar 05, 2018
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