Why and how is the OCI solution used to rinse the mouth and throat?

The solution of OCG for rinsing is prescribed exclusively for topical application, it serves to anesthetize, treat and prevent inflammatory processes in the oral cavity and pharynx.

The medication is also used to treat various ENT diseases, but in this case it must be taken in conjunction with other medications prescribed by the attending physician.


  • Composition
  • Pharmacological action
  • Indications and contraindications
  • Solution preparation, dosage and application regimen
    • Application features and specific instructions
  • Side effects
  • Opinion of doctors and patients
  • What can I replace?

Composition of the preparation

OCI preparation is a transparent liquid of green color with mint aroma. It is produced in plastic bubbles with a dispenser of 150 ml. The kit includes instructions and measuring cup, which allows you to accurately dose the product during its preparation.

The main component is ketoprofen lysine salt( quickly dissolves and does not have a harmful effect on the stomach), which provides antipyretic, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect of the drug. As auxiliary components are:

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  • ethanol, glycerol and methylparahydroxybenzoate( preservatives that increase the shelf life of the drug);
  • natural flavoring menthol;
  • sodium saccharinate( sweetener);
  • sodium dihydrogen phosphate( added as an emulsifier);
  • brilliant green( synthetic aniline dye);
  • water.

Pharmacological action of

The therapeutic effect of the drug is the direct effect on the inflammatory process or the focus of the disease.

The product has analgesic, antipyretic and anti-inflammatory action. It also exhibits anti-bradykinin action, promotes delayed release and stabilization of enzymes of lysosomal membranes, reduces the activity of cytokines and neutrophils.

It is worth noting that this solution has no antibacterial effect on the oral cavity and throat.

Indications and contraindications

OCD solution is often used as an anesthetic for various dental procedures.

The main purpose of the drug is to remove acute inflammatory processes and pain in the pharynx and oral cavity, resulting from:

  • hypertrophic gingivitis( gum disease, expressed by their bleeding and swelling);
  • of erosive-ulcerative and herpetic stomatitis;
  • inflammatory processes in the language formed due to injuries or exposure to microorganisms( glossitis);
  • acute or chronic laryngitis( inflammation of the vocal cords);
  • diseases of the mucosa, as well as lymphoid tissue of the pharynx;
  • inflammation of the tonsils( sore throat);
  • ulcerative formations of various origins, for example, resulting from the wearing of dentures or the development of aphthous stomatitis;
  • of chronic periodontitis;
  • dental operations.

This medication is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • in pregnancy;
  • in childhood( up to 6 years);
  • during lactation;
  • in the presence of problems with blood coagulability;
  • hypersensitivity to the substance of ketoprofen;
  • stomach ulcers.

Preparation of solution, use and dosage regimen

To prepare a rinse solution, boil 0.1 liters of water, and then add the OCI preparation in the following quantity:

  • for adults - 10 ml;
  • for children from 6 to 12 years old - 4 ml;
  • for children from 12 years and older - 6 ml.

During the day, two rinses of the throat and mouth are required to obtain the solution( preferably after eating and thoroughly brushing the teeth).

The course of therapy is on average 3 to 4 days. If during this time there is no positive effect, then you need to contact a specialist.

Application features and special instructions

The OCI solution is for local use only, according to the instructions, adults are given 2 rinses per day per 10 ml solution( no more than five injections per dose).

Teenagers over 12 years old - 1 rinse per day, containing 3 injections. Children from 6 to 12 years - 1 rinse per day( 2 injections).

A reduction in the dose of the drug is recommended for treatment of:

  • in elderly patients;
  • patients with functional impairment of the kidney or liver;
  • patients suffering from bronchial asthma.
Pregnant and lactating women are not allowed to take the drug.

Accidental ingestion of the solution does not pose a potential hazard to the patient, since the amount of active substance in the solution does not exceed the dose recommended for oral administration.

Without prescribing a doctor, a medicine can be taken no more than five days. During the treatment period, it is recommended to refrain from activities related to the need for concentration of attention or a rapid psychomotor reaction.

Drug administration in patients with chronic liver disease is indicated only under the close supervision of a specialist. The use of the solution can mask the signs of an infectious disease.

Side effects of

The use of the drug in the form of a solution can provoke the following side effects:

  • GI tract - indigestion, nausea, abdominal pain;
  • respiratory system - laryngospasm, spasm or laryngeal edema;
  • liver - increased bilirubin level, increased activity of hepatic transaminases;
  • allergic reactions - itching, swelling of the oral mucosa and throat;
  • local manifestations of - burning, itching, exacerbation of hemorrhoids.

No cases of overdose have been observed. If after taking the drug revealed adverse reactions, it is required to inform the treating doctor immediately.

Opinion of Doctors and Patients

A point of view of practicing professionals and feedback from patients who used OXI solution for rinsing for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes.

I prescribe a solution of OCI to my patients for more than a year. With proper administration and application, the medicine gives excellent results. After 2-3 days of taking cough, perspiration, a sore throat, the mucous edema practically go away. Cases of overdose in practice, did not observe, side effects are very rare. The only negative drug I think is cost, because not all patients can afford it.

Olga Ivanovna, physician therapist

For the first time I learned about this solution when I became seriously ill with angina. Because of the severe inflammation of the throat, it was hard to breathe, could not sleep or eat. I gulped my throat with a solution in parallel with taking antibiotics. The positive effect was noticed immediately. For one day of admission the edema has come down, I began to feel much better. Side effects are not noticed. Now this drug is always in our medicine cabinet.

Alexey, 32

After the installation of the denture, I started very strong irritation of the gums. The prosthesis squeezed and rubbed the jaw. The dentist advised to rinse the oral cavity with OKI solution. I am very pleased with the result, because the drug took pain and irritation in front of my eyes.

Irina, 59

What can I replace?

Absolute analogues in their purpose and composition of this drug there. Among drugs with a similar active substance can be identified Flamax, Artrum and Ketonal. However, they are all intended for oral administration or as injections.

Analogues of the drug according to the pharmacological group and the direction of exposure - Faspik and Advil. For the therapy of inflammatory processes in the oral cavity, OCI solution is often replaced by Kamistad and Halls Max.

  • Mar 05, 2018
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