Can I make permanent makeup on critical days

Permanent makeup( or tattoo) shortens the time of daily appearance in the best shape. But also it needs to be updated, corrected, and the procedure time can come on critical days. What is the result of tattooing during menstruation, is it not better to wait until the period is over?


  • 1 Permanent makeup: what can be adjusted
  • 2 How is permanent make-up made
  • 3 Why is it better to post visit to the
  • 4 interior? General contraindications to the

procedure. Permanent make-up: what can I adjust?

. With tattooing, you can practically "draw" a new face. And although its proportions do not change, the appearance becomes more expressive. After all, modern cosmetology makes it possible to correct the natural features and imperfections:

  • Lip. Permanent make-up is used to increase them, if you make a contour, slightly receding from the natural line. The color of the lips can be changed, making them more vivid. The asymmetry of this part of the face is also corrected.
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  • Eyebrow. If they are not thick enough, do not like their shape, tattooing will make the lines clearer and more expressive. The effect of the drawn eyebrows will not be, the method allows to improve them without losing their naturalness. You can restore this part of the face and in the absence of your own hair.
  • Eye. A tattooed line in the upper eyelid along the eyelashes will help make them bigger and more expressive. Sometimes, to increase the eyes, the "arrow" is drawn on the lower one. Tattooing is able to change their shape, make the absence of eyelashes invisible to others.
  • Suckers. Sometimes this area of ​​the body needs to be corrected. Tattooing can increase areoles, make their color more vivid, eliminate asymmetry.
  • Slight but noticeable skin defects. Using tattooing, it's easy to get rid of small scars, spots, or draw a birthmark on your face, freckles.

How to make permanent make-up of

To understand if it is possible to do tattooing during menstruation, one should know how the procedure is done. The effect is provided by the introduction of microparticles of paints under the skin. Their penetration is due to the piercing of living tissues with a special device. To save the client from the painful sensations that inevitably arise while doing this, local anesthesia is used.

One procedure is not limited to. After a month and a half, correction is required, since the paints do not look as bright as they heal, there may be inaccuracies, tattoo defects.

The result is kept up to several years. And besides, it's hard to disguise it with decorative cosmetics, if you do not like something. Therefore, quality is very important, which is achieved by thoroughness in the work of the master. Means, and all the manipulations will be taken away a lot. Tattooing of the lips and eyebrows can last up to 2 hours.

Why is it better to post a visit to the interior of the

? Having figured out how the procedure goes, some will understand without explanation why it is not possible to do tattoo during the month. But to persuade self-confident and impatient girls to postpone the procedure until their end, it is worthwhile to tell about the reasons for the ban:

  • Pain during the procedure on menstruation days can be intolerable. Hormonal changes make any sensation sharper. This is caused by an increase in the concentration of prostaglandins. Substances are produced by the body to stimulate uterine contractions, so that the organ is freed from the previous layer of the endometrium. But prostaglandins also have an effect on pain receptors, overexciting them. Sensitivity increases. Especially if you do lip tattoo with menstruation. In this zone of painful receptors is very much, it is one of the most sensitive. If you damage the delicate skin of your lips on critical days, and even 2 hours, it can lead to tears, fainting and a prolonged loss of consciousness. Less intense are the sensations with eyebrow tattooing, since there are fewer pain receptors here. But there are other reasons to do this procedure later.
  • In the critical days on the face, rashes may occur. Before this period, the amount of progesterone in the blood increases. The hormone not only responsible for the second phase of the cycle, but also affects the skin condition. It activates the work of the sebaceous and sweat glands, resulting in increased production of fat and secretory fluid. Pores are hammered, with their inflammation there are pimples. If they showed up in a zone where permanent make-up is supposed to be done, you'll have to postpone it. Inflammation is a contraindication to the procedure. This is another reason to doubt whether it is possible to do tattooing before menstruation. For 2 - 3 days acne does not heal, so the correction of appearance will have to be postponed until the end of menstruation.
  • Anesthesia may not be useful. Usually, tattooing uses analgesic gels applied to the skin surface. But since changes in the balance of hormones make other chemical reactions in the body different, the drug may have no effect on it.
  • The effect of the introduction of paints under the skin will not be what you need. Because of the low content of sex hormones in tissues, characteristic for this period, the organism reacts differently to substances. And the color of the affected zone will be too bright or, on the contrary, dim. Tattoo of eyebrows during menstruation can turn them into two fat caterpillars of coal-black color. A similar result is not excluded with permanent make-up of lips and eyelids. Allergy to paint is also more likely in critical days. With them, the body produces more histamine.
  • Bleeding is more likely. Tattooing is impossible without damaging the microvessels of the skin. And the ability of blood to clot on critical days decreases. The peculiarity can cause other problems. After all, prolonged bleeding, possible in this case, will not only prolong the period of tissue healing, but also affect the external effect. And harmless correction of eyebrow tattoo during menstruation can end with skin irritation, the appearance of crusts and dents after their falling away.
  • The result of the procedure may be inflammation. Immunity decreases on a critical day in a natural way. All resources are aimed at ensuring the process of renewal of the reproductive system, its protection. The organism is not able to resist bacteria as actively as on other days. Therefore, their penetration into damaged tissues is facilitated by a reduced number of immune cells.
  • Defects of permanent make-up are more likely. Monthly often accompanied by edema. In some women, they are the first sign of PMS.Excess fluid is not only localized in the fingers, legs, breasts, but also in the face area. This can lead to asymmetry, erroneous evaluation of the resulting shade, the thickness of the lines and their naturalness. Uniform distribution of the paint due to edema is also problematic. And this will lead to spotted staining, which is unlikely to suit the client of the salon. Whether it is possible to do or make tatuazh eyes at monthly, besides other reasons it is defined or determined and by an expression of edemas. If the eyelids are swollen due to excess fluid, there is a risk of getting too thick or uneven "arrows" that are misdirected. Correct it later will be difficult or even impossible.

We recommend reading the article on cleaning the face during menstruation. From it you will learn about the types of cleansing the person, the possibility of performing the procedure on menstruation days, the result obtained on critical days.

General contraindications to the procedure

Tattoo, except for critical days, has other contraindications, even more serious:

  • fever( also happens with menstruation);
  • acute period of chronic malaise( not uncommon in critical days);
  • problems with blood coagulability( one of the features of the monthly);
  • is a severe stage of diabetes;
  • propensity to form keloid scars;
  • oncological pathology;
  • moles in the area being tattooed;
  • epilepsy;
  • skin diseases, the signs of which are found in the work area;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • herpes on the lips;
  • conjunctivitis if tattoo of eyelids and eyebrows is supposed;
  • recovery period after operations;
  • hepatitis, HIV infection;
  • period of treatment with antibiotics, corticosteroids, anticoagulants and antiplatelet agents, vitamins, dietary supplements;
  • pregnancy, lactation.

Permanent make-up - a cosmetic procedure, but requiring medical sterility, high professionalism of the master. A good specialist will not do his client with a monthly, since during this period the procedure can have not only bad consequences for the appearance. Pain and stress will interfere with the work of the reproductive system, too. Therefore, make permanent makeup should not be earlier than a couple of days after the end of the month.

  • Mar 09, 2018
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