Depulpin( Depulpin) is a preparation of pasty consistency, which does not include arsenic. Thanks to which the product has a sparing effect on the body.
High-performance paste is used mainly in dentistry in the devitalization of pulp. This tool is capable for a short period of time to cope with the painful sensations that arise when pulp extirpation.
- Ingredients
- Therapeutic properties
- When used
- Detailed application procedure
- Special instructions
- Drug cost
Composition specificity
Comprises a formulation of paraformaldehyde and lidocaine hydrochloride.
The main active ingredient is steam-formaldehyde. The substance has anesthetic properties, thanks to the lidocaine included in the composition. After a while after applying the paste there is a persistent anesthetic effect.
The additional components that make up Depulpin are:
- chlorothymol - this substance has a toxic effect on the body;
- perubalzam, due to which the drug has an antiseptic and antibacterial effect, a substance with a characteristic odor.
The Swiss company VOCO is producing the drug. The form of the release is a syringe dispenser, which allows the application of the drug. Consistency is pasty, which makes it easy to dose pasta. Weight - 3g.
Therapeutic properties of
Depulpin is less toxic to the body than its analogues. After all, earlier for the anesthesia of the nerve, only arsenic was used, which blocked the normal blood supply of the pulp and led to its necrosis.
Polymerization of formaldehyde produces a substance that is less toxic. When contacting with dental tissues, an irritant effect does not appear on them.
When applied
Situations when the use of the drug is most appropriate:
- devitalization of the dental nerve before it is amputated;
- in cases where not the whole nerve is removed, but the residual root pulpitis develops in the tooth;
- in the presence of pulpitis of dairy and permanent teeth during its treatment.
Detailed application procedure
Inflammation in the pulp can occur in both dairy and permanent teeth. To treat it, the dentist opens the horn of the pulp and applies the devitalizing paste of Depulpin. After this, the cavity, which was formed during the opening, should be closed with a temporary seal.
Patients who underwent this procedure describe the occurrence of only mild pain, which can not be said about the use of arsenic.
Depulpin should be kept in the tooth for one to two weeks, no more. The exact term is determined by the attending physician, because in each specific case the time varies.
If depilation of children's milk teeth is carried out, the maximum necessary period for the effect of the drug is ten days. If the inflammatory process of the nerve develops in an adult, the period is fourteen days.
If the patient has pain, infiltration anesthesia is used.
The dose of the drug should be such that the remnants of the paste do not go beyond the cavity and do not hit on near the dental tissues. This condition is dangerous, because it leads to tissue necrosis. Contact with the mouth mucosa may cause chemical burns.
Special instructions
Despite the lower toxicity compared with arsenic-containing ointments, the shelf life of the paste in the cavity can not be violated. After applying the medicine, the dentist sets a term after which it is necessary to visit a doctor.
To treatment of baby teeth using devitalizing paste should be treated with extreme caution. After all, the substance paraformaldehyde can affect the rudiments of molars, than cause their defeat or death.
Cost of medication
Price of Depulpin starts from 2000 rubles, among the analogues are allocated Devit-C, - this is a potent arsenic paste, which is used for depulpation.
Pasta Depulpin is a painless removal of pulp and restoration of the integrity of the tooth.
The drug is used only by dentists.