How to brush your teeth without brush and paste - what to replace them in "field conditions"?

Sometimes, after leaving the house for a long time, we forget to take with us a toothbrush, toothpaste and other oral care products. A similar problem can also be encountered after spending the night at a party or in other unforeseen circumstances.

Non-compliance with hygiene brings a lot of discomfort, and in such cases it will be useful to know what can replace the usual toothbrush and toothpaste and how to brush your teeth without harm to them and the whole organism.


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How to do without toothpaste - 12 unusual tools

Safe improvised substitutes for thisa lot of hygienic means. There are several alternative means that will help to brush your teeth without applying toothpaste.

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Healing Herbs

This product has many advantages, the main one of which is natural. Specially selected herbs help clean and strengthen the gums, and also improve the oral cavity. Suitable: sage, thyme, cloves, mint. For convenience, the grass is ground into powder and applied to the teeth with a slightly damp toothbrush.

Also good is a mixture of propolis and ayr. And if you use this compound regularly, problems with teeth and gums will be much less.

A good result is a rinse with mint infusion. It should be noted that the method of cleansing with herbs is not suitable for everyone, since they can cause a strong allergy.

Refreshing clay

Another tool that can qualitatively clean teeth and not cause harm is clay. Not many people know about its refreshing and disinfectant properties. The blue or white clay is most suitable. It can be used both in combination with other ingredients, and in the form of a powder.

A natural paste based on clay will be a good remover. To do this, 50 gr. Clay should be diluted with water and 10 drops of propolis. Then add 2 drops of any essential oil and mix the mixture thoroughly.

The drawback is not too broad availability of the tool.

Strawberry paste

Despite the fact that the strawberry contains sugar, it can be used for oral hygiene. Thanks to the content of vitamin C and astringent consistency, this berry can be used to replace toothpaste.

Also it contains acid, which will help whiten your teeth. Pasta can be made by mixing a softened berry with soda, or without using any additives.

It should be remembered that sugar destroys the teeth, so after using this remedy, rinse with plain water.

Salt solution

The main advantage of this method is, of course, availability. Salt probably will be found in every home or nearest grocery store.

The antimicrobial effect of salt is well known, and in combination with abrasive properties it will perfectly help to conduct hygiene of the oral cavity.

To use, you need to dissolve a couple of teaspoons of salt in 200 ml.warm water. Then a napkin or a piece of cloth is immersed in water and you can brush your teeth. Also this solution is good for rinsing.

It is important to know that salt crystals can scratch gums and enamel, so this method can not be used by owners of sensitive teeth or wounds in the mouth. This method is better to clean teeth only as a last resort, while using sea salt.

Activated carbon

It is not surprising that some people are surprised by the presence of bleaching properties of activated carbon. Prepare from it toothpaste is quite simple, just stretch the tablets with a little water to get a messy mixture. The result will be visible almost immediately.

The downside is that the dark mixture gets stuck between the teeth, so you need to rinse thoroughly after cleaning.

It should also be noted that coal in any consistency can damage the enamel, so get involved in this way, cleaning is not necessary.

Chewing gum

Also a simple and sugar-free dentifrice that should not be abused. But for an urgent and quick cleaning it is quite suitable, in addition, it is a good refreshing breath. To do this, just chew it for a couple of minutes.

Unfortunately, the owners of seals on chewing gum and chewing sweets are better to forget forever.

Green apple in the mouth. ..

Dentists say that the fruit acid perfectly softens the plaque. Therefore, after eating fruits, you can easily clean it with a conventional toothbrush.

As such minuses, this method does not exist, except for possible personal taste preferences.

Honey and propolis all over the head

Honey in honeycombs is a useful and pleasant way to clean the mouth and gums. In addition, honeycombs contain a lot of useful substances, and their wax will help to improve not only the teeth, but the whole organism, if periodically chewed.

Propolis is also good, because it has a good antiseptic and therapeutic effect.

From the shortcomings, a slightly bitter taste of propolis and a high allergenicity of these products can be noted.

Ash is strange, but true. ..

If ash is cleaned from large parts( this can be done with a sieve), it is quite suitable for cleaning teeth, instead of toothpaste. To do this, you need to rub the ash powder into your teeth, while trying not to soak it strongly.

Then rinse thoroughly with water. Like coal, ash has an excellent whitening effect. You can use it as an independent tool or in combination with other ingredients( for example, shredded herbs).

Less is the low prevalence of ash sources in everyday life.

Dry milk

Perfectly helps with caries. It can remove bad breath, slow the formation of tartar and reduce the bleeding gums.

It can be safely stated that if milk powder is available, there are no flaws in its use.

Vegetable oil

It is necessary to take a teaspoon of oil and rinse it for 5-10 minutes. Do not swallow after the procedure.

The disadvantage is that the oil is able to remove an unpleasant odor, but is ineffective against plaque.

Household soap

There are a lot of examples in history when soap was used for cleaning teeth. Upon entering the surface, it destroys the bacteria and prevents formation of the caries. In addition, due to the degreasing effect, it is able to remove fatty pieces of food from hard-to-reach places between the teeth.

A weighty minus is a repulsive smell and a long, specific taste in the mouth. For some, it is simply unpleasant, others can even induce a vomitive reflex.

The composition of the average paste includes both useful and harmful components, some of which can even spoil your health. For this reason, many people do not just use natural aids as a one-time brushing of teeth, but also consciously replace them with toothpaste.

What to do if you do not have a brush

The best tools for cleaning your teeth are, of course, a toothbrush and a thread, but what if you do not have at hand both of which you can brush your teeth in this case? Well, if available:

  1. Towel, fabric napkin, bandage or cotton wool .To use, you need to wrap the material around your finger, wet it, and then dip it into the toothpaste or alternate mixture. Next, brush your teeth as you do with a brush: moving in a circle from top to bottom, trying to clean each tooth. After that, it's good not to forget about the language. After the procedure, rinse your mouth.
  2. Sprigger .This device was used long before the invention of the means we used. It will take a twig about 15-25 cm long, peeled from the bark and peel. The core of the twig should be chewed until the fibers are separated and transformed into a kind of toothbrush.
  3. Specialized mouth rinse .
  4. Dental floss .
  5. Just finger .You can use them, always following the rules of hygiene( it is good to clean your hands before and after the procedure).

As you can see, brushing your teeth without a toothpaste and( or) a brush is not difficult - there would be a desire, a fantasy and knowledge.

  • Mar 05, 2018
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