Dental gel Selkoseril: instructions and reviews

Solcoseryl gel is used in medicine as a stimulant of restorative processes in tissues and normalization of metabolism.

Regardless of the form of the drug, it includes protein-purified dialysate, made from the blood of dairy calves up to three months of age.

The result is a drug based on the crushed particles of the active substance, through which the cellular metabolism is activated. There is no side effect in the form of allergy to proteins. The composition of the dialysate includes: amino acids, nucleosides, glycoproteins and other low-molecular substances.

Ointment Solcoseryl is used as a medical dressing, creating a protective layer on the affected oral mucosa, preventing it from mechanical or chemical exposure for the entire duration of the action.


Formulation and Composition of the Preparation

  • Pharmacological action
  • Indications for use
  • How to use
  • Contraindications and limitations
  • What else should I take into account
  • Consumer thoughts
  • instagram viewer
  • Analogues
  • Formulation and formulation

    Gel 10% Solcoseryl used in dentistry is producedin synthetic or metal tubes weighing 20 grams. Shelf life is 5 years. Storage is carried out at room temperature.

    Besides this, other varieties of the drug are produced:

    • Solcoseryl ophthalmic( gel) 20%, tube 5 g;
    • ointment for external use 5%, tube 20 g;
    • solution for injection in ampoules of 2 and 5 ml;
    • dragee - tablets in a shell, are issued in a package of 20 pieces with a dosage of 0.2, 0.1, 0.04 g;
    • adhesive dental paste, tube 5 g.

    Solcoseryl is a colorless, transparent gel with a dense consistency. It is easy to recognize by the characteristic smell of beef broth. One gram of the drug contains 4.15 mg of dialysate.

    In addition, it contains:

    • preservatives - E 218( methyl parahydroxybenzoate), E 216( propyl parahydroxybenzoate);
    • auxiliary components : propylene glycol, calcium lactate, carboxymethylcellulose, distilled water.

    Pharmacological action

    Solcoseryl gel is one of the stimulators of tissue repair. It has the following effects:

    • normalizes anaerobic( oxygen) metabolism;
    • stimulates the storage of energy in the mitochondria of cells obtained during oxidation;
    • supports the supply of oxygen and nutrients to the cells;
    • restores damaged tissues including after chemical exposure and oxygen starvation;
    • reduces the risk of pathological changes at the cellular level;
    • increases the synthesis of collagen and the production of fibroblasts, which serve as a building material for the construction of the framework of connective tissue.

    Indications for use

    A large concentration of dialysate and the ability to form a protective layer over the damaged surface allows the use of a dental gel for the treatment of fresh and wet wounds before the healing process begins.

    The drug removes the protruding lymph fluid and accelerates the formation of granulation connective tissue replacing the damaged one.

    In dentistry, Solcoseryl gel is prescribed for the treatment of mucosal pathology of the oral cavity and gums. They treat:

    • ulcers and erosions in the oral cavity;
    • decubitus under full and partial dentures;
    • wet wounds on the skin of the lips and face;
    • postoperative wounds;
    • mucosal lesions obtained from mechanical, chemical or thermal effects;
    • trauma, formed from the contact of the mucosa with dentures and seals.

    How to use

    The gel is applied directly to the wound in a small amount. Before this, the wound surface should be cleaned of dead tissue and treated with a tampon moistened with an antiseptic or rinse your mouth.

    For this manipulation, an antibacterial rinse, Miramistin or 0.05% chlorhexidine solution is recommended. After the treatment, the wound needs to get wet with a dry swab. On the dried surface, the gel is better kept.

    Solcoseryl is used 2-3 times a day after meals and at night. It is important during the treatment period to carefully observe the oral hygiene.

    After applying the gel, you can not eat, drink any drinks and rinse for 3 hours.

    In the treatment of decubitus, disinfection is carried out not only of the oral cavity, but also of the removable prosthesis. After performing hygienic procedures, the gel is applied directly to the prosthesis in the places of greatest pressure and friction.

    The false jaw remains in the mouth until the next meal. The appearance of pressure sores is a serious reason to visit the dentist-orthopedist and carry out correction.

    On the skin of the face and lips, the gel is recommended for use only for wiping wounds. When they dry up, you need to switch to using the ointment. The fat constituents in it form a protective film on the wound and promote its rapid healing.

    No evidence of an overdose in the use of any dosage forms of the drug has been found to date. The gel does not interact with other medicines for external and internal use.

    Contraindications and limitations

    Solcoseryl gel is not recommended for use in allergic reactions to any of the components of the formulation. It manifests itself in the form of hives, dermatitis, redness. Also, be careful when you are sensitive to certain substances.

    Burning immediately after application of the gel for a short time is normal, with prolonged unpleasant sensations, the drug must be removed and replaced with an analogue in the future.

    Pregnancy is not an obstacle to the use of the drug. Scientific research has not revealed a negative impact on the developing fetus.

    But to use the gel or ointment Solcoseryl for external use can only be after consultation with a doctor and under constant supervision. Any form of this drug for breastfeeding is prohibited.

    Other things to consider

    Special instructions:

    1. Because of the lack of antibacterial and antiviral components, the gel is not applied to a contaminated or infected wound. With purulent discharge from the wound, it is necessary to remove the focus of infection surgically.
    2. If a pain, inflammation or reddening of the occurs next to the gel-treated wound, fluid discharge( pus), and fever, you should visit the dentist soon.
    3. Absence of result after 2 weeks of application of gel is an occasion for an urgent call to the doctor. The appearance of ulcers and wounds on the mucous surface of the mouth can mean the onset of cancer.

    Thoughts of consumers

    What ordinary people think about the Solcoseryl gel.

    This gel was first learned about a year ago from my dentist. Since then, I have got rid of persistent problems with hard healing ulcers from removable crowns. Now in my medicine cabinet there is always a tube of gel that helps with many sores.


    My friend became an invalid because of incorrect application of the gel. And this is her fault. During the preparation of the dinner, she scalded her foot with boiling water and several days smeared the burn with Solcoseryl.

    The blister on the burn broke and dirt got there. The further use of the gel led my acquaintance to a hospital bed with a diagnosis of gangrene and subsequent amputation. Self-medication seemed to be a harmless drug cost her feet.


    My child has a few big sores on his chin, of which fluid constantly flowed. We diagnosed with Staphylococcus aureus. Ointments and powders did not help at all and wanted to prescribe hormones, but the neighbor brought gel Solkoresil. It was worth several times to grease the sores as they began to heal. Before that, the baby had been treated for 2 months without results.


    Analogues of the preparation

    In the modern pharmaceutical market there are no preparations with the active component contained in Solcoseryl, but analogues can be selected with a similar therapeutic effect of another active substance.

    These drugs can be called:

    • Actovegin;
    • Apilac;
    • Bepanten;
    • Curious;
    • Levomycol;
    • Tyqveol;
    • Fitostimulin;
    • Eplan;
    • sea buckthorn oil;
    • extract of aloe.

    The choice of the most suitable analogue should be entrusted to the specialist. The optimal drug is selected taking into account the clinic of the disease, the presence of concomitant diseases and individual characteristics of the patient's body.

    In various pharmacy chains the price of Solcoseril gel varies from 180 to 250 rubles and above. For example, the price of Actovegin starts from 200 rubles.

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