Listerine - mouthwash

Oral hygiene includes not only the daily use of toothpaste, but also rinsing with the use of preventive drugs, one of which is Listerine.

The drug is available in a capacity of 250 ml. The color and appearance of the product may vary.

The following is a description of the preparation and instructions for the use of an oral rinse aid.


  • Principle of action
  • Ingredients
  • Indications for use
  • Efficacy and safety
  • How to use
  • Use for treating children and pregnant women
  • How to use the rinse aid

Principle of action

Listerin prevents the formation of plaque, eliminates unpleasant odor, reduces gingival inflammation.

The active substances in the formulation inhibit the growth of bacteria and clean the oral cavity of pathogenic microorganisms.

Essential oils, serving as the basic basis of the elixir, provide a long fresh breath, reduce inflammation, promote the healing of gums.

The Expert series products improve the tooth enamel and help preserve the natural whiteness of the teeth.

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The presence of sodium fluoride in the drug prevents caries formation, and also promotes the exclusion of microorganisms from tooth enamel. Microscopic doses of this substance contribute to the compensation of calcium loss and the restoration of enamel.

Eucalyptol has a beneficial effect on the oral cavity. It refreshes breathing, prevents reproduction of a rage of bacteria and some viruses. Timol has antiseptic properties. This component is active against microorganisms. When interacting with benzoic acid has a strong bactericidal effect.

The cleaning agent of the formulation is Poloxamer 407, which has a mild neutralizing cleansing action. High concentration of menthol oils has a soothing antiseptic effect, normalizes the microflora of the mouth, effectively freshens breath.

Listerin: base series

Listerin has the following action:

  • effectively cleans the oral cavity;
  • destroys harmful bacteria;
  • has a long-lasting refreshing effect;
  • prevents the deposition of tartar;
  • relieves mucous plaque in the oral cavity;
  • inhibits the growth of microorganisms.


The active ingredients of the preparation are eucalyptol, methyl salicylate, menthol and thymol.

They help to eliminate the unpleasant odor, prevent the appearance of plaque and prevent inflammation. The formulation also includes sodium benzoate, water, alcohol, caramel, poloxamer 407. These additives are used to improve the quality of the composition.

The following components are included:

  • sodium fluoride;
  • sorbitol;
  • benzoic acid,
  • fragrances.

Indications for use

The drug can be used as an additional tool for oral hygiene. Also, the use of Listerin will be effective in the following cases:

  • with persistent unpleasant odor from the mouth;
  • with tartar;
  • for gum disease, including periodontitis and gingivitis;
  • for bacterial diseases of the oral cavity;
  • as a means of complex care for the gums and teeth;
  • to reduce pain when healing damage to the integrity of the mucous membranes, including when piercing and removing the tooth.

Developers of the manufacturer have prepared two lines of products for oral care:

  1. The basic line includes oral care products for general use. Recommended as an additional dental care. As part of the range of basic products there is no alcohol, as a result of which the drugs of this series can be used by children from 6 years of age.
  2. Expert series has an extended action and is intended for prevention and treatment of a number of diseases of the oral cavity. Regular use of drugs from this line allows you to solve the problem of thinning of enamel and its darkening. The means of the expert line have a strong effect due to the high concentration of essential oils and the presence of an alcohol component.

Efficiency and safety

Clinical effect of the drug is confirmed by laboratory tests. The drug has a therapeutic effect in periodontitis and other destructive diseases of gums.

According to studies, with prolonged use of mouthwash, the growth of pathogenic microorganisms is reduced, the reproduction of bacteria causing oral disease is slowed down, the microflora of the oral cavity is normalized.

The use of the drug between the basic cleaning procedures with the use of toothpaste contributes to a better and safe cleaning with a lasting effect.

The advantage of this formulation is its prolonged action.

Unlike other elixirs for oral hygiene, Listerine complexly affects the pathogenic microflora, destroying microbes and preventing them from reappearing.

Safety of the drug is confirmed by scientific research. When used correctly, the risk of side effects is minimal, and the efficiency of care is increased several times.

How to use

The drug is recommended for daily use. The greatest effectiveness is achieved with a two-time application: morning and evening. For rinsing enough 20 ml.

The preparation is used in its pure form and does not require dilution. The duration of the rinse is at least 30 seconds.

If the first use of the observed explosive effect of menthol, you can shorten the procedure to 10 seconds.

Swallowing the elixir is strictly prohibited.

Why you need to use Listerine after a daily brushing of teeth will tell the doctor - dentist.

Use for the treatment of children and pregnant women

Mouthwash mouthwashes from the basic line are recommended for adults and children over 6 years of age. The expert line is designed for people over 12 years.

Use the drug during pregnancy and lactation with caution, avoid ingestion.

The recommended price for the compositions of the basic line is 120-150 rub. The price for Listerin expert series ranges from 200-300 rubles.

Opinion on the use of the rinse aid

Consumers give high ratings to the mouthwash for Listerin brand mouth. The high effectiveness of the product is combined with economy and ease of use.

The product is high-quality packed and protected by plastic sealing. The maximum effect of the composition is achieved after 2-3 weeks after the application.8 out of 10 consumers note a long refreshing effect, which is at least 12 hours after use.

Patients with piercing in the mouth note that the healing process is much faster, and the risk of inflammation is significantly reduced.

The drug effectively destroys bacteria, which makes it especially valuable for those who have serious problems with their teeth.

Some consumers note the sharp taste of the drug, which is especially pronounced in the means of the expert line. Elixir copes well with the smell of tobacco, onions and other products that have a persistent odor. If there are unpleasant sensations during the rinse, the dosage can be reduced.

Half of consumers notice a pronounced whitening effect. Listerine is not a bleach, and therefore does not have a destructive effect on enamel.

For prolonged use, dental plaque is removed, which significantly affects the color of the teeth. Dark spots and yellowness disappear, and teeth acquire a natural shade.

  • Mar 05, 2018
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