How does the ion toothbrush work and what are the advantages of it?

Teeth are the place that is most striking when communicating with a person and contributes a lot to our impression of him.

Even if the person as a whole looks good, soundly and tastefully dressed - dirty, covered with a touch of teeth is enough to spoil the overall impression. That is why dental care and oral hygiene are so important for each of us.

There are several common options for brushing teeth: using a traditional brush and paste, an electric brush, a special thread, an irrigator, and rinse. But recently, such an item as the ion toothbrush has become more and more popular. What is it?

Ionisation brush is a kind of electric brush and is able to clean teeth from plaque due to the creation of a difference in electrical potential between the enamel of the teeth and the surface of the product itself. This method, developed by Japanese scientists, helps to quickly and efficiently clean teeth to excellent condition, while applying minimal mechanical effort.

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  • content
  • advantages The advantages of using the ion toothbrush
  • The healing effect of the
  • The choice of the
  • How to use
  • correctly and efficiently Some worthy manufacturers
  • A selection of opinions
  • Debunking the myths of
  • How

    works To understand how this product purifies itselfteeth, you need to go a little deeper into theory. A brush with ionic action is made in such a way that it is able to create a flow of negatively charged particles - ions.

    They fall on the tooth enamel and change its polarity, making a positive. Excessive negative potential is created on the very bristle of the device due to the emission of negative particles and its special device. Between the tooth enamel and the brush there is an electrical potential difference.

    Now, when enamel and plaque on it are positively charged, and the surface of the bristles on the brush is negative, the cleaning process is started. Positive particles of plaque and various dirt on the teeth rush through the electric field to the negative pole on the brush. This is how the full and high-quality cleaning of the tooth surface occurs.

    To clean the oral cavity in this way, you need to perform minimal mechanical movements - the device actually does everything yourself. The result is very high quality and lasting.

    Advantages of using an ionic toothbrush

    If you are talking about the strengths of an ionized brush among other methods and devices for cleaning teeth, you can distinguish such advantages:

    1. Ionization is capable not only of cleaning the surface of the teeth, it has a beneficial effect on the entire oral cavityand helps to get rid of the unpleasant odor of , which is a problem for a lot of people.
    2. Ion brush will become indispensable for a person who has a gum sensitivity. Such people constantly suffer from mechanical cleaning of teeth, because after it they have gum disease, there are appearances of wounds and abscesses. Ionization acts gently, that practically excludes mechanical irritation of the gums .
    3. When using high-quality toothpaste, such a product is capable in a direct sense of the double cleaning effect of .But there should not be a lot of pasta - here it is more of an additional material than the main one.
    4. If a person was in the case when he urgently needs to brush his teeth under rather unfavorable conditions, then such a brush can be used even without water .
    5. Continuous use of such a brush can return to the teeth their natural color , effectively remove even such serious pollution as a touch from the constant smoking of cigarettes, as well as the effects of frequent drinking of coffee and tea.
    6. This brush is easy to use even when a person has braces or some other orthodontic construction of the .They absolutely will not interfere with each other.

    In addition to these benefits, it can also be noted that there are options on the market not only for adults, but also for children. It is also a considerable benefit that brush attachments can easily be replaced with new ones, which only enhances the positive impact and allows you to save.

    Therapeutic effect of

    It is important to note the fact that using an ion brush will not only play a role in cleaning the teeth, but also their gradual treatment.

    The fact is that such problems as, for example, caries, develops gradually due to the accumulation of microbes in some microscopic unevennesses of the enamel. Clear them with the help of a conventional classic brush mechanical action is virtually impossible, so you can not save from tooth decay.

    As for the ion brush, here, thanks to the action of the electrical potential difference, the dirt is cleared even from the smallest holes and cavities in the teeth. This helps to avoid the appearance of tooth decay in the future.

    It is also important that such a product conducts an effective disinfection of the entire oral cavity, and also does not irritate the gum. This is very important for people who have problem gums or bad breath - an ion brush will be an excellent remedy for them.

    Features of choice

    If you decide to buy an ionic toothbrush, then approach her choice correctly and accurately. The main thing to remember about:

    1. Choose a device with interchangeable nozzles .There are stationary nozzles, such a brush will be cheaper, but when the bristles become unusable, it will simply have to be replaced. Replaceable same nozzles will give the opportunity to use a brush for a long time.
    2. Many recommend buying an product with built-in solar panels - it's profitable, convenient and efficient.
    3. If to speak about the country the manufacturer, then the best here are Japan and South Korea .Chinese or Russian options do not yet reach their level of quality.
    4. You only need to buy the brush in the proven stores. To run into a substandard counterfeit is simple nowadays.

    How to use

    correctly and efficiently Using this device is simple and easy to understand even by children. That is why ion brushes recommend even to small children and they perfectly cope with them.

    You can use the product with or without paste. The first thing that is recommended is to carry out a small disinfection of the tongue, for this purpose, using a brush without a paste, you need to traverse the surface of the tongue from the root to the tip.

    Then, in the same way, you can clean the mouth of the mouth. These actions will help get rid of microbes and remove the unpleasant odor.

    Next you need to go directly to brushing your teeth. To do this, you can use a little toothpaste. Turn on the device and slowly move over the surface of the teeth, not missing any patches. Do not forget to clean not only the external, but also the inner surface of the teeth.

    When cleaning is completed, you need to rinse the brush in warm water. At the same time, the nozzle need not be removed.

    Not suitable for all

    In general, an ion toothbrush is safe and much more effective on the oral cavity than any other option, but here you can specify some categories of people who temporarily should refrain from using it.

    This refers to:

    1. To those who currently have on the mucous membranes , some ulcers, inflammation or putrefactive processes of have formed in the oral cavity. In this case, you first need to heal, and then apply a brush with ionic effects.
    2. To Smokers .Tar and nicotine from cigarettes badly affect not only the teeth, but also the soft tissues in the mouth of a person. They are also covered with plaque and waste from the smoke. An ion brush can begin to attract plaque to itself not only from the teeth, but also the inner surface of the cheeks or gums, which will cause unpleasant sensations or even some diseases.
    3. People who suffer from chronic dry mouth .The ionization process in this case can have a negative effect and aggravate the disease.

    In all other cases ionized brushes can be safely used, although the doctor's recommendation here also does not hurt.

    Some worthy manufacturers

    Among all mass of similar products special attention can be paid to such manufacturers:

    1. Kiss You .Excellent Japanese company, making world-famous ion brushes. The company produces many varieties of these products that are able to reach the hardest available places, there are options for small children and adolescents. Also, there are special modifications for people who have an increased sensitivity of the gums.
    2. Splat .Also a good manufacturer, which pleases buyers with effective brushes for little money. True, Splat products have some disadvantages: only one replaceable nozzle, a small model line, a button that you need to keep constantly.
    3. Soladey .Expensive high-quality ion brushes, which are famous for their efficiency, large model range, high-quality metal handle, a complete set with three nozzles and great durability. Of the minuses can only be called a relatively high price of 2-3 thousand rubles.

    Video review of ion toothbrush Splat:

    A selection of opinions

    In Russia, an ionic toothbrush is not such a popular product among the population as abroad, but it is gaining popularity, which is confirmed by numerous reviews of dentists and consumers.

    Subtracted about ionized brushes more recently. I almost did not understand anything, but I decided to try it and bought one from Splat, because it's pretty cheap. Just two weeks of use, the teeth just shone! I advise everyone to such a brush.

    Maria, 24, Moscow

    I've always been interested in new discoveries in the field of dentistry, I do not like to stand in professional development on the spot. I started using ion brushes from the moment they appeared on our market. I will say directly - the device is just wonderful and worthy of attention.

    Ivan Pavlovich, 52, dentist, St. Petersburg

    Heard about these brushes relatively recently. Before I advise them to my patients, I decided to check on myself. The effect is striking - the brush brushes the teeth just fine. I advise everyone to whom the usual brushes do not bring the desired result in whiteness of teeth.

    Vladislav Yuryevna, 34 years old, dentist, Moscow

    I recently had a doctor, he treated my teeth and he advised me to use an ion brush. She says that she cleans teeth and does not have a mechanical effect on the gums, but they are painful. Tried and was very pleased.

    Yuri, 18 years old, Kursk

    Debunking the myths of

    Around the whole new there is always a lot of speculation and untruth. A lot of myths in the network are also about ionic brushes. Often you can find such common fictions, which have no scientific basis:

    1. Plaque and enamel stick together with the electrical forces of .This is not quite true, because scientists have clearly demonstrated that plays a role here primarily chemical compounds in which substances taken from bacteria take part.
    2. The antibacterial effect of the ionization of saliva can last an entire day .Another myth, which is debunked quite simply - the saliva in the mouth is constantly updated at a very high rate. Therefore, the saliva purified by ionization from the brush will quickly leave, giving way to a new one, which has not experienced such an effect.
    3. Use brushes with ions only without toothpaste. Of course, it can be done, but it is absolutely not recommended! Toothpaste helps to strengthen the effect of cleansing and is very important and useful element, it is not necessary to brush your teeth without it even with such an advanced brush.

    These are typical misconceptions that are not based on any reasonable grounds.

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