TOP-10 best toothpastes from caries: selection criteria, reviews

Modern oral hygiene products include many kinds of different toothpastes. Each manufacturer produces in its line of products designed for both daily cleaning of teeth and for their treatment. There are special pastes from caries that help it to prevent or stop further development.

Toothpaste from tooth decay is different from the usual high-maintenance special components that help restore, strengthen and protect the enamel from breaking. This process is called remineralization.

Medical pastes differ in their composition and action, so it is important to choose the one that is suitable for each specific case.

For example, in many regions of the country in tap water fluorine content is exceeded, therefore, people living there are not recommended for the additional content of this substance in the toothpaste. So, they can use paste with calcium as an active ingredient.

Do not rely solely on the high price of a paste or a flamboyant advertisement about it. Like any drug, an incorrectly selected toothpaste can even do harm. It is best to undergo an examination with a dentist who will assess the condition of the teeth, the predisposition to caries, find out the individual characteristics and assign the desired paste.

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How not to be mistaken in your choice of

Not everyone reads the compound, when buying a daily remedy for caries protection, but in vain. Having learned the main characteristics of the main components, can correctly choose a means for preventing caries.

When buying a paste, you should pay attention to the level of fluoride concentration, abrasiveness, the presence of additional substances.

In addition, toothpaste with different compositions can help in different situations: it can be the prevention of carious lesions of the teeth, treatment of the 1st stage of caries or its specific form( for example, a cervical).

Anti-caries paste contains the following ingredients:

  • Fluorine compounds: aminofluoride, sodium fluoride, monofluorophosphate, stannous fluoride, aluminum fluoride - they strengthen tooth enamel;
  • calcium compounds: calcium glycerophosphate, calcium citrate, calcium lactate, calcium pantothenate, dicalcium phosphate dihydrate - activate the process of enamel mineralization;
  • potassium nitrate helps to reduce the excitability of nerve endings;
  • antiseptics: chlorhexidine and hydrogen peroxide help to neutralize pathogens in the oral cavity and on the surface of the enamel;
  • antibacterial enzymes: lysozyme, lactoperoxidase, lactoferrin - compounds that minimize bacterial activity;
  • papain is a natural component that helps to digest tartar and deposits;
  • potassium ions, strontium chloride - eliminate the sensitivity of nerves in the dentin, close the dentinal tubules;
  • herbal components: extracts and herbal medicinal herbs;
  • xylitol is a sweetener that suppresses pathogenic microflora.

In all pastes, the action of which is directed against the development of caries contains from 2 to 5 of the above components, which allows them to have a comprehensive effect on the enamel.

Abrasiveness of toothpastes is indicated on tubes with a special label - RDA( Radioactive Dentin Abrasion).Naturally, it should be within the norm. Too high level of abrasives will promote mechanical damage to enamel, its gradual abrasion. And on thin unprotected enamel caries occurs faster in 2 times.

Too low level of abrasive substances is also not suitable. If the paste does not cope with its direct purpose, the removal of bacterial deposits, the emergence of caries is inevitable.

In general, the curative paste from caries should effectively saturate the enamel with strengthening substances, maintain the health of the gums and favorably affect the oral mucosa.

The choice of edition and ordinary people

TOP-10 of the best, in our opinion, toothpastes for the prevention and treatment of caries with analysis of the composition, pros and cons:

  1. Splat Likvum-gel - paste, which includes: plant enzyme papain, xylitol, antiseptic Biosol, soluble salts calcium. The remedy is recommended for excessive plaque on the teeth, to prevent caries and tartar. Pros: effectively cleans plaque. Cons: with prolonged use develops the sensitivity of the enamel. The price is approximately 160 rubles.
  2. President Classic .In the composition of the paste, such components as: sodium fluoride, xylitol, chamomile and sage. Medium-abrasive, it can be used every day, both for the prevention of caries and for its treatment. Pros: does not contain SLS.Cons: There may be a burning sensation and tingling sensation during cleansing. The price is about 200 rubles.
  3. Sensodine F is a paste containing sodium fluoride, strontium acetate. The product successfully fights with the first signs of caries. Pros: the sensitivity of the teeth decreases, the plaque is eliminated. Cons: The feeling of freshness passes very quickly. The price is approximately 190 rubles.
  4. Elmex caries protection is a paste that is suitable for frequent use. The main component of the composition is an aminofluoride, which effectively strengthens the enamel. The product is low-abrasive, and there are no antiseptics in the composition, therefore it can be used for prevention of caries for a long time. Pros: the paste gently whitens teeth. Cons: not sold in all pharmacies. The price is approximately 300 rubles.
  5. ROKS The Caribbean Summer - the paste affects the enamel in a complex way. The composition includes the following components: bromelain, calcium glycerophosphate, xylitol. The composition of the product does not contain fluorine, in addition, it has a low abrasiveness. Pasta can be used for people who are contraindicated in excess fluoride. Pros: It is indicated for use in people with weak enamel. Cons: high cost. The tube costs about 350 rubles.
  6. Lacalut Aktiv is a complex effect paste. Performs an anti-carious function and relieves inflammation of the gums. The composition of the remedy includes: allantoin, aluminum fluoride, chlorhexidine, bisabolol. Pros: helps with bleeding gums, effectively fights with plaque. Cons: unpleasant astringent condition in the mouth. The price is approximately 180 rubles.
  7. SILCA Herbal Complete - pasta based on sodium fluoride. In addition, the composition includes medicinal herbs( chamomile and calendula) and vitamin E, which have an anti-inflammatory effect. Pros: suitable for preventing tooth decay and bleeding gums. Cons: Feeling of freshness quickly passes. The price is approximately 100 rubles.
  8. Glister - paste contains calcium, fluoride, xylitol, which strengthen the enamel. Medium has medium abrasiveness, it can be applied at low tooth sensitivity. Pros: completely removes existing bacterial deposits and prevents the formation of new ones. Cons: use of the paste is allowed 1-2 times a week. The price is approximately 360 rubles.
  9. Parodontax - paste, which includes: fluoride, sodium bicarbonate, mineral salts, herbal extracts. The remedy removes bleeding gums and removes bacterial deposits. Pros: helps to quickly solve the plaque problem. Cons: a specific salty taste. The price is approximately 230 rubles.
  10. El-ce med TOTAL CARE 40 VITAL - the paste, marketed as anti-aging, helps to prevent caries, keep the enamel and gums healthy, especially to people after 40. The composition includes: allantoin, zinc chloride, sodium fluoride, and vitaminsC and E. Pros: a small whitening effect, healing gums. Cons: The remedy is rarely sold in pharmacies. The price is approximately 160 rubles.

And also those toothpastes that are in demand among consumers, judging by their feedback.

Pasta Sensodin with fluoride bought after she noticed that the teeth became very sensitive. When examined by a doctor, it was found out that caries had not bypassed me, and on 2 teeth began to develop. The dentist advised to buy this paste. She brushed her teeth twice a day for about a month. Sensitivity has passed, and teeth have clearly become stronger.

Alina, 37

Personally, I really do not like to find SLS in the composition of any product, so I decided to find a toothpaste without this supplement to prevent tooth decay. I was very pleased to discover the pasta of the President of the classic, besides the only herbal ingredients. Yes, the paste foams poorly, but almost natural and with its function is excellent, cleans carefully.

Marina, 20

As I myself am a dentist, I know firsthand about the formulations and the degree of exposure to toothpastes. For the treatment of only begun caries or for its prevention, I highly recommend the Elmex paste. You can brush your teeth every day, as there are no aggressive substances in it.

Vladimir Leonidovich, 47

I have been working as a dentist for 8 years now. Me and my husband use the paste Parodontax. Although everyone does not like its salty taste, this is not the main thing. It is important that it remineralizes the enamel and contains plant components that positively affect the gums. As a doctor, I highly recommend it for the prevention of tooth decay.

Tamara, forumchanka-dentist

When choosing a toothpaste for caries it is necessary to be guided not only by its price or available reviews. It is important to consider the condition of your teeth and the recommendations of your dentist. If you select and use the appropriate instruction correctly, the effect will not be long in coming.

  • Mar 05, 2018
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