Where to treat Meniere's disease?

Where to treat Meniere's disease?

To date, Ménière's disease is common enough in patients of different ages and social status. Although it is very difficult to diagnose this disease. And this is due in large part to the fact that the disease has a number of symptoms, characteristic of other ailments.

To begin with, it is necessary to understand how the disease manifests itself, because of what it arises, how it is possible to stop seizures.

Symptoms, Diagnosis, Causes of Meniere's Disease

So, in order to describe the sensations experienced by a patient with this rare disease, it is enough to imagine yourself at any extreme attraction. At one point, the whole world before the eyes of the patient begins to swirl with great speed, he feels nausea, noise in the ears, can not control himself at all.

These symptoms may indicate the development of epilepsy or other abnormalities in the central nervous system. However, with the planned thorough examination and diagnosis of the patient's condition, it appears that the cause of the disease is the

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increase in the volume of the labyrinth fluid in the inner ear .Many know that the normal operation of the vestibular apparatus is largely the responsibility of the hearing organs.

It is almost impossible to get rid of the disease completely.

No doctor can guarantee that after a long treatment the attack will never happen again. However, treatment in this case is necessary. After all, without him, the patient's condition will worsen. In addition to the above signs of the development of the disease, the patient necessarily worsens hearing .

The first attack, of course, frightens the patient. But it may not repeat itself for several months, sometimes even years. The person simply forgets about the disease, considering that the first attack is the result of overwork, stress, nervousness. However, when the attack repeats, and sooner or later it happens, you have to think about the treatment. Diagnosis of the disease and the algorithm of its treatment can be performed in many domestic and foreign surdological clinics.

Medical treatment of Meniere's disease gives an excellent result. At least, this approach allows you to reduce the number and duration of seizures to a minimum. In situations where, as a result of the illness, hearing deteriorates sharply, surgical intervention is indicated.

Treatment of Ménière's disease in Russian clinics

St. Petersburg Scientific Research Institute of Ear, Nose, and Throat
Russia, St. Petersburg, ul. Bronnitskaya 9.
Phone: 7101576

Surgeon center for polyclinic № 2 of rehabilitation treatment
Russia, Moscow, Khoroshevskoye sh., 1.
Phone: +7( 495) 9413909.

Treatment of Ménière's disease in the world

Of course, world-renowned clinics also provide assistance in relieving seizures with Meniere's disease and restoring general health.

Rambam Medical Center in Israel
It is here that today the most progressive methods of treatment of the most complex diseases are offered.
Phone: +97248267111.

Medical High School of Hanover
76534, Baden-Baden, Germany.
Phone: +4915787575573.

University Hospital Freiburg
Robert-Koch-Str.1, Freiburg, D-79106, Germany.
Phone: +4976127019300.

If you take responsibility for your own health, then all problems can be eliminated.

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