Romazulan is an anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, antimicrobial herbal remedy, refers to herbal remedies. Chamomile essential oil, on the basis of which it is prepared, has anti-inflammatory, sedative and anesthetic effect.
This is a brownish with a greenish hue concentrate with a special chamomile-alcoholic odor. In the composition of Romazulan: liquid extract of chemist's chamomile - 85,881 g, guaiazulene - 0,037 g, auxiliary components. Correct application guarantees a quick action, without any side reactions.
- Indications
- Indications
- Indications
- Internal
- Cosmetology
- Contraindications
- Administration and dosage
- Overdose and adverse reactions
- Special instructions
- Storage conditions and shelf life
- Analogues and costs
- Consumer opinion
Indications for use
FromThis special concentrate is prepared solutions, for internal, external, local use after identifying problems by a specialist. It is widely used in cosmetology and dentistry.
Topical application
It is used in dentistry for rinsing, rinsing, tampons, compresses. It is successfully used in the therapy of such infectious-inflammatory pathologies as:
- stomatitis;
- gingivitis;
- periodontal disease;
- after tooth extraction;
- irritation of the mucosa in the oral cavity of dentures.
Also with ENT - diseases of various nature, inflammations and infections of the genital and urinary system.
External application of
It is a good stimulator of cell regeneration of the epidermis, it is applied in the form of lavages, dressings, compresses in the treatment of abrasions, cracks, inflammation of the skin of various origin.
It is prescribed for: various diseases of the digestive tract, treatment of hemorrhoids, inflammation in the rectum.
The means based on a camomile, has good indicators in struggle against dandruff, dullness and fragility of hair, slightly clarifies them thus.
The property of Romazulan according to the instructions, is effectively used in cosmetology, for external treatment of skin problems. It can be used as an independent drug, and for complex treatment in the fight against inflammation. Increases the effectiveness of masks, if their composition is added Romazulan.
According to the instructions for use, Romazulan as any drug may have some contraindications. To exclude its use is necessary in case of intolerance of components, people prone to the disease with bronchial asthma.
Internal use during pregnancy and lactation is prohibited, but external use is acceptable. Children who have not reached the age of 12 because of the alcohol content the drug is contraindicated to take inside. It is admissible to use it exclusively for local dental and external use.
Method of administration and dose
Depending on the purpose, the method of use may differ:
- In the dentistry of .When topical application for rinsing is bred in 1 liter.warm boiled water 1.5 tsp concentrate. From this solution, you can make bandages and compresses.
- For internal use of .The solution is prepared from 150-200 ml of water( warm) and 0.5 tsp of Romazulan. Drink the prepared solution 3-4 times a day after eating. The course of treatment is up to 3 weeks. It is possible to repeat therapy as directed by a specialist.
- For external use and micro enema .Dilute 0.5 parts of Romazulan concentrate in 1 liter of water. With ENT diseases rinse up to 4 times a day. With gynecological problems, the solution is prepared from the 1st teaspoon of the remedy and 1 liter.water rinsing done 2 times a day.
Overdose and Adverse Reactions
Drug use alone or excess of prescribed doses may lead to an overdose. In this case, urgent rinsing of the stomach and the use of activated carbon are necessary. Probably, hospitalization is required.
Rarely( 1: 500), the use of romazulan results in such side effects:
- dermatitis;
- with conjunctivitis;
- worsening asthma;
- rashes on the skin;
- edema of the face.
Even more rarely are dizziness, nausea, decreased blood clotting. Joint use with alcohol depresses the nervous system. In case of occurrence of such adverse reactions urgent medical consultation is necessary.
Special instructions
The product is not addictive. It is necessary to limit its use inside when carrying out work associated with increased danger and driving transport. It is important to follow the instructions for use and doctor's advice.
Before using this product, it is necessary to make a test for its tolerance by the body. The drug is for sale without a prescription.
Romazulan( photos) can be combined with antibiotics, sorbents and other medicines. He excellently showed himself in complex treatment.
But the simultaneous intake of it with drugs that dilute the blood, creates the risk of bleeding in the digestive tract.
Storage conditions and expiration date
The preparation of Romazulan should be stored in a dark, cool place inaccessible to children for up to 2 years. Use the product after the specified period is strictly prohibited.
The drug is sold by pharmacies in 50 and 100 ml polyvinyl chloride brown bottles clogged with a black propylene cap with a safety ring to ensure tightness.
The bottle together with the instruction for use is packed in a pack of cardboard. Manufactured from natural components, Romazulan can have a small deposit on the bottom of the vial.
Analogues and cost
There is a large number of analogues that can be bought in Moscow if Romazulanet is in a pharmacy, here are some of them:
- Hepilor;
- Pantestine;
- Medasept;
- AHD 2000;
- Rotokan;
- Candide;
- Sebidine.
It is important to remember that before making a decision about using an analogue, you should consult a doctor.
Prices in Moscow pharmacies for Romazulan range from:
- 50 ml can cost 121 - 132 rubles;
- 100 ml - from 205 to 228 rubles.
Opinion of consumers
Analysis of reviews of people using the drug Romazulan shows that the drug copes well with health problems, it is used both in medicine and for the face in cosmetology.
People agree that the strengths of the drug are in its natural composition, low price, in a wide range of applications, almost in the total absence of adverse reactions. Romazulan is a remedy that must be provided in the first-aid kit of each family.
- Indications