The purposes and features of application of Maraslavin in stomatology

Maraslavin is one of the effective tools to help solve numerous problems that arise in the tooth-gum system.

The drug is effective, both in the chronic course of the disease, and in treatment requiring the use of an antiseptic with a powerful, rapid and at the same time a wide range of effects on all types of microorganisms living in the oral cavity.

The use of the drug also makes it possible to make oral tissues as sparing as possible.


  • Formulation and Composition
  • Pharmacological Profile
  • Scope
  • Possible Adverse Reactions
  • Treatment Scheme
  • Strongly Recommended
  • Special Patients
  • Hot on the trail of patients treated with
  • Purchase of the drug and its analogs

Form and Composition

Maraslavin is a viscous(liquid) drug form of a brownish-red color with a pronounced specific smell and taste, the components of which are natural essential oils:

  • hmolecular pepper;
  • wormwood Pontic;
  • thyme;
  • buds of clove;
  • of ginger.
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From inorganic substances in the formulation of the drug include:

  • wine vinegar;
  • ammonium chloride( used as food additive Е510, in the countries of Scandinavia it is a part of sweets).

The solvent is water.

Pharmacological profile

The distinctive properties of the medicament are:

  • simple in use( after completion of the treatment course, the dentist trained patient can use it at home to maintain gum health);
  • formulation, which includes exclusively natural ingredients, with a minimum of allergic manifestations and danger to the body, even from erroneous use for other purposes;
  • storage convenience and long shelf life of the drug.

And this means that the contingent of persons to whom the drug can be recommended for treatment is very large.

In addition to local anesthetic effects and prevention of inflammatory and allergic reactions, Maraslavin cleans wound and inflamed surfaces from necrotic tissues and toxins formed in them due to the presence of a powerful adsorptive and tanning effect, and also enhances the separation of saliva cleansing the oral cavity.

The drug also promotes regeneration, due to stimulation of growth and increase in the density of collagen fibers, leading to the growth of the gingival epithelium with the restoration of the connection of gum tissues with cement of the tooth root.


The properties of the drug followed by indications for its use - Maraslavin is indispensable in the treatment of gingivitis and periodontitis, including in the postoperative preventive period.

The peculiarity of the initial period of therapy with the drug, in the case of the pyorrheal process in the periodontium, is a picture of the increase in the phenomena of the local inflammatory reaction: swelling of the mucosa with increased hyperemia and purulent exudation.

But with the continuation of therapy sessions the volume of exudate gradually decreases and simultaneously with its complete disappearance the normalization of the condition of the papillae of the gum and its margin occurs.

In the treatment of hemorrhagic periodontal disease, Maraslavin, reducing the volume of edema of the gums, their bleeding and sensitivity to pain, returns the gingival papilla complete contact with the dental necks, while the capacity of the gingival pockets either decreases significantly or they completely close.

Contraindications to the prescription of the drug only two:

  • individual sensitivity to the ingredients of the formulation, which has the character of intolerance;
  • presence of an abscess in the oral cavity.

Possible adverse reactions

With the use of the drug, there may be a side effect in the form of a subfebrile condition, explained by the absence of an outlet for a purulent exudate when the alveolar pocket of the alveolar pocket is closed with a tampon with the drug.

This, in no case, does not indicate an overdose of the drug( no such fact has so far been described), but is a natural reaction of the body to the presence of an abscess that does not find an outlet( as in abscess, furuncle and in similar cases).

Treatment Scheme

The drug should be used in a hospital setting. The algorithm of the dentist's actions includes preparation for the therapy session and direct medical manipulation.

Preparation begins with the removal of tartar and cleaning of the gingival pockets with the introduction of tampons with medication in their cavity for 5-6 minutes, the repetition rate at the first visit is equal to five to six manipulations.

With the last injection, tampons are left until the next session on the next day( the first five to six treatment sessions should be conducted at intervals of not more than 1 day).

In the second and subsequent visits, the manipulation also begins with the cleaning of the gingival pockets and removal of the subgingival stone, then the introduction and swapping of the tampons with the medication is repeated.

The patient should remember that for all questions arising in the treatment, he is obliged to contact the attending physician, who takes measures to resolve them. Therefore, for the success of therapy, following the instructions and the prescribed treatment regimen should be rigorous.

is strongly recommended At the first visit, the dentist warns the patient that it is necessary to remove the inserted tampons by himself and immediately seek help if the temperature rises, as well as the undesirability of the patient's independent actions, both with the drug and with the injected tampons.

The patient is also warned about the need for:

  • exclusion from the diet of an acute and irritating nature( while the table is supplemented with food with a high content of vitamins A and C);
  • on the limitation of the term in the sun.

The patient is prohibited from brushing teeth and brushing, and using mouthwashes - oral care for Maraslavin is to rinse it with warm water( 10-15 ml / glass) twice a day.

Taking into account the need for 17-20 treatment sessions, the full course is 3 months. The dentist makes a decision about the need for the next course, based on the results of the completed course.

Usually, regardless of the patient's condition, the treatment is repeated six months later( to completely eliminate the local microbial flora), and the conclusion about the results of the therapy is made one year after the final examination.

Special patients of

The drug can not be taken by children under the age of 14 and pregnant women, since the study of the effect of the drug on the fetus is not yet finalized, as well as nursing mothers( due to the possibility of an impact on the body of the infant).

Hot on the heels of patients treated with

Reviews of dentists and patients who received treatment with Maraslavin.

Despite the prescription for a prescription and a long "experience" of using the drug, I consider Maraslavin to be a very valuable tool, especially effective in the treatment of chronic periodontitis with far-reaching consequences, and in a large number of cases, it allows successfully to avoid surgical treatment.

Vladimir( dentist, Moscow)

For a long time he could not do anything with a smell from his mouth, neither expensive toothpastes with the most "magic" properties, nor tooth elixirs for rinsing helped. It was already decided that it was due to some kind of stomach or bowel disease.

But the dentist explained: no, all because of periodontal disease. I went through the course of "maraslavinotherapy" and now I am very pleased: my teeth are sitting in the holes, as if they were poured in, and people stopped turning away from me. Thanks to the one who created this miracle-tool, it's not for nothing that his name is "glory"!Yes, and my dentist - too!

Sergey( Vladivostok)

Yes, although the drug is preferable to the taste, but it certainly works - for half a year I forgot about the wobbling of the front teeth, and about the unremovable "aroma" from the mouth, compared to which the smell from the mouth of the smoker is simply incense. And 80 rubles for a bottle in our dear time is nothing at all.

Vitaliy( Surgut)

Purchase of funds and its analogues

Maraslavin, whose price in pharmacies in Moscow ranges from 79 to 83 rubles, fully retains its properties at a temperature not exceeding 25 degrees, for 3 years.

The drug, which would be completely similar in properties to Maraslavin, was not created. From close on the effect on the body, you can note such funds:

  • Kamident;
  • Poliminerol;
  • Stomatophyte.
  • Mar 07, 2018
  • 46
  • 138