Parodontocid for the prevention of diseases of the mouth and gums

Attractive appearance gives the person self-confidence. And the main component of beauty is a healthy white smile and fresh breath.

To maintain the oral cavity in good condition, it requires constant quality care. And here it is very important to choose the right set of necessary preventive measures. One of the effective drugs is Parodontocid in different forms of release.

Forms and composition

Formulation and composition

  • Pharmacological profile
  • Indications and contraindications for use
  • Scheme of application
    • Use of
    • solution Application of spray
    • Treatment with gel
    • Treatment with mouth rinse
    • Toothpaste
  • Special patients
  • Side effects
  • From the practical experience of using
  • Acquisition of medicineand its analogues
  • Forms and composition of

    A series of drugs Parodontocid refers to effective means of prevention,all medicines in the complex provide the oral cavity with sufficient dental care. In the series, drugs complementary to each other are presented. Application of all of them together forms a coherent system, the main task of which is to restore the health of the oral cavity and save it in the future.

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    The whole line has analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties. Medicines are actively fighting the spread of disease-causing bacteria, act as an aid in the treatment of serious diseases such as periodontitis, periodontitis and gingivitis.

    The Parodontocid Series consists of five preparations:

    • toothpaste;
    • gel;
    • rinse solution;
    • spray;
    • rinse aid.

    All funds are actively fighting the diseases of periodontal disease, and each of them is an effective preventive drug.

    The whole series is produced in the domestic factory of Mospharm, which is famous for the release of high-quality and efficient products. The company confidently takes a leading position in the pharmaceutical market.

    The basis for creating the means Parodontocid was the combination of plant components, with antibacterial purposes. All agents quickly remove the inflammatory process and lead to the healing of the wound in the mouth.

    The main components of the component:

    • sage has bactericidal properties, removes the inflammatory process;
    • asparagus eliminates inflammation, has antimicrobial effect;
    • mint gives a fresh breath, reduces the sensation of pain;
    • EVENGOL has a cleansing effect;
    • phenyl salicylate has antiseptic properties;
    • allantoin updates cells, restores the immune system;
    • carnation is responsible for the elimination of pathogenic microorganisms;
    • sodium fluoride has a strengthening effect, protecting against the formation of caries;
    • Thymol has a fungicidal effect.

    Pharmacological profile

    Thanks to a correctly selected combination of active ingredients in the formulation, their regular application leads to a quick and positive result.

    The obtained effect is resistant to possible relapses of diseases. All agents in this series have the following properties:

    • anti-inflammatory;
    • antibacterial;
    • antiseptic;
    • anticaries;
    • deodorizing.

    Dentists recommend the use of drugs in combination to achieve a positive effect. Due to carefully selected connection of components, the further spread of pathogenic microorganisms in the oral cavity stops.

    Regular application of the means ensures rapid regeneration of the affected cells in the oral cavity, restoring the microflora.

    The composition of the pharmacological preparation includes fluoride ions, which have a beneficial effect on the state of tooth enamel, strengthen teeth and gums.

    Indications and contraindications for use

    Toothpaste is used in such cases:

    • bad odor;
    • is an inflammatory process;
    • gum bleeding;
    • bacterial plaque;
    • thinning of enamel;
    • manifestations of caries.

    Parodontocid in solution is used in such situations:

    • a disturbance of the state of microflora;
    • gum disease;
    • when wearing braces;
    • loosening of the tooth roots;
    • stomatitis;
    • gingivitis.

    Spray is effective in such cases:

    • gum bleeding;
    • unpleasant odor.

    Indications for use of the gel:

    • a strong inflammatory process of the oral mucosa;
    • tissue structure disorder;
    • gum bleeding;
    • ulcers, erosion of the gums;
    • after surgery in the oral cavity;
    • wearing braces.

    The rinse aid is used in the initial stages of the following diseases:

    • stomatitis;
    • periodontitis;
    • soreness during wearing braces, prostheses;
    • gum bleeding;
    • formation of pathogenic plaque;
    • unpleasant odor.

    Numerous studies have been conducted, the result of which has shown that the use of the Parodontocid series of agents has an effective effect in the treatment of periodontitis.

    Patients who participated in these tests noted that regular use of the drug eliminates bleeding, reduces pain, strengthens teeth and gums, and improves microflora.

    Contraindications refer to the entire group of agents:

    • manifestation of allergies to individual components of the composition, including plant origin;
    • increased fluoride content in dental enamel( fluorosis);
    • pregnancy;
    • lactation period;
    • children under the age of 14 years.

    Scheme of application

    The features of application and dosage, as it is easy to assume, depend on the form of release.

    Use of

    solution The solution should be applied every day, in the mornings and evenings, after preliminary cleaning of the teeth. The solution can be used to rinse and conduct a special gum massage.

    For rinsing it is necessary to take one third of a glass of clean warm water and dilute in it 20 drops of solution. Rinse the oral cavity for three minutes. Pay special attention to the space between the teeth.

    For massage, a few drops of the solution are required in undiluted form. Apply the product to a cotton swab and massage. It is necessary to move towards the top of the gum.

    The period of application is four weeks. After that, you need to take a break for three weeks, after repeating the procedure.

    Strictly contraindicated swallowing solution.

    Application of spray

    Use twice a day, after morning and evening brushing your teeth. By irrigation, treat the oral cavity.

    Gel treatment

    Take a small amount of gel Parodontocid, the size of the strip is not more than one centimeter. Apply to the inflamed area, then the is distributed throughout the gum. Apply with light massaging movements.

    For applications, you will need a bandage strip on which the cream is applied. The dressing is applied to the inflamed area and holds for 15 minutes.

    Repeat the procedure three times for ten days.

    Warning: during the procedure, there may be a slight burning sensation, which soon passes!

    Treatment of the mouth with a rinse aid

    The set contains a special measuring cup for easy application. Take 10ml of rinse and rinse the mouth for one minute.

    No dilution is required. The procedure should be repeated up to four times a day after eating or brushing your teeth. After use, do not drink or eat for the next 30 minutes. Swallow the rinse aid is prohibited.


    Standard use, as for any other toothpaste. Brushing your teeth is required within three minutes, every day in the mornings and evenings.

    Application features:

    • due to the content of ethanol should not be allowed to swallow the product;
    • to achieve a positive result is recommended the use of at least three of the series at a time;
    • with a ban for taking drugs with fluoride content, you can use only the gel, solution, rinse aid from the series Parodontocid;
    • is allowed admission for diabetes, but only after a mandatory consultation with a specialist;
    • any device is allowed to apply no more than four weeks followed by a break;
    • a small amount of alcohol in the composition does not lead to negative consequences;
    • the shelf life of the drug does not decrease even after opening the bottle and lasts until the date that is indicated on the package.

    Special patients

    Use of the drug by children is allowed only at the age of 14 years. The composition includes ethyl alcohol.

    There is no direct ban on the use of the drug during pregnancy. When pregnant women have problems with oral health and want to use one of the medicines, it is worth consulting with the doctor in charge. He will assess the possible risks and give an accurate advice on the possible use of a particular form of medicine.

    Side effects of

    Negative reactions during the administration of any medicine appear extremely rarely. But in some cases, the following adverse reactions may occur:

    • contact eczema directly on a site treated with a solution or gel;
    • slight burning sensation after application of the spray.
    • is allergic to certain components in the formulation.

    From the practical experience of using

    Expert opinion and feedback from consumers who are taking or have taken Parodontocide in one form or another.

    With stomatitis or gingivitis, the preparations of the Parodontocid series are perhaps one of the best. They can rarely provoke an allergic reaction. The action of each of them is fast, high-quality and effective. To take every medicine costs at least a month, so that there is an obvious result and a positive effect on the oral cavity. Patients remain satisfied, especially as the price of drugs is quite acceptable.

    Dental hygienist

    On a personal example I can tell you about every remedy in this series. I used them all, some at the same time, as recommended. It is very gratifying that so many important and useful tools can be bought in one place.

    I approached each of them, there were no side effects. In addition to the fact that this is an excellent preventive maintenance, so one day I was helped with a rinse aid with stomatitis.

    Nina Pavlovna

    I was removed a tooth and a friend advised the gel from this complex. He has a quick healing effect that I checked personally on myself.

    Two days later, the wound markedly decreased, and there was no pain at all. I used to remove my teeth, but, unfortunately, I did not know about such a magic gel. And then it was a painful period after the removal, and now I practically did not notice anything.

    Katerina Maryanovna

    Acquisition of medication and its analogues

    If necessary, specialists propose to replace Parodontocid with the following analogues:

    • Metrodent - gel with antiseptic effect;
    • Metrogil Denta - gel against gum disease;
    • solution Stomatidin - rinse aid for the oral cavity;
    • aerosol and solution Hexoral is a rinse aid for stopping inflammation in the oral cavity.

    The entire line of funds is sold at an average price not exceeding 200 rubles.

    Preparations should be stored in a place protected from sunlight, at a temperature not exceeding 20 ° C.Useful substances retain their properties for two years from the date of manufacture.

    • Mar 05, 2018
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