With toothache, there is a general decline, as this kind of pain syndrome affects more of all systems of human functioning.
It is possible to overcome unpleasant sensations, only having eliminated the reason, but before visit to the stomatologist usually resort to use of anesthetics or folk remedies.
- Sequence of actions for the occurrence of toothache
- Baralgin - painkiller tablets
- Ketanov - strong anesthetic
- Nurofen - efficient and fast
- Dexalgin is the best choice
- Drink Nize and everything will be found
- Than anesthetize at home?
- Patient feedback
Sequence of actions for the occurrence of toothache
If the tooth is aching, it is necessary to adhere to a number of rules that will help reduce or completely remove the unpleasant sensations:
- it is necessary to remove food residues that have entered the cavity of the tooth or in the spaces between the teeth;
- a warm solution made from a teaspoon of soda for half a cup of water is recommended to use for rinsing after eating and, as often as possible, at intervals between meals;
- chew food on the healthy side of the with minimal mechanical movements;
- it is forbidden to apply warm warming compresses ;
- if, in case of air, the pain becomes more pronounced, should open the mouth less often;
- it is important to use anesthetic drugs .
Below we will figure out which pills are best and quickest help to get rid of toothache and we will list the drugs that help in such cases.
Baralgin - analgesic tablets
Baralgin is a good analgesic with anti-inflammatory and antipyretic properties. It is a derivative of pyrazolone. It belongs to non-steroidal analgesics, therefore it has similar properties for the whole group.
A single dose is one tablet, two tablets are allowed from toothache, but only in special cases. In this case, you should strictly observe the daily rate, which does not exceed six tablets.
Apply Baralgin recommended 2-3 times a day. As an anesthetic, tablets are recommended to drink no longer than five days.
For better absorption, the reception of tablets is accompanied by a plentiful drink. Exceeding of the indicated doses and terms is allowed only under the strict supervision of the doctor.
Baralgin has a wide range of contraindications, among which:
- age is under 15 years;
- pregnancy I and III trimesters;
- hepatic porphyria, impaired liver and kidney function;
- bronchial asthma;
- congenital deficiency of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase;
- is allergic to ingredients in the formulation;
- diseases associated with hemopoiesis;
In addition to strict limitations, the drug has reservations in which it is undesirable to use Baralgina, but when appointed by your doctor, you can take the pill, adhering to the minimum daily dose.
Ketanov - a strong analgesic
Ketanov acts at the expense of pyrrolizine-carboxylic acid, which is a good anesthetic, reduces inflammation and moderately fights with heat. This is the most powerful anesthetic that effectively copes with toothache in an adult according to reviews, but the drug can not be used often.
A single dose is 1 tablet, which is drunk every 4-6 hours. With severe pain, you can increase a single dose to two tablets, but in this case, the number of receptions per day should not exceed four times.
In the standard situation, the maximum daily norm of Ketanov is nine tablets;at the age of more than 65 years, the body weight is less than 50 kg or if there is a violation of the kidneys should be limited to six tablets a day.
Contraindications include:
- period of pregnancy and lactation;
- age to 16 years;
- renal and hepatic insufficiency;
- ulcers and erosion of the gastrointestinal tract;
- problems with blood coagulability;
- bronchial asthma;
- is allergic to the substances that make up the drug.
There are also special instructions that must be read before applying Ketanov.
The average price for a drug is 55 rubles. It is inexpensive in comparison with analogues, but very strong, similar in its properties with opium effect. It is undesirable to abuse tablets with toothache, it is enough to confine yourself to a pair of single doses, while the best effect is achieved if Ketanov is put on a sick tooth until completely dissolved.
Nurofen - efficient and fast
Nurofen acts due to the ibuprofen included in its composition. It, like the above described drugs, has anesthetic, anti-inflammatory and antipyretic effects and, accordingly, helps to cope with toothache. Using strong tablets with toothache, you should strictly follow the instructions.
Over the age of 12, one tablet is prescribed after meals 3-4 times a day. For quick results, you can take two tablets three times a day. The maximum daily allowance for adults is 6 tablets.
It is allowed to take the drug in childhood, but the tablet form is recommended for use at the age of more than 6 years. Single dose - one tablet, no more than four times a day, mandatory interval between meals - 6 hours.
The drug should be drunk with plenty of water, apply no longer than two or three days. From three months to 6 years, use syrup or rectal suppositories.
To the contraindications of the drug include:
- problems with the gastrointestinal tract;
- heart failure;
- problems in blood supply;
- congenital deficiency of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase;
- marked violations of the liver and kidneys;
- age to 6 years;
- III trimester of pregnancy;
- lactation period;
- intolerance of constituent substances.
The price of the drug on average is 95 rubles, at a relatively low cost, it effectively fights with toothache. Nurofen is one of the few drugs that children are allowed to use in the first two trimesters of pregnancy.
Dexalgin is the best choice
Dexalgin - the best analgesic for toothache, like the above medicines, belongs to the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. He is released on the prescription of a doctor and, as a rule, has an individual course of treatment.
Usually, as a single dose, it is recommended to drink half the tablets from one to six times a day at intervals of 4-6 hours. It is allowed to increase the single dose to 1 tablet, but with an interval of not less than 8 hours and a daily number of receptions from one to three. During the day it is forbidden to use more than 3 tablets.
For violations of the liver or kidneys, and also in the elderly, no more than two tablets are prescribed per day. Dexalgin is the best toothache pill, but it is not intended for long-term use, it is prescribed for 3-5 days, after which the drug should be discontinued.
The list of contraindications includes:
- bleeding of different origin;
- severe heart failure;
- severe kidney and liver problems;
- bronchial asthma;
- gastrointestinal disturbances;
- pregnancy and lactation period;
- allergic reactions to ingredients in the ingredients.
The drug is good for its quick and persistent action, after 20-30 minutes the pain passes and does not appear again until eight o'clock. Side effects are rare, but the price of the drug is relatively high, from 250 rubles.
Drink Nyse and everything will be fine
Nyz also refers to non-steroidal drugs that reduce inflammation, acting on the source of pain, fighting fever. The active substance is nimesulide.
A single dose for adults is 2 tablets, you can take the drug twice a day. The maximum number of tablets per day should not exceed 8 pieces. Allowed to receive children. In tablet form, the drug is prescribed from three years, but it is better to give preference to a suspension that is suitable for children from two years of age.
At the age of 12 years, the number of tablets used is calculated based on the weight of the child. Take up to 5 mg of active substance per kilogram of body weight during the day, dividing the number of receptions by two or three times.
In adolescence, when reaching 40 kg, the Naise is prescribed according to a standard application, two tablets twice a day.
Contraindications for admission are:
- serious problems with the gastrointestinal tract( ulcers, erosion, bleeding);
- disorders of liver and kidney function;
- period of pregnancy and lactation;
- age under 2 years;
- intolerance of constituent substances.
It is considered a fairly strong drug, successfully coping with toothache, but the responses to it are contradictory. Sometimes when taking the drug there are side effects, but this is one of the few painkillers that is allowed for admission to children.
Although in the form of suspension, the drug is dispensed only by prescription. The price of Naise tablets starts from 200 rubles.
Than it is still possible to remove a toothache - in detail it is possible to learn from a videoclip:
Than anesthetize in house conditions?
Since the tablets for pain in the teeth have strict limitations on the amount of the drug used, often home remedies are used to combat pain.
They can help reduce inflammation and pain, albeit not for such a long period. The same methods are recommended to use in the intervals between the accepted tablets, if the action of the active substance has already ended, as well as in the presence of contraindications to admission.
Recipe Used:
- Soda and iodine solution is the most popular and most effective means for reducing toothache. A glass of water is used for half a teaspoon of soda and salt, add 5 drops of iodine. Rinses are performed every 2 hours, a positive effect is achieved after 1-2 days.
- Decoctions and infusions on herbs also effectively cope with toothache. The most common remedy is the salve sage .A tablespoon of dried herbs should be poured a glass of boiling water and let it brew to cool. To relieve pain, keep the broth in the area of the inflammation focus for 5 minutes, repeating the procedure in 5 minutes about five times.
- No less effective is clove oil or, in its absence, ground clove corn. The agent is diluted in mint drops or valocordin and makes from it lotions in the area of the diseased tooth.
- It is also worth paying attention to the propolis tincture , which moistens the area of the affected tooth. Another option for using propolis is spray. With its help, it is much easier to treat a diseased site.
- One of the known and often practiced methods is rinsing with or diluted alcohol.
Do not take too strong drink, as it can damage the mucous membrane, which will only exacerbate the problem.
Patient Reviews
What anesthetic is better, it's up to you, since much depends on the individual sensitivity of the body, below we give a few reviews of patients who demonstrate the effectiveness of different drugs.
The tooth periodically ached for a month, but I did not pay much attention to it, hoping that it will pass. At the weekend, when I was at the cottage, the pain became strong and throbbing.
The neighbor had dexalgin, drank - after 20 minutes the pain stopped. This continued until the evening, then the effect of the drug, apparently, ended, again there was pain. For the night I drank another pill, and in the morning to the doctor - a tooth was pulled out.
Oleg, Nizhny Novgorod
At work he began to ache a tooth, by the evening the pain was already strong. Before me there was a choice, what kind of a pill to drink? Since we are planning a pregnancy afraid to drink strong drugs. I took nurofen, the pain was dulled, but did not completely disappear. The next day I went to the dentist - the tooth was cured, more pain was not disturbed.
Svetlana, Magadan
Pain in the teeth is the most unpleasant kind of pain, which gives a lot of discomfort, preventing healthy sleep and eating. For this reason, all possible methods should be used to reduce the pain syndrome, but do not abuse analgesic tablets, in any case not combine several anesthetics at once.
It is important to contact the dentist as soon as possible to eliminate the cause, and up to this time one must adhere to simple recommendations for reducing pain.